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    译典分类展示:历史机构名称 次级分类:

    序号 中文 英文 操作
    1 都商税务 Commercial Tax Office for the Capital

    2 都水监 SUI-YUAN: directorate of waterways

    3 都水清吏司 MING-QING: Bureau of Irrigation and Transportation in the Ministry of Works“工部”

    4 都司御史房 Office for Supervision of Censors (under the Department of State Affairs“尚书省”)

    5 都万户府 Chief Brigade (a major supervisory unit of the Mongol army)

    6 都威卫使司 Metropolitan Guard Command (military units responsible for guarding the residence of the hire apparent)

    7 都无帅府 LIAO,JIN,YUAN: chief military command

    8 都盐案 Capital Salt Supply Section

    9 都虞司 Office of the Imperial Hunt

    10 都镇抚司 Chief Prison (in the predynastic military structure)

    11 都知监 MING-QING: Directorate for Intimate Attendance (one of 12 major directorates “监”in which palace eunuchs were organized)

    12 都知杂房 Chief Miscellany Office

    13 度支部 1.N-S DIV-SUI(南北朝-隋朝): reference to“度支” (the Revenue Section or the Ministry of Revenue)2. MING: Bureau of General Accounts

    14 度支曹 reference to“度支” (the Revenue Section;the Ministry of Revenue)

    15 度支监 Directorate for Animal Fodder (an agency of the central government)

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