

    名词复数:idealism 词频:低频词
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    historical idealism
    objective (subjective) idealism
    [U],1. 理想主义,2. 【哲】唯心论;观念论,理念论,3. 唯心主义
    n. 【化学】
    n. 【能源工程】
    But it is well to remember that we are dealing with nations every one of which has a direct individual interest to serve, and there is grave danger in an unshared idealism


    例句1. the Liberal Party had about it the idealism of youth’


    名词 变体/同根词

    “This difference is paralleled by the nature of the idealisms to which the two proofs are opposed and which they profess to refute.”
    “Those who heard him felt how superior his position was, both in rigour and in force, to the prevailing inversions and idealisms.”
    “Like other idealisms, patriotism varies from a noble devotion to a moral lunacy.”
    A person who idealizes.
    “Orwell was indeed unsociable, anti-feminist and homophobic, but only ambiguously anti-Semitic, and by no means such a dewy-eyed idealiser of the plebs as some have imagined.”
    The state or quality of being ideal; the ideality.
    “The idealness of the Point for machine guns to repel any landing, seems only too evident.”
    One given to fanciful ideas or theories; someone who theorizes or speculates.
    “Instead, he presents himself, and by extension, the party, as an idealogue and crusader for the values of a shameful past.”
    “That buffoonish behaviour, the clownish exuberance masks a hard right idealogue of unlimited ambition.”
    “I am a political idealogue of jihad, but that is an injunction from the Quran, it is not my dogma.”

    动词 变体/同根词

    “By naturalizing Ethics the school of Herbert Spencer reverses the idealizing process which rather ethicizes nature.”
    “In contrast, Masoch’s fictive world is mythical, persuasive, aesthetically oriented, and centered around the idealizing, mystical exaltation of love for the punishing woman.”
    “That the Greek mind was apt in doing this is cognate to their idealizing turn in art.”
    “The cult of the Virgin in the Middle Ages, he argues, led to the courtly love poets, the troubadours, idealising women in their writing.”
    “That is idealising the study of botany in a most delicious way.”
    “This idealising tendency was shared by Britain and an Anglophilic America.”
    (transitive) To regard something as ideal. || (intransitive) To conceive or form an ideal. || (transitive, art) To portray using idealization.
    “Here, the art seems to idealize and ironize the past simultaneously.”
    “Harlequin romances idealize traditional male and female gender roles and always have a happy ending.”
    “If anything, it allows for a reverse form of cultural prejudice, through which critics idealize large groups of people they barely understand.”