

    名词复数:graces 词频:高频常用词
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    例句3. Americans found it hard to see another president fall from grace’

    例句4. he was granted a house by grace of the king’

    例句5. they have been given five days’ grace to decide’


    形容词 变体/同根词

    Worthy of grace.
    “Oh that I was as good and graceworthy as Ezra, that fair-going youth!”
    Characterised or marked by grace
    “Let her remember clearly that a dairy-maid Cleopatra is a gracesome thing.”
    Having or showing grace in movement, shape, or proportion.
    “She looked as light as a feather on the beam, performing aerials and graceful dance moves.”
    “The end result is an elegant and graceful decor combined with subtle pastel color tones and delicate accents.”
    “He did not read the address, but spoke without manuscript or notes in a clear and distinct voice, with a graceful manner.”
    Slender; thin; lean. || Graceful or gracefully slender.
    “The cuneate fasciculus covers its nucleus and occupies the area immediately lateral to the gracile fasciculus.”
    “Most muscles in both the forelimb and hindlimb are gracile, with simple parallel fibered strap-like architecture.”
    “Fossil evidence links human ancestry with populations that evolved from modern gracile morphology in Africa 130,000-160,000 years ago.”
    kind and warmly courteous || tactful || compassionate || indulgent, charming and graceful || elegant and with good taste || benignant || full of grace
    “She devoted much time to the development of the business, including being the gracious hostess for business dinners.”
    “Here is a room designed for comfort, yet gracious and formal enough for hosting even the most important parties.”
    “Only when we give alms, fast, and pray with the spirit of Jesus and God’s gracious presence do we please God.”

    名词 变体/同根词

    The state of being gracious.
    “His mild manner, gentle graciousness, and total dedication to mathematics leave an indelible impression on all who have gotten to know him.”
    “He disembarks and smiles so cutely at me, conveying both graciousness and modesty.”
    “Michael saw it as characteristic of Miss Laudon’s graciousness to repay her friend’s loyalty in this way.”
    The state of being graceful.
    “No human being could resist such an authoritative beauty, gracefulness, and charm.”
    “No human being could resist such an authoritative beauty, gracefulness and charm.”
    “Their gracefulness and expressiveness hid the fact that they were also very athletic and strong.”
    The state of being graceless.
    “His post filled me with an unfortunate sense of loss as I considered the gracelessness of our current popular culture.”
    “They bring a sense of confrontation rather then conciliation, belligerence rather than humility and gracelessness rather than gracefulness.”
    “For her, the film is not a directorial debut, but it is constructed with the clumsiness and gracelessness of one.”
    The state or quality of being gracile.
    (anatomy) The property or condition of being gracile.
    “The concept of gracility had taken over, causing young women to seek after the slender figure of a tubercular, anemic, chlorositic waif.”

    动词 变体/同根词


    good graces

    好意, 友意


    -English to Chinese - -

    airs and graces



    -航海工程 - -

    in sb.’s good graces



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