


licensor : 发许可证书者,发执照者
n. 【法律专业】
供方 ,许可证卖方

名词 变体/同根词

(law) A person to whom a license is granted.
“Accordingly, the occupier did not have exclusive possession of his room, and was a licensee and not a tenant.”
“How does this permit State activity of this sort directed to a licensee as to what they may or may not broadcast?”
“Bradford licensing justices said that he had abdicated his duties as licensee to his brother Michael and his partner Claire.”
The property of being licentious.
“The conservative narrative would be built around some idea of liberal licentiousness or sloth or some such.”
“As in many things, we must walk that line between legalism or pietism on the one hand and licentiousness on the other.”
“Tiberius distinguished his reign by great indolence, excessive cruelty, unprincipled avarice, and abandoned licentiousness.”
The role or status of licentiate.
“The baccalaureate, licentiateship, and mastership formed three distinct degrees.”
“The order of merit at the examination for the licentiateship existed in Paris till quite recently.”
“Until a few years ago the successful candidates at the licentiateship were arranged in order of merit.”
(law) A party that grants a license to another.
“On occasion, I also deal directly with the licensor to acquire art assets for use in the guide.”
“Thus attribution can be to the author, or to another entity, or both, as the licensor specifies.”
“This License may not be modified without the mutual written agreement of the licensor and You.”
The act of conferring a license for an activity || The condition of being licensed
“Permits may be issued in certain professions where an applicant for licensure meets specific requirements.”
“All of the information you need to apply for initial licensure or a renewal of your license is available for download here.”
“Alabama state law allows licensure agencies to adopt and promulgate rules governing professional practices.”
动词 变体/同根词

“Fishing effort could also be controlled by licensing boats and limiting their catches.”
“Actually, much of the licensing and regulation is aimed at protecting the public from frauds and quacks.”
“The licensing of alehouses and inns was the responsibility of justices of the peace.”
“This will include the development of a comprehensive manual for all aspects of driver licencing including that of driving schools and instructors.”
“I am not able to unfold, how this cautelous enterprise of licencing can be exempted from the number of vain and impossible attempts.”
“Thus much we are hinder’d and dis-inur’d by this cours of licencing toward the true knowledge of what we seem to know.”
The act of giving a formal (usually written) authorization. || Authorize officially.
“The authority to license television stations, sanction newspapers and to regulate cell phone companies was recently transferred to a commission whose members were chosen by the US.”



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license licensed licenser licence


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In the event of violation of the provisions of the foregoing paragraph, the administrative department for industry and commerce of the place where the licenser or licensee is located shall order the party in question to correct the situation within a specified period;


Within three months from the day the licensing contract is signed, the licenser and licensee shall submit a copy of the licensing contract to a local county-level administrative department for industry and commerce for the record; the matter shall be reported by the licenser to the Trademark Office for the record and to be published by the latter.


The “UHDE” Corporation of Federal Germany takes part in this project as a patent licenser . (owner of the know-how)




属类:行业术语 -海运-


‘The _licensers_ are comparable to the Inquisition: they must either claim infallibility or ‘bewitch’ their fellow citizens with Latin phrases.’
‘Regulation involves consumers and producers as well as official _licensers_ .’
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