
    get over something 查询结果如下:

    基本解释 双语句典 英文词典 英文句典 英文百科
    英语成语:get one over (on) something
    An exhortation to do something quickly (typically because it is unpleasant). It looks like you have some bad news for me, so just tell me what it is—get it over with.
    I know you have to draw blood, so go ahead, get it over with!
    To do, finish, or accomplish something—especially that which is difficult, unpleasant, or undesirable—as promptly or quickly as possible so as to no longer have to think about or deal with it. I’m looking forward to getting my final exams over with so I can relax and enjoy my summer break.
    I absolutely hate getting blood drawn, so let’s just get in there and get it over with!
    (informal)to get an advantage over somebody/something
    I’m not going to let them get one over on me!

    If, as the song goes, video killed the radio star, then homemade YouTube heroes like Tay Zonday have put a hit out on traditional advertising.In April, Mr. Zonday became an Internet phenomenon after he posted a no-frills video for the song “Chocolate Rain” on YouTube featuring his earnest delivery and his deep voice.Two weeks ago, Mr. Zonday, a 25-year-old graduate student in American whose real name is Adam Bahner, posted a follow-up called “Cherry Chocolate Rain.” But in this case, the flashie...

    如同歌曲中所唱的那样,电视毁掉了电台明星,然而自制视频(homemade YouTube)英雄泰•桑戴(Tay Zonday)给予传统的广告业巨大冲击。 今年4月份,桑戴(Zonday)在YouTube网站上上传了一首没有任何装饰的自制视频歌曲——“巧克力雨(Chocolate Rain),之后他迅速成为网络明星。在这首歌曲中,桑戴(Zonday)以认真的神态和低沉的声音赋予歌曲不同的特色。 两个星期前,美国25岁的研究生桑戴(Zonday)(原名叫亚达姆•巴哈纳)又上传了一首叫“樱桃巧克力雨(Cherry Chocolate Rain)的自制视频歌曲。可是这一次的动画视频是个广告。在说唱艺人米斯塔•约翰逊(Mista Johnson)的帮助下,桑戴(Zonday)赞美了 “丕普尔博士(Dr Pepper)牌”樱桃巧克力饮料的美味。这种软饮料一...

    属类:翻译句库 -在线翻译实例选登

    Yahoo ,which already owns one of the most successful financial sites on the Web, is putting the final touches on a new online program for technology investors that is scheduled to begin next month.To be called TechTicker, the Web program will report exclusively on technology stocks, offering daily streaming-video segments and blog posts, as well as some live coverage of breaking news, said Brian Nelson, a spokesman for Yahoo. The initiative is another example of Yahoo moving aggressively into co...

    雅虎,已拥有网上最成功的一个财经频道栏目,为技术股投资人又打造一新网站栏目,现正在做最后的扫尾工作,预计在下个月开始运行。 一位雅虎发言人波瑞恩•纳尔逊说,这个命名为TechTicker视频栏目将对科技股动态进行独家报道、每日进行视频滚动式播出,以及科技博客发布和突发新闻的现场报道。 该栏目将设有科技股动态、科技博客,以及一些新闻的实时的报道。大量的视频内容是该栏目的最大特色。 这一新创栏目是雅虎直逼视频领域的又一例子,这样的财经视频专栏将对它的一主要竞争对手---Google,这可以说是一大挑战。由于高速因特网点击率更为流行,网站制作人预计,视频作为消费者网上消费将起着更为重要的作用。 TechTicker是雅虎公司进军财经滚动视频第二个项目。在2000年,雅虎公司曾经推出过一个FinanceVision,相当一个24小时财经电视频道的网络版,但没有获...

    属类:翻译句库 -在线翻译实例选登

    For the second time in as many months there was big trouble in an important allied country that sits on China’s borders, with huge crowds demonstrating, bombs exploding, opposition leaders being arrested and demonstrators killed. This time it was Pakistan, where President Pervez Musharraf had proclaimed special emergency powers. A few weeks earlier it had been Myanmar, where pro-democracy demonstrations were put down with deadly force.But despite the proximity and important interests in play, mo...

    这已经是几个月以来第二个中国边境的主要盟国发生大规模的混乱,大量人群集体游行示威,频繁发生炸弹爆炸事件,反对派领导人被逮捕,游行示威人员遭到杀害。 这一次是巴基斯坦,总统佩尔韦兹•穆沙拉夫宣布全国进入紧急状态。几星期前则是缅甸,民主游行遭到血腥镇压。 尽管这些事件的发生地邻近中国,而且和中国的利益相关,但是很多中国读者只能获得这些事件干枯的、片面的报道,甚至是不准确的报道。 中国只是对这些事件的场景进行报道,缺乏任何深度的分析,这是出于考虑到中国在这些国家的战略利益. 相反,中国对于国内的新闻报道非常积极。尽管中国政府对新闻出版机构的所有人和注册登记进行严格审查和监管,但是中国国内的新闻报道还是处在一个“黄金时期”。新闻资源源源不断,新闻报道人员持续庞大,已经渐渐超出社会所能承受的范围了。 二、三十年前,中国只有十几家报纸,...

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