

例句1. the children invented a new game
例句2. he broke his leg two weeks before the big game
例句4. he’s in the banking game
例句5. I spoiled his little game

形容词 变体/同根词

名词 变体/同根词


1.(of a person’s leg) permanently injured; lame.
‘his _game_ leg was playing him up’
‘I could still make a go of it, even with my _game_ leg, with a few chickens and my garden.’
2.Eager or willing to do something new or challenging.
‘they were _game_ for anything’
‘If you want others to be _game_ , you’ve got to also be _game_ yourself once in a while.’

1.A complete episode or period of play, ending in a final result.
‘a baseball _game_ ’
‘There’ll be gripping and competitive _games_ of play-off football going on all over Europe next weekend.’
2.A form of competitive activity or sport played according to rules.
‘the _game_ of cricket’
‘It’s vital that the _game_ evolves to compete with other sports, and these ideas are great.’
3.A group of swans.
‘a _game_ of swans in a common river’
‘You shall be of good behaviour toward the _game_ of swans.’
4.A meeting for sporting contests.
‘the Olympic _Games_ ’
‘I guessed that the boss was a sports fan and wished the same success for the restaurant as these athletes had at the _games_ .’
5.A person’s performance in a game; a person’s standard of play.
‘Rooks attempted to raise his _game_ to another level’
‘Rivals would be pushed to raise their own _games_ , to achieve new standards.’
6.A score of 100 points for tricks bid and made (the best of three games constituting a rubber).
‘A side which has already won one _game_ towards the current rubber is said to be vulnerable.’
‘A _game_ may be made in more than one deal, such as by scoring 60 and later 40, or it may be scored by making a larger bid and earning 100 or more points in a single deal.’
7.A secret and clever plan or trick.
‘I was on to his little _game_ ’
‘One who thinks or says otherwise indulges in the _game_ of double standards.’
8.A single portion of play forming a scoring unit in a match, especially in tennis.
‘then came another ace to set up _game_ , set, and match’
‘The Swiss calmly wrapped up the victory on the first of three match points a _game_ later.’
9.A type of activity or business regarded as a game.
‘he was in the restaurant _game_ for the glamour’
‘this was a _game_ of shuttle diplomacy at which I had become adept’
10.An activity that one engages in for amusement or fun.
‘the kids were playing a _game_ with their balloons’
‘Try these verbal _games_ to engage their minds as well as their bodies.’
11.Athletics or sports as a lesson or activity at school.
‘in order to be popular, you had to be good at _games_ ’
‘We take them to their _games_ , lessons, etc. but how much do we really interact with them?’
12.The equipment for a game, especially a board game or a video game.
‘buy your _games_ and software from us’
‘The children say they have enjoyed the rewards of their efforts, having used the profits to buy _games_ for the classroom and finance a trip to New Lanark.’
13.The flesh of wild mammals or birds, used as food.
‘a _game_ pie’
‘He insists that all the meat is Scottish and the seafood, _game_ , fruit and vegetables are local and delivered each day.’
14.Wild mammals or birds hunted for sport or food.
‘they hunted _game_ in Alaska’
‘Sporting shooting of _game_ or clays is a legal pastime enjoyed by many people of all ages and from all social backgrounds.’

1.Manipulate (a situation), typically in a way that is unfair or unscrupulous.
‘it was very easy for a few big companies to _game_ the system’
‘politicians blamed electricity generators for _gaming_ the market’
2.Play gambling games.
‘other Russians _gamed_ at the tables in Monte Carlo’
‘The changes will not yet impact on Northern Ireland _gaming_ laws that still ban casinos.’
3.Play video games.
‘the majority of the audience are teens who _game_ and watch anime’
‘Nintendo has been around longer than video _gaming_ and it most likely will stay that way forever.’

独上高台望四海 手揽云月傍天飞, 落叶重重已十月 归鸟凄凄啼心扉。