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    序号 中文 英文 操作
    1 史文鸿 Stephen Sze Man-hung

    2 世界级大学 world-class universities

    3 收取冷气费 charged extra for air-conditioning

    4 收生政策 admission policy

    5 死记硬背的学习方法 rote-learning

    6 四月一日复课 would resume classes on April 1

    7 所有学校停课 shutting all schools

    8 台式冻饮 Taiwan-styled iced drink

    9 逃学、旷课 truancy(u)/play truant

    10 提高师资 enhance/upgrade the quality of teachers

    11 天亮才回家 coming home in the morning hours

    12 跳出思想框框 think outside the box

    13 贴纸相 purikura prints

    14 停止给予津贴 withholding subsidies

    15 推广两文三语 promote bi-literacy and tri-lingualism

    16 推广母语教学 promote mother-tongue teaching

    17 推广信息科技教育 promote information technology in education

    18 托福试 Test of English as a Foreign Language

    19 外籍英语教师 native English-speaking teachers

    20 未成年喝酒 under-age drinking

    21 误入歧途的 errant

    22 希望引人注目 wanted to attract attention

    23 咸蛋超人 Ultraman

    24 香港问题青年 troubled Hong Kong teenagers

    25 香港中学文凭试 the Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education Examination

    26 向外招聘人手 recruit from outside

    27 小班教学的成效 the effectiveness of small-class teaching

    28 校本课程剪裁计划 School-based Curriculum Tailoring Scheme

    29 修改数学课程 a revamp of the maths curriculum

    30 削减每班收生额 cut the limit on the number of students per class

    31 学生车船津贴 Student Travel Subsidy

    32 学生的成绩组别 student banding

    33 养育儿童 raise the children

    34 遥距教学 distance learning/on-line classes

    35 一条龙办学模式 ’through-train’ model

    36 以死记硬背为主的学习方法 rote-based learning

    37 因为怕留堂 because of the fear of getting a detention

    38 音响大吵大闹 music was blaring

    39 引起学生学习的兴趣 motivate students’ interest in learning

    40 印水纸 paste-on tattoos
