

    音标:['mænɪdʒ] 现在分词:managing
    过去式:managed 过去分词:managed
    名词复数:manage 第三人称单数:manages
    详解 词库 双语句典 英文释义 韦氏词典 英文百科 wiki词典 英文句库
    He manages a large department store.
    An agency that manages performers.
    Mr.Smith manages a big shop.
    One who skillfully or shrewdly manages an enterprise.

    形容词 变体/同根词

    Of, befitting, or belonging to a manager; managerial.
    Her boss just wanted something that he could tear up so he could feel important and managerly.
    Capable of being managed; governable; tractable; subservient.
    Implementing a sensible and manageable policy would be a good first step.
    The table folds down into a manageable zipped carrying bag.
    The result is big enough to be absorbing, but small enough to be manageable.
    The long-term goals of the managed operation cannot be achieved without the use of the negotiated approach, and vice versa.
    Involving management-like duties.
    Authority in the firm is concentrated at senior levels of managerial hierarchies.
    But people are still being made to work harder, in worse conditions, with more managerial bullying and in more insecure temporary jobs.
    This leader, who comes so well-advertised, tends to stutter and to revert to managerial bureaucratese.
    Without a manager.
    The crop season was at hand and the sugarcane fields, managerless, were open to the malice of those who bore the Tulsis grudges.

    名词 变体/同根词

    the office or period of a manager
    Sean retired from driving around the roads of County Galway to take over managership of the Hotel in 1962 and he married Vera.
    I think he is a gentleman through and through but, as we all know, that is not a prerequisite for good managership.
    John Kenyon, as you will learn by reading the letter, desires the managership of the mine.
    A female manager.
    The manageress and all the staff were brilliant and we really feel sorry for them.
    The manageress of the restaurant, Catherine Bullman, said the man was in a group of five having tea and coffee.
    Some might find the Moorish interior faded but the manageress, Maria, is charm personified.
    The characteristic of being manageable.
    Many objections will be raised about its practicability, it manageability, its consequences and long-term impact.
    Telephone system manageability depends to a great extent on the underlying architecture of the voice system.
    This type of inventory can dispel the feeling of clutter and reveal manageability.
    (derogatory) The jargon used by management.
    The uniqueness of Perotspeak is its mixture of rustic metaphor with modern managementese.
    Even phrased as they are in Higher Managementese, these comments touch the heart of the matter.
    A proponent of managerialism.
    Hollowed-out governments were unwilling to question their own managerialist mantras and pushed privatisation as the only way.
    The tone of the report is tough-minded and the approach managerialist.
    The limits of a managerialist approach were cruelly exposed in May.

    动词 变体/同根词

    Each autonomous quadrotor manages to hold their position in the formation perfectly.
    The Professor manages to wangle a job as the producer’s assistant and is given responsibility for many of the production details.
    That the musician manages one grace note makes the piece almost redeemable.
    To run things according to managerial techniques.