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    1 因输血而感染 received a tainted blood transfusion/infected through tainted blood transfusions

    2 因输血感染登革热 was infected with dengue fever after receiving blood

    3 有权选择在何处配药 have the right to choose where their medicines are dispensed

    4 有效预防和治疗某些疾病 provide health benefits in the prevention and treatment of certain diseases

    5 有长期病患纪录 had a history of chronic illness/suffered from a history of chronic diseases

    6 于网页发放妓女相片 displayed photographs of prostitutes on the Web site

    7 于星期四证实患上非典型肺炎 was confirmed on Thursday to be suffering from atypical pneumonia

    8 原本用来治疗前列腺过大 was initially used for the treatment of enlarged prostate

    9 阅读拼音字母时有阅读障碍问题 have dyslexic problems in reading the phonetic alphabets

    10 在医护人员之间传染得特别快 was spreading especially quickly among hospital staffs

    11 在医院采取严格的防止感染措施 implement strict infection-control measures in hospitals

    12 在意外现场路祭 paid last respects to their loved ones at the accident scene

    13 在主要有效成分含量方面未能符合世界卫生组织所定下的标准 failed to meet WHO requirements on active ingredient content

    14 致力敦促业界改善鸡场卫生情况 continue to press for improvements to hygiene in farms

    15 智力严重衰退 suffered from a severe deterioration in his intellect

    16 中国国家流感控制中心主任郭元吉 The director of the Influenza Surveillance Centre in Beijing

    17 重婚法 bigamy law;Bigamy is the crime of being married to two people at the same time.

    18 自三岁起就经常入院 has been in and out of hospitals since he was three

    19 走入一条旺角后巷小解 popped into a Mongkok back lane to relieve themselves

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