属类:IT术语 -计算机术语
属类:IT术语 -计算机术语
属类:IT术语 -计算机术语
属类:IT术语 -计算机术语
属类:IT术语 -计算机术语
属类:IT术语 -计算机术语
属类:IT术语 -计算机术语
属类:IT术语 -计算机术语
属类:IT术语 -计算机术语
属类:IT术语 -计算机术语
属类:IT术语 -计算机术语
属类:IT术语 -计算机术语
属类:IT术语 -计算机术语
属类:IT术语 -计算机术语
属类:IT术语 -计算机术语
属类:IT术语 -计算机术语
属类:IT术语 -计算机术语
属类:IT术语 -计算机术语
属类:IT术语 -计算机术语
属类:IT术语 -计算机术语
属类:IT术语 -计算机术语
属类:IT术语 -计算机术语
属类:IT术语 -计算机术语
属类:IT术语 -计算机术语
属类:IT术语 -计算机术语
属类:IT术语 -计算机术语
1 | 反潜水艇冲突环境预报系统 | antisubmarine warfare environmental prediction system |
2 | 断言驱动的调试与测试 | assertiondriven debugging and testing;assertiondriven debugging and trsting |
3 | 反向机器人问题求解系统 | backward roblt problemsolving system;backward robot problemsolving system |
4 | 二进制同步通信控制器 | binary synchronous communication controller;binary synchronous communication equivalence blink |
5 | 定制的可编程序只读存储器模块 | custom programmable read-only memory module;custom programmable readonly memory module |
6 | 分布式系统环境 | distributed system’s environment;distributed systems environment;distributed system environment |
7 | 浮栅雪崩注入金属一氧化物一半导体 | floating gate avalanche injection metal-oxide semiconductor |
8 | 独一无二(独具一格) | in a class by herself;in a class by himself;in a class by itself;in a class by myself;in a class by ourselves;in a class by themselves;in a class by yourself |
9 | 法律管制人力资源分配系统 | law enforcement manpower resource allocation system |
10 | 定义语义选择函数线性解法 | linear resolution with selection function for definite clause |
11 | 发脾气(发怒) | lose my temper;lose our temper;lose their temper;lose your temper;lost her temper;lost my temper;lost our temper;lost their temper;lost your temper |
12 | 恶作剧(挑拨离间) | made mischief;made mischief between;make mischief;make mischief between |
13 | 多对多结合 | many to many association;many-to-many association;manytomany association |
14 | 多对多变换 | many to many transformation;many-to-many transformation;manytomany transformation |
15 | 多嘴墨喷印刷 | milti-nozzle ink-jet printing;miltinozzle inkjet printing;multinozzle inkjet printing |
16 | 改进逢"1"变化不归零制 | modified non-return-to-zero change on one;modified nonreturntoxero change on one |
17 | 多路请求终端程序 | multiple requester terminal program;multiple requester terminal procedure |
18 | 多道程序执行控制逻辑 | multiprogramming executive control;multiprogramming executive control logic |
19 | 多协议通控制器 | multi-protocol communication control;multiprotocol communication control |
20 | 多用综合电子信息处理机 | multipurpose integrated-electronic processor;multipurpose integratedelectronic processor |
21 | 多用户可访问数据库系统 | multiuser accessible data-base system;multiuser accessible database system |
22 | 非邻接工作存储器 | noncontiguous working memory;noncontiguous workingstorage;noncontiguousworking memory |
23 | 浮点表示标准形的标准形式 | normalized form in a floating point representation standard form |
24 | 浮点表示标准形式的标准形 | normalized forms in a floating point representation standard form |
25 | 镀通孔(金属化孔) | plate through hole;plated through hole;platedthroughhole;platethroughhole |
26 | 独力改进现状(独力获得成功) | pull herself up by the bootlaces;pull herself up by the bootstraps;pull himself up by the bootlaces;pull himself up by the bootstraps;pull myself up by the bootlaces;pull myself up by the bootstraps |
27 | 凡事持乐观态度 | saw everything through rose coloured spectacles;see everything through rose coloured spectacles;see everything through rose colored spectacles;saw everything through rose colored spectacles |
28 | 短期记忆缓冲器 | short-term memory buffering;shortterm memory buffer;shortterm memory buffering |
29 | 叠栅式雪崩注入型金氧半导体 | stacked-gate avalanche injection type mos;stackedgate avalanche injection type mos |
30 | 符号高级语言程序设计 | symbolic high-level language programming;symbolic highlevel language programming |
31 | 分时接口终端 | time sharing interface terminal;time-sharing interface terminal;timesharing interface terminal |
32 | 分时宏汇编程序 | time-share macroassembler;timeshare macroassembler;timeshared macroassembler |
33 | 分时监督系统 | time-share monitor system;timeshared monitor system;timesharing monitor system |
34 | 二维线性处理 | two dimensional linear processing;two-dimensional linear processing;twodimensional linear processing |
35 | 二进制数的二维数组 | two-dimensional array of binary numbers;twodimensional array of binary numbers |
36 | 二维通道布线问题 | two-dimensional channel routing problem;twodimensional channel routing problem |
37 | 二维连续色调图象 | two-dimensional continuous-tone image;twodimensional continuoustone image |
38 | 二相混合磁泡移位寄存器 | two-phase hybrid bubble shift register;twophase hybrid bubble shift register |
39 | 二值基本运算公式 | two-valued basic calculation formula;twovalued basic calculation formula |
40 | 对自己下毒手 | violent hands on herself;violent hands on ourselves;violent hands on yourselves;violent hands on yourself;violent hands on myself;violent hands on themselves;violent hands on himself |
1 | antisubmarine warfare environmental prediction system | 反潜水艇冲突环境预报系统 | |
2 | assertiondriven debugging and testing;assertiondriven debugging and trsting | 断言驱动的调试与测试 | |
3 | backward roblt problemsolving system;backward robot problemsolving system | 反向机器人问题求解系统 | |
4 | binary synchronous communication controller;binary synchronous communication equivalence blink | 二进制同步通信控制器 | |
5 | custom programmable read-only memory module;custom programmable readonly memory module | 定制的可编程序只读存储器模块 | |
6 | distributed system’s environment;distributed systems environment;distributed system environment | 分布式系统环境 | |
7 | floating gate avalanche injection metal-oxide semiconductor | 浮栅雪崩注入金属一氧化物一半导体 | |
8 | in a class by herself;in a class by himself;in a class by itself;in a class by myself;in a class by ourselves;in a class by themselves;in a class by yourself | 独一无二(独具一格) | |
9 | law enforcement manpower resource allocation system | 法律管制人力资源分配系统 | |
10 | linear resolution with selection function for definite clause | 定义语义选择函数线性解法 | |
11 | lose my temper;lose our temper;lose their temper;lose your temper;lost her temper;lost my temper;lost our temper;lost their temper;lost your temper | 发脾气(发怒) | |
12 | made mischief;made mischief between;make mischief;make mischief between | 恶作剧(挑拨离间) | |
13 | many to many association;many-to-many association;manytomany association | 多对多结合 | |
14 | many to many transformation;many-to-many transformation;manytomany transformation | 多对多变换 | |
15 | milti-nozzle ink-jet printing;miltinozzle inkjet printing;multinozzle inkjet printing | 多嘴墨喷印刷 | |
16 | modified non-return-to-zero change on one;modified nonreturntoxero change on one | 改进逢"1"变化不归零制 | |
17 | multiple requester terminal program;multiple requester terminal procedure | 多路请求终端程序 | |
18 | multiprogramming executive control;multiprogramming executive control logic | 多道程序执行控制逻辑 | |
19 | multi-protocol communication control;multiprotocol communication control | 多协议通控制器 | |
20 | multipurpose integrated-electronic processor;multipurpose integratedelectronic processor | 多用综合电子信息处理机 | |
21 | multiuser accessible data-base system;multiuser accessible database system | 多用户可访问数据库系统 | |
22 | noncontiguous working memory;noncontiguous workingstorage;noncontiguousworking memory | 非邻接工作存储器 | |
23 | normalized form in a floating point representation standard form | 浮点表示标准形的标准形式 | |
24 | normalized forms in a floating point representation standard form | 浮点表示标准形式的标准形 | |
25 | plate through hole;plated through hole;platedthroughhole;platethroughhole | 镀通孔(金属化孔) | |
26 | pull herself up by the bootlaces;pull herself up by the bootstraps;pull himself up by the bootlaces;pull himself up by the bootstraps;pull myself up by the bootlaces;pull myself up by the bootstraps | 独力改进现状(独力获得成功) | |
27 | saw everything through rose coloured spectacles;see everything through rose coloured spectacles;see everything through rose colored spectacles;saw everything through rose colored spectacles | 凡事持乐观态度 | |
28 | short-term memory buffering;shortterm memory buffer;shortterm memory buffering | 短期记忆缓冲器 | |
29 | stacked-gate avalanche injection type mos;stackedgate avalanche injection type mos | 叠栅式雪崩注入型金氧半导体 | |
30 | symbolic high-level language programming;symbolic highlevel language programming | 符号高级语言程序设计 | |
31 | time sharing interface terminal;time-sharing interface terminal;timesharing interface terminal | 分时接口终端 | |
32 | time-share macroassembler;timeshare macroassembler;timeshared macroassembler | 分时宏汇编程序 | |
33 | time-share monitor system;timeshared monitor system;timesharing monitor system | 分时监督系统 | |
34 | two dimensional linear processing;two-dimensional linear processing;twodimensional linear processing | 二维线性处理 | |
35 | two-dimensional array of binary numbers;twodimensional array of binary numbers | 二进制数的二维数组 | |
36 | two-dimensional channel routing problem;twodimensional channel routing problem | 二维通道布线问题 | |
37 | two-dimensional continuous-tone image;twodimensional continuoustone image | 二维连续色调图象 | |
38 | two-phase hybrid bubble shift register;twophase hybrid bubble shift register | 二相混合磁泡移位寄存器 | |
39 | two-valued basic calculation formula;twovalued basic calculation formula | 二值基本运算公式 | |
40 | violent hands on herself;violent hands on ourselves;violent hands on yourselves;violent hands on yourself;violent hands on myself;violent hands on themselves;violent hands on himself | 对自己下毒手 |