属类:经济金融 -商务术语
属类:经济金融 -商务术语
属类:经济金融 -商务术语
1 | 商盛工衰 | overheated business boom which overshadowed an industrial decline |
2 | 全民所有制的国家所有制形式 | ownership by the whole people in the form of state ownership |
3 | 生产结构决定分配结构 | pattern of production determines the pattern of distribution |
4 | 使民以时 | pay close attention to farming seasons when requisitioning corvee |
5 | 研制产品费用 | pay funds needed while a product is being developed |
6 | 估产定息 | payment of a fixed rate of interest on the basis of an appraisal of the assets |
7 | 企业实际工作者 | people engaged in practical work in the enterprises |
8 | 燃料占商品贸易总值比重 | percentage of fuel in the total value of merchandise trade |
9 | 炼钢收合率 | percentage of molten steel output to the total amount of the metals put into the furnace |
10 | 平炉日历作业率 | percentage of operating open-hearth furnace in calendar days |
11 | 利润分割比例 | percentage of profit which goes to either side is provided |
12 | 手工农场时期 | period dominated by farms in which work was done by hand |
13 | 常驻人员 | permanent personnel(attached to resident institutions) |
14 | 研究项目技术负责人 | persons responsible for the technical aspect of each research project |
15 | 社会主义固定资产的有形损耗 | physical depreciation of fixed assets under socialism |
16 | 定额超产计件工资 | piecework wage on a quota plus overfulfilment basis |
17 | 计划订货 | placing of state orders with private enterprises for the manufacture of goods |
18 | 技术援助落后地区计划 | Plan of Technological Assistance to Backward Regions |
19 | 相关树法 | planning assistance by the technical evaluation of relevance numbers |
20 | 成套产品计划法 | planning method for manufacturing a set of products |
21 | 计划采取指令形式自上而下的下达 | plans were dictated to the lower levels in the form of directives |
22 | 国别政策 | policy of dealing with different countries on their own merits |
23 | 以邮养邮的方针 | policy of financing of the postal service through its own earnings |
24 | 粮食统购统销政策 | policy of state monopoly for the purchase and marketing of grain |
25 | 对外承包工程和劳务合作方针 | policy on foreign contracted project and cooperation of labor service |
26 | 生产建设性支出 | portion of state expenditures for production and construction |
27 | 延缓供货日期 | postpone the delivery time;put off the delivery time;transfer the delivery time |
28 | 农村专业户兼业形式 | practice of encompassing several trades in a household |
29 | 习惯做法 | practices prevailing(in the international monetary market) |
30 | 分产品生产技术准备计划 | preparatory plans for productive technology in terms of products |
31 | 核算预算收支数字 | preparing the budgeted figures for revenue and expenditure |
32 | 农产品收购地区差价 | price differences in the purchase of farm produce in areas |
33 | 价格折扣 | price markdown price rebate;reduction in the price;discount from the price |
34 | 贸易外汇的内部结算价 | price of foreign exchange earned through trade for internal settlement |
35 | 持平[同国营牌价] | prices(at the fairs)level with(listed prices of the state-run commerce) |
36 | 物资企业作价原则 | pricing standards applied by materials and equipment enterprises |
37 | 银行国外分支机构监管原则 | principles for the supervision of bank’s foreign establishments |
38 | 生产企业自销商品 | productive enterprises marketing their own products |
39 | 个人与家庭遭到意外经济困难时的保障 | protection of individual and families against economic hazards |
40 | 得到保险公司的赔偿 | receive compensation from the insurance company;get compensation from an insurance company |
1 | overheated business boom which overshadowed an industrial decline | 商盛工衰 | |
2 | ownership by the whole people in the form of state ownership | 全民所有制的国家所有制形式 | |
3 | pattern of production determines the pattern of distribution | 生产结构决定分配结构 | |
4 | pay close attention to farming seasons when requisitioning corvee | 使民以时 | |
5 | pay funds needed while a product is being developed | 研制产品费用 | |
6 | payment of a fixed rate of interest on the basis of an appraisal of the assets | 估产定息 | |
7 | people engaged in practical work in the enterprises | 企业实际工作者 | |
8 | percentage of fuel in the total value of merchandise trade | 燃料占商品贸易总值比重 | |
9 | percentage of molten steel output to the total amount of the metals put into the furnace | 炼钢收合率 | |
10 | percentage of operating open-hearth furnace in calendar days | 平炉日历作业率 | |
11 | percentage of profit which goes to either side is provided | 利润分割比例 | |
12 | period dominated by farms in which work was done by hand | 手工农场时期 | |
13 | permanent personnel(attached to resident institutions) | 常驻人员 | |
14 | persons responsible for the technical aspect of each research project | 研究项目技术负责人 | |
15 | physical depreciation of fixed assets under socialism | 社会主义固定资产的有形损耗 | |
16 | piecework wage on a quota plus overfulfilment basis | 定额超产计件工资 | |
17 | placing of state orders with private enterprises for the manufacture of goods | 计划订货 | |
18 | Plan of Technological Assistance to Backward Regions | 技术援助落后地区计划 | |
19 | planning assistance by the technical evaluation of relevance numbers | 相关树法 | |
20 | planning method for manufacturing a set of products | 成套产品计划法 | |
21 | plans were dictated to the lower levels in the form of directives | 计划采取指令形式自上而下的下达 | |
22 | policy of dealing with different countries on their own merits | 国别政策 | |
23 | policy of financing of the postal service through its own earnings | 以邮养邮的方针 | |
24 | policy of state monopoly for the purchase and marketing of grain | 粮食统购统销政策 | |
25 | policy on foreign contracted project and cooperation of labor service | 对外承包工程和劳务合作方针 | |
26 | portion of state expenditures for production and construction | 生产建设性支出 | |
27 | postpone the delivery time;put off the delivery time;transfer the delivery time | 延缓供货日期 | |
28 | practice of encompassing several trades in a household | 农村专业户兼业形式 | |
29 | practices prevailing(in the international monetary market) | 习惯做法 | |
30 | preparatory plans for productive technology in terms of products | 分产品生产技术准备计划 | |
31 | preparing the budgeted figures for revenue and expenditure | 核算预算收支数字 | |
32 | price differences in the purchase of farm produce in areas | 农产品收购地区差价 | |
33 | price markdown price rebate;reduction in the price;discount from the price | 价格折扣 | |
34 | price of foreign exchange earned through trade for internal settlement | 贸易外汇的内部结算价 | |
35 | prices(at the fairs)level with(listed prices of the state-run commerce) | 持平[同国营牌价] | |
36 | pricing standards applied by materials and equipment enterprises | 物资企业作价原则 | |
37 | principles for the supervision of bank’s foreign establishments | 银行国外分支机构监管原则 | |
38 | productive enterprises marketing their own products | 生产企业自销商品 | |
39 | protection of individual and families against economic hazards | 个人与家庭遭到意外经济困难时的保障 | |
40 | receive compensation from the insurance company;get compensation from an insurance company | 得到保险公司的赔偿 |