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    序号 中文 英文 操作
    1 扩阔你的社交圈子 expand your social circle

    2 领取中一派位结果 receive their secondary school placement

    3 令某人不知所措 sb was left bewildered

    4 龙年效应 a baby boom in the last Year of the Dragon

    5 每日执书包 pack their school bags each day

    6 模仿他人行为的人 copycat(n)/(a)

    7 母语不是英语 do not speak English as their first tongue

    8 母语教学政策 mother-tongue teaching policy

    9 能够用英语授课 are capable of delivering lessons in English

    10 年青人怀孕比率 teen pregnancy rate

    11 趴地熊 Tare Panda

    12 培养独立思考和批判思考 develop independent and critical thinking

    13 培养良好品格 fostering traits

    14 培育社会领袖 grooms community leaders

    15 破纪录考获七优 scored a record seven As

    16 启发学生创意 trigger off students’ creativity

    17 前线社工 frontline social workers

    18 切合成长过程 correspond to their needs at different developmental stages

    19 青少年聚集的原宿 youth-centric Harajuku

    20 去留堂 served her detention

    21 去宴会作乐的人 partygoers

    22 全面的学历认可机制 a comprehensive mechanism for qualifications

    23 全人发展 all-round development

    24 全日制小学 whole-day primary school

    25 劝喻年青人延迟进行性行为 encourage teenagers to postpone sex

    26 缺乏自信心 lack self-esteem

    27 让中学自行收多些学生 allow secondary schools more discretion

    28 任天堂64主机 Nintendo 64 machine

    29 仍然未能买齐书 are still struggling to buy complete sets of textbooks for their children

    30 日剧 Japanese TV soaps

    31 入学试 entry examination

    32 筛选机制 screening

    33 上特殊教育班 has special-education classed

    34 涉谷 Shibuya

    35 申请廷任 applied to extend their service

    36 申请学费减免 apply for tuition fee remission

    37 身心及智力发展 physical,psychological and intellectual development

    38 升中派位 the allocation of Form One places

    39 师生比例会较低 the teacher-to-class ratio will be higher

    40 实践终身学习 undertake life-long learning
