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    1 可以降低血管扩张术之后冠状动脉再度阻塞的机率 decreases the reblockage of coronary arteries after angioplasty

    2 可用脑部核磁共振扫描加以证实 can be confirmed with a magnetic-resonance scan of the brain

    3 屡犯不改的公屋住户的单位将被收回 cancelling tenancies in public estates of repeat offenders

    4 没有告诉病人该药物的副作用 failing to tell the patient about possible side-effects

    5 某人生存机会 the chance for sb’s survival/the survival rate for sb

    6 能改善因血液循环不足而导致的疾病 can relieve symptoms caused by insufficient blood circulation

    7 能向准父母保证有85%生女的机会 can offer couples an 85% chance of ensuring they will have a girl

    8 拟把卫生署门诊服务外判 propose contracting out its general outpatient clinics to the private sector

    9 派心理医生辅导师生 has sent psychiatrists to counsel teachers and pupils

    10 情况好转、康复 be better/get better/get well/recover(from sth)/get over sth/recovery;It took him a long time to get over his hepatitis./to make a good/rapid recovery

    11 然后被弃置在将军澳堆填区 were then discarded in the landfill at Tseung Kwan O

    12 人体器官移植委员会主席梁刘柔芬 Chairman of the Human Organ Transplant Board Sophie Leung Lau Yau-fun

    13 上内地包二奶 keeping a mainland mistress/taking mainland mistresses

    14 深切治疗部/加护病房 intensive care unit/intensive care;He was in intensive care for three days after the accident

    15 声称可以隆胸/丰胸的药膏和药丸 creams and pills claiming to increase women’s breast size

    16 手脚已经恢复有限度的动作和感觉 has regained a limited degree of movement and sensation in his hands and feet

    17 私家医院联会发言人刘国霖 Alan Lau Kwok-lam,a spokesman for the Hong Kong Private Hospitals Association

    18 添加营养食品 health food enriched with additional vitamins and minerals

    19 同时增强两种病毒的传染性和毒性 enhance both the disease’s transmissibility and virulence

    20 团结一致对抗肺炎 work together to combat the severe acute respiratory syndrome(Sars)outbreak

    21 侮辱;冒犯 affront(vt)/(sing);To affront is to offend or insult someone,especially by not showing respect.

    22 下令家居隔离十天 have been ordered to undergo a 10-day home isolation

    23 香港妇产科学会 The Obstetrical and Gynaecological Society of Hong Kong

    24 香港妇产科学院 Hong Kong College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists

    25 香港特殊学习障碍协会 Hong Kong Association for Specific Learning Disabilities

    26 香港药学会会长邝耀深 Pharmaceutical Society of Hong Kong president Benjamin Kwong Wiu-sum

    27 香港执业药剂师协会主席庞爱兰 Head of the Practising Pharmacists’ Association of Hong Kong Scarlett Pong Oi-lan

    28 香港职业及环境卫生学会 Hong Kong Institute of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene

    29 向全世界显示香港已从沙士反弹过来 show the world Hong Kong had bounced back from Sars

    30 新增感染个案连续三日少了五宗 the daily number of new cases needed to be no more than an average of five for three consecutive days

    31 休养;疗养 recuperate(vt)(vi)/convalesce(vi);He’s still recuperating from his operation./She is convalescing at home after her operation.

    32 需要整年留在病床上接受治疗 was confined to bed for a year while receiving therapy

    33 要求加强监管鸡场 called for more stringent official surveillance of chicken farms

    34 一百名轻度至中度阿兹海默症患者 100 people with mild to moderate Alzheimer’s disease

    35 一比九十九消毒漂白水 disinfectant bleach and water used in a 1:99 ratio/1:99 bleach-and-water solution

    36 医务委员会主席麦列菲菲 Medical Council chairwoman Professor Felice Lieh-Mak

    37 依照世界卫生组织所定下的标准制造银杏制品 bring their ginkgo extract products in line with WHO specifications

    38 移植的器官 transplant(n);There is always a chance that the body will reject the transplant.

    39 已爆发/扩散到社区 had spread to the wider community/was now afflicting people outside the territory’s hospitals

    40 以虚假借口促使另一人作非法的性行为 procure another person for an unlawful sexual act by false pretences
