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    序号 中文 英文 操作
    1 富启发性 stimulating

    2 改革方案 reform proposals

    3 改革课程 reform the school curriculum

    4 改回用英语教学 switch back to English

    5 改善教学成效 facilitate improvements in the effectiveness of teaching

    6 干预大学自主 his interference with university autonomy

    7 高中学费 fees for senior secondary students

    8 跟上潮流的 hip

    9 更为朋辈所接受 received greater acceptance from their peers

    10 公开违规幼儿园的名单 exposing non-compliant kindergartens

    11 过重书包 overloaded school bags

    12 汉语水平测试 Chinese Language Proficiency Test

    13 合并之权在政府 the power to merge the institutions rested with the government

    14 很可能再(吸烟) would probably relapse

    15 豁免基准试 are exempt from the test

    16 获得十优佳绩 achieving straight A’s in 10 subjects

    17 获派首三志愿 were offered places at one of their first three choices

    18 获医学院取录 was accepted into the faculty of medicine

    19 继续获得政府资助 continue to receive government funding

    20 继续资助副学士课程 continue subsidising associate degree programmes

    21 加强人才培训 encourage life-long learning

    22 加强院校合作 increased collaboration between institutions

    23 减少收生 reduce student intakes

    24 教坏细路 created a bad influence on teenagers

    25 教学质素 teaching quality/the quality of education

    26 教育蓝图 education blueprint

    27 教育制度/教育体制 education system

    28 街童 street kids

    29 结成一条龙学校 form ’through-train’

    30 尽收(学生) take as many sth as the quota allows

    31 具备国际视野 possess a global outlook

    32 卷标效应淡化 labelling effect will then be diminished

    33 考虑退学/休学 considered dropping out

    34 可能会荼毒青少年 might corrupt our youth

    35 跨区上学 commuting to schools

    36 跨区升中 have been given places outside the districts of their primary schools

    37 快餐文化/即食文化 fast food culture

    38 快闪党 flash mob

    39 扩充大专学额 increase the number of post-secondary places

    40 她的学校社工 her school social welfare worker
