

例句1. a driving licence
例句2. I went in dread of the beatings that teachers had licence to administer
例句3. they manufacture high-fashion footwear under licence
例句4. the government was criticized for giving the army too much licence
例句5. he may have used a little poetic licence to embroider a good yarn

名词 变体/同根词

动词 变体/同根词

(d)distribution licences , quotas, tariff rate quotas or any other means of approval for importation are not subject to conditions set out in Section 7, paragraph 3 of the Protocol

( d)许可证、配额、关税配额或任何其他进口批准方式的分配不受议定书第 7 条第 3 款所列条件约束的情况
属类:法学专业-中国法律-中国在过渡性审议机制中提供的信息 2

(2)For institutions concurrently engaged in advertising business, Licences for Advertising Operation shall be issued;

( 二)兼营广告业务的事业单位,发给《广告经营许可证》;

(7)Revocation of the business licences or the licences for advertising operation.

( 七)吊销营业执照或者广告经营许可证。

(3)For self-employed industrialists or businessmen capable of running advertising businesses, Business Licences shall be issued;

( 三)具备经营广告业务能力的个体商户,发给《营业执照》;

(4)For the advertisements which indicate patent rights of commodities, patent licences shall be presented;

( 四)标明专利权的商品广告,应当提交专利证书;

(1)For enterprises specializing in advertising business, Business Licences for Enterprises as Legal Persons shall be issued;

( 一)专营广告业务的企业,发给《企业法人营业执照》;

Iii)the distribution of such licences among supplying countries;(iv)where practicable, import statistics (i.e. value and/or volume)with respect to the products subject to import licensing. Developing country Members would not be expected to take additional administrative or financial burdens on this account


(iii)applications for licences when submitted in appropriate and complete form are approved immediately on receipt, to the extent administratively feasible, but within a maximum of 10 working days


(d)China shall issue import licences for a minimum duration of validity of six months, except where exceptional circumstances make this impossible.

(d)中国发放的进口许可证的有效期至少应为 6 个月,除非例外情况使此点无法做到。

(i)when issuing licences , Members shall take into account the desirability of issuing licenses for products in economic quantities


(2)issue licences to airlines incorporated in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region and having their principal place of business in Hong Kong;


(2)It has the necessary airmen who have been issued licences according to law;


(2)The availability of necessary airmen who have been issued licences according to law; and


(3)Appropriate licences for crew members;


Concerning the granting and administration of import licences , the representative of China said that the examination and approval of the licence took two to three working days.

135 .关于进口许可证的发放和管理,中国代表表示,许可证审批需 2 至 3 个工作日。

135. concerning the granting and administration of import licences , the representative of China said that the examination and approval of the licence took two to three working days


2. Except as otherwise provided for in this Protocol, foreign individuals and enterprises and foreign-funded enterprises shall be accorded treatment no less favourable than that accorded to other individuals and enterprises in respect of the distribution of import and export licences and quotas.

2 .除本议定书另有规定外,对于外国个人、企业和外商投资企业在进出口许可证和配额分配方面,应给予不低于给予其他个人和企业的待遇。

Some members of the Working Party drew China’s attention to the variety of types of requirements which could contravene Article III of the GATT 1994. Specific reference was made to the procedures, charges and conditions for granting of business licences , whether to import, distribute, re-sell or retail goods of non-Chinese origin. Reference was also made to taxes and fiscal provisions whose impact depended, directly or indirectly, upon the Chinese or non-Chinese origin of the goods imported

20 .一些工作组成员对中国法律、法规、行政通知和其他要求中的某些规定表示关注,这些规定可直接或间接地对进口产品造成违反《关税与贸易总协定》( " GATT 1994 ")第 3 条的不利待遇。此类要求包括产品注册和认证、国内税、价格和利润控制、所有不同形式的进口许可程序以及进口货物的分销或销售。

272.Further to the 1992 amendment, the representative of China stated that China’s Patent Law provided for compulsory licences based on reasonable terms, for public interest and for dependent patents. "

272 .根据 1992 年的修正案,中国代表表示,中国的《专利法》为公共利益和从属专利规定了基于合理条件的强制许可。

285.The representative of China stated that there were provisions relating to compulsory licences in the Patent Law to prevent abuse of patent right. He also stated that the Trademark Law provided that the trademark registrant may, by concluding a trademark licensing contract, authorize another person to use its registered trademark. "

285 .中国代表表示,《专利法》中有关于强制许可以防止专利权被滥用的规定。他还表示,《商标法》规定,商标注册人可以通过订立商标许可合同授权他人使用其注册商标。

The foreign exchange necessary to pay for licensed imports shall be made available to licence holders on the same basis as to importers of goods not requiring import licences


including administrative actions relating to import or export licences , non-tariff measures and tariff-rate quota administration, conformity assessment procedures and other measures. "


Fishing licences may not be sold, leased or transferred by other illegal means, and they may not be altered.


A decision on the request for an export licence normally took three working days. Licences were valid for six months and could be extended once. FIEs engaged in exporting products were required to obtain export licences if the products to be exported were subject to the licensing requirement. If the products were not subject to licensing, customs clearance would be given after examination by Customs on the basis of export contracts and other relevant documents."

出口许可证申请的审批时间一般为 3 个工作日。许可证有效期为 6 个月,并可延期一次。外商投资企业出口其属实行出口许可证的产品,需获得出口许可证;不属出口许可证管理的产品,海关凭出口合同和其他有关出口单证验放。

In addition, the following restrictive conditions for granting compulsory licences contained in the Implementing Rules of the Patent Law of 1992 had been moved into the Patent Law in order to make it more authoritative: the decision of SIPO on the granting of a compulsory licence for exploitation would be limited in terms of its scope and duration; "

此外, 1992 年《专利法实施细则》所包含的关于颁发强制许可的下列限制条件已被移入新的《专利法》,以使之更具权威性:国家知识产权局关于颁发强制许可实施专利的决定在范围和时间方面应有所限制;

In addition, the representative of China agreed that China would publish, on a quarterly basis, the requests for imports that had been made by non-state traders, as well as the licences granted, and would supply information relevant to such traders upon request. The Working Party took note of these commitments."


Those engaged in general aviation operations for commercial purposes shall apply to the competent civil aviation authority under the State Council for general aviation operating licences , and register with the administrative department for industry and commerce according to law; no registration shall be performed by the administrative department for industry and commerce for those that failed to obtain operating licences.


The next step is to obtain government approval of the contract and associated contracts and licences , following which the joint venture can be formed.


provided that the requirements under which such certificates or licences were issued or rendered valid shall be equal to or above the minimum standards established by the International Civil Aviation Organization.


Article 32. Anyone who trades in, leases or transfers fishing licences by other illegal means shall have his unlawful income confiscated and his fishing licence revoked, and may be concurrently fined.



1.A permit from an authority to own or use something, do a particular thing, or carry on a trade (especially in alcoholic drink)
‘a gun _licence_ ’
‘a television _licence_ fee’
2.A reason or excuse to do something unacceptable.
‘police say that the lenient sentence is a _licence_ to assault’
‘Giving them free license to print will result in their indiscriminate covering of the entire surface with gadget prints.’
3.A writer’s or artist’s freedom to deviate from fact, or from conventions such as grammar, for effect.
‘artistic _licence_ ’
‘Your artist friend also has taken more than slight artistic license.’
4.Formal or official permission to do something.
‘a subsidiary company manufactured cranes under _licence_ from a Norwegian firm’
‘They have given us license and permission to do it.’
5.Freedom to behave as one wishes, especially in a way which results in excessive or unacceptable behaviour.
‘the government was criticized for giving the army too much _licence_ ’
‘Rather than promoting self control and continent behaviour, we are encouraging unlimited _licence_ .’
‘I looked for things that debased freedom, promoted license, ridiculed responsibility, and denigrated man and God - but that was all of TV.’
‘Torturing cats was common in several strands of European culture, as part of rituals of license and disorder.’

独上高台望四海 手揽云月傍天飞, 落叶重重已十月 归鸟凄凄啼心扉。