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    1 把病人推入呼吸科 wheeled the transfer patient into the respiratory department

    2 把所有沙士病人集中在一两个地方 centralize all SARS patients in one or two locations

    3 保护公众免受二手烟影响 protecting the public from the dangers of second-hand cigarette smoke

    4 必须在机场酒店或自己家中隔离十日 are required to stay put for 10 days in airport hotels or their homes

    5 病人互助组织联盟主席陈萃菁 Chairman of the Alliance for Patients’ Mutual Health Organisation Chan Sui-ching

    6 不合资格使用公立医院的人 those not entitled to subsidised public medical services

    7 不建议恢复输入内地活鸡 advised against resuming live chicken imports from the mainland

    8 不许医生使用该个肝脏进行移植手术 refused the transplant team permission to use the liver

    9 裁定该私家医生违反职业操守 found the Mongkok private doctor guilty of professional misconduct

    10 城市生活压力的解药 all serve as antidotes to the stresses of city living

    11 从血液传染疯牛症的风险 the risk of transmission through blood of Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease

    12 戴口罩来减低感染沙士的机会 lower their risk of exposure to SARS by wearing face masks

    13 当时坚持未有社区扩散 insisted at the time that it had not spread to society at large

    14 到公立医院急症室求诊 seeking treatment at accident and emergency wards at public hospitals

    15 对死者家人致以最深切慰问 sent his deepest regrets and condolences to the families of those killed

    16 耳髓不平衡(耳水不平衡) Meniere’s syndrome-an imbalance of the fluid in the middle ear

    17 发烧/发热 have a fever/have a temperature/run a temperature/feverish

    18 防止肿瘤扩散到周围的组织 keep cancer from worming its way into surrounding tissue

    19 非礼、性骚扰 molest sb(vt);To molest is to attack or harm someone,especially a child,by touching them in a sexual way or trying to have sex with them.

    20 符合国际标准 complies with international standards/met international standards

    21 福群妇女权益会 The Hong Kong Association for the Survivors of Women Abuse(Kwan Fook)

    22 赶紧乘的士送女童入威尔斯亲王医院 rushed the girl to the Prince of Wales Hospital by taxi

    23 感染爱滋病病毒 contracting HIV/test positive for HIV/have tested HIV-positive/are infected with HIV

    24 公布受感染大厦名单 revealed the locations of buildings where SARS victims live

    25 规定基因改造食品必须名上卷标 bring in mandatory labelling of genetically modified(GM)foods

    26 过劳受伤 strain(n)/(vi)(vt);John strained his eyes by reading too much small print./The athlete is suffering from muscular strain.

    27 含过量防腐剂或食品添加剂 contained excessive amounts of preservatives or additives

    28 很有可能会患上严重遗传病 are tragically susceptible to serious congenital illnesses

    29 红十字会行政总监连智杰 Blood Transfusion Service chief executive Dr Lin Che-kit

    30 患病期间曾切除一腿 had a leg amputated in his struggle against the disease

    31 急症室收费 imposing fees for emergency medical treatment at the casualty wards of public hospitals

    32 急症室下个月开始收费 the accident and emergency wards would begin charging from next month

    33 加强管制声称为健康食品的产品 tighten regulations on products marketed as “health food“

    34 加强检控垃圾虫/严格执行六百元乱拋垃圾定额罚款 must be more aggressive in imposing the $600 littering fines

    35 检讨收费以确保津贴用得其所 reviewed the charges to see whether subsidies were being used correctly

    36 接受性病治疗 received treatment for the sexually transmitted diseases

    37 解除对法德荷食品三个星期的禁令 revoked its three-week ban on products imported from France,Germany and the Netherlands

    38 经接触传染的/会传染别人的 contagious(a);Scarlet fever is highly contagious./Is he still contagious?

    39 警告沙士可能已经扩散到社区 warned that Sars might have already spread to the community

    40 长生壮阳药 Chinese elixirs for long life and flagging virility

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