属类:经济金融 -商务术语
属类:经济金融 -商务术语
属类:经济金融 -商务术语
属类:经济金融 -商务术语
属类:经济金融 -商务术语
属类:经济金融 -商务术语
属类:经济金融 -商务术语
属类:经济金融 -商务术语
属类:经济金融 -商务术语
属类:经济金融 -商务术语
1 | 商品资金计划管理 | planned management of funds for purchase of commodities |
2 | 模式规范法 | planning assistance through technical evaluation of relevance numbers |
3 | 上交比例基数 | predetermined proportions of base to be turned over to the state |
4 | 项目初步意向性协议 | preliminary agreement of intent to undertake a project |
5 | 工农产品交换的差价 | price differences in the exchange of agricultural and industrial products |
6 | 统筹定价 | prices decided(by their respective leading departments)in a unified way |
7 | 竞争择优的原则 | principle of selecting only the best of the competing offers(for foreign business investment) |
8 | 物资择优供应 | priority of supplying materials to enterprises with good economic performance |
9 | 假冒集体企业的私营企业 | private enterprises which are pseudo-collective ones |
10 | 严重违法的私人工商户 | private industrial and commercial units that break the law on a serious scale |
11 | 完全违法的私人工商户 | private industrial and commercial units that completely violate the law |
12 | 半守法半违法的私人工商户 | private industrial and commercial units that partly abide by the lawand partly break it |
13 | 生产水平和生产资源分配问题 | problem of production levels and allocation of productive resources |
14 | 审批程序 | procedures for examination and approval of projects |
15 | 水产品加工和综合利用 | processing and comprehensive utilization of aquatic products |
16 | 来样加工 | processing with customer’s materials;processing according to buyer’s samples |
17 | 为居民户的私人非盈利生产者 | producers of private nonprofit services to households |
18 | 农机“三化” | product standardization,general utilization and serialization of farm machinery |
19 | 黑色冶金选矿生产管理 | production management of ferrous metallurgical concentrators |
20 | 技术含量高的产品 | products that are produced with advanced technology |
21 | 能源和原材料消耗低的产品 | products that are produced with an efficient use of energy and raw and semi-finished materials |
22 | 教练员专业技术职务聘任制度 | professional employment system classifying coaches as technical personnel |
23 | 商业职工业务技术职称和标准 | professional titles and criteria for commercial workers and staff |
24 | 买卖有价证券损益 | profit and loss on buying and selling stocks and bonds |
25 | 工商利润分配 | profit distribution among industrial and commercial enterprises |
26 | 新旧官价调整差益 | profit from the difference between new and old official prices |
27 | 金银及外汇交易利益 | profit on bullion and foreign currency transactions |
28 | 社会平均成本盈利率 | profit rate on the basis of the average social costs |
29 | 建筑安装企业利润 | profits of construction and installation enterprises |
30 | 建立国际经济新秩序行动纲领 | Program of Action on the Establishment of a New International Economic Order |
31 | 计划可靠资料管理制度 | program reliability information system for management |
32 | 递远递增运价 | progressively increased freight rate with an increase of distance |
33 | 期末在建工程 | project under construction at the end of the period |
34 | 外汇和国内配套资金 | provide foreign exchange and the funds for the manufacture of the supporting facilities at home |
35 | 三多一少的发行格局 | publication network with diversified economic sectors,multi-distribution channels,multiple forms of marketing and fewer circulation links |
36 | 扫数入库 | putting all cash irrespective of denominations in the vaults |
37 | 工农业总产值翻两翻 | quadrupling the gross output value of industry and agriculture |
38 | 劳动力质量差异的结构 | qualitatively heterogeneous composition of the labor force |
39 | 物资指标按隶属关系分配 | quotas of the means of production are allocated by the higher administrative bodies to the lower ones |
40 | 回收有价值的原料 | reclaim valuable raw materials(from industrial waste water) |
1 | planned management of funds for purchase of commodities | 商品资金计划管理 | |
2 | planning assistance through technical evaluation of relevance numbers | 模式规范法 | |
3 | predetermined proportions of base to be turned over to the state | 上交比例基数 | |
4 | preliminary agreement of intent to undertake a project | 项目初步意向性协议 | |
5 | price differences in the exchange of agricultural and industrial products | 工农产品交换的差价 | |
6 | prices decided(by their respective leading departments)in a unified way | 统筹定价 | |
7 | principle of selecting only the best of the competing offers(for foreign business investment) | 竞争择优的原则 | |
8 | priority of supplying materials to enterprises with good economic performance | 物资择优供应 | |
9 | private enterprises which are pseudo-collective ones | 假冒集体企业的私营企业 | |
10 | private industrial and commercial units that break the law on a serious scale | 严重违法的私人工商户 | |
11 | private industrial and commercial units that completely violate the law | 完全违法的私人工商户 | |
12 | private industrial and commercial units that partly abide by the lawand partly break it | 半守法半违法的私人工商户 | |
13 | problem of production levels and allocation of productive resources | 生产水平和生产资源分配问题 | |
14 | procedures for examination and approval of projects | 审批程序 | |
15 | processing and comprehensive utilization of aquatic products | 水产品加工和综合利用 | |
16 | processing with customer’s materials;processing according to buyer’s samples | 来样加工 | |
17 | producers of private nonprofit services to households | 为居民户的私人非盈利生产者 | |
18 | product standardization,general utilization and serialization of farm machinery | 农机“三化” | |
19 | production management of ferrous metallurgical concentrators | 黑色冶金选矿生产管理 | |
20 | products that are produced with advanced technology | 技术含量高的产品 | |
21 | products that are produced with an efficient use of energy and raw and semi-finished materials | 能源和原材料消耗低的产品 | |
22 | professional employment system classifying coaches as technical personnel | 教练员专业技术职务聘任制度 | |
23 | professional titles and criteria for commercial workers and staff | 商业职工业务技术职称和标准 | |
24 | profit and loss on buying and selling stocks and bonds | 买卖有价证券损益 | |
25 | profit distribution among industrial and commercial enterprises | 工商利润分配 | |
26 | profit from the difference between new and old official prices | 新旧官价调整差益 | |
27 | profit on bullion and foreign currency transactions | 金银及外汇交易利益 | |
28 | profit rate on the basis of the average social costs | 社会平均成本盈利率 | |
29 | profits of construction and installation enterprises | 建筑安装企业利润 | |
30 | Program of Action on the Establishment of a New International Economic Order | 建立国际经济新秩序行动纲领 | |
31 | program reliability information system for management | 计划可靠资料管理制度 | |
32 | progressively increased freight rate with an increase of distance | 递远递增运价 | |
33 | project under construction at the end of the period | 期末在建工程 | |
34 | provide foreign exchange and the funds for the manufacture of the supporting facilities at home | 外汇和国内配套资金 | |
35 | publication network with diversified economic sectors,multi-distribution channels,multiple forms of marketing and fewer circulation links | 三多一少的发行格局 | |
36 | putting all cash irrespective of denominations in the vaults | 扫数入库 | |
37 | quadrupling the gross output value of industry and agriculture | 工农业总产值翻两翻 | |
38 | qualitatively heterogeneous composition of the labor force | 劳动力质量差异的结构 | |
39 | quotas of the means of production are allocated by the higher administrative bodies to the lower ones | 物资指标按隶属关系分配 | |
40 | reclaim valuable raw materials(from industrial waste water) | 回收有价值的原料 |