属类:IT术语 -计算机术语
属类:IT术语 -计算机术语
属类:IT术语 -计算机术语
属类:IT术语 -计算机术语
属类:IT术语 -计算机术语
属类:IT术语 -计算机术语
属类:IT术语 -计算机术语
属类:IT术语 -计算机术语
属类:IT术语 -计算机术语
属类:IT术语 -计算机术语
属类:IT术语 -计算机术语
属类:IT术语 -计算机术语
属类:IT术语 -计算机术语
属类:IT术语 -计算机术语
属类:IT术语 -计算机术语
属类:IT术语 -计算机术语
属类:IT术语 -计算机术语
属类:IT术语 -计算机术语
属类:IT术语 -计算机术语
属类:IT术语 -计算机术语
属类:IT术语 -计算机术语
属类:IT术语 -计算机术语
属类:IT术语 -计算机术语
1 | 编译设计语言理论的应用 | applications of language theory to compiler designs |
2 | 掺钴铁磁性氧化物 | clbalt-inpregnated iron oxide;clbaltinpregnated iron oxide;cobalt-impregnated iron oxide;cobalt-substituted iron oxide;cobaltimpregnated iron oxide;cobaltsubstituted iron oxide |
3 | 闭合自动路由恢复系统 | closed-in automatic route restorable system;closedin automatic route restorable system |
4 | 报告敌观测器的通讯仪器 | Communication Instructions for Reporting Enemy Sightings |
5 | 插拔力 | contact insertion and withdraw force;contact engaging and separating force |
6 | 半自动更换原件复印机 | duplicator with semiautomatic master change;duplicator with semiautomatic master change |
7 | 被解雇(被开除) | get the boot;get the hook;get the push;got the boot;got the hook;got the push;gotten the boot;gotten the hook;gotten the push |
8 | 被关在屋中(在街上过夜) | get the key of the street;got the key of the street;have the key of the street |
9 | 玻璃半导体只读存储器 | glass semicomductor readonly memory;glass semiconductor readonly memory |
10 | 不熟悉(不认识) | had no acquaintance with;has no acquaintance with;have no acquaintance with |
11 | 半高度微型温彻斯特磁盘机 | half height micrlwinchester disk drive;half height microwinchester disk drive |
12 | 保温碳热振荡反应堆试验 | heated experimental carbon thermal oscillator reactor |
13 | 层次索引直接存取法 | hiearchical indexed direct access method;hierarchical indexed direct access method |
14 | 不交际(不与人来往) | keep herself to;keep myself to;keep ourselves to;keep themselves to;keep yourself to;kept herself to;kept himself to;kept myself to;kept ourselves to;kept themselves to;kept yourself to |
15 | 保守秘密(不交际) | keep to herself;keep to himself;keep to ourselves;keep to them selves;keep to yourselves;kept to herself;kept to himself;kept to myself;kept to them selves;kept to yourself;kept to yourselves |
16 | 不要去管它(听其自然) | leave well alone;leave well enough alone;left well alone;left well enough alone |
17 | 被人讨厌(冒着不受欢迎的危险) | made a nuisance of herself;made a nuisance of himself;made a nuisance of myself;made a nuisance of ourselves;made a nuisance of themselves;made a nuisance of yourself;made a nuisance of yourselves |
18 | 不容许有例外(一律办理) | made no exception;made no exceptions;make no exception;make no exceptions |
19 | 板起面孔(悉眉苦脸) | made on a long face;make on a long face;pull a long face;put on a long face;wear a long face |
20 | 边缘穿孔卡片 | marginperforated card;edgeperforated card;vergeperforated card;edgepunched card;tape card |
21 | 操作顺序图 | operational sequence diagram;operational sequence diaguam;function sequence diagram |
22 | 报宿怨(雪旧仇) | paid off an old score;paid old scores;pay off an old score;pay old scores |
23 | 并行数据驱动处理机 | parallel data driven processor;parallel data-driven processor;parallel datadriven processor |
24 | 并行结构计算机 | parallel structured computer;parallelstrctured computer;parallelstructrued computer |
25 | 参数置放指令 | parameter setting instruction;parameter stetting order;parameter setting order |
26 | 层次式分布处理 | peer-distributed processing;peerdistrbuted processing;peerdistributed processing |
27 | 并行处理描述用程序设计语言 | programming languages for parallel processing descriptions |
28 | 变元和参数的关系 | relation of argument and parameter;relationship of arguments and parameters |
29 | 饱餐一顿(确实弄明白) | satisfy herself;satisfy himself;satisfy myself;satisfy ourselves;satisfy themselves;satisfy yourself;satisfy yourselves |
30 | 半导体非塑电介质过程 | semiconductor on thermoplastic on dielectric process |
31 | 不甚重视 | set not much store by;set not no store by;set not little store by;set not great store by |
32 | 标准对话图形FORTRAN语言系统 | standard conversational graphic FORTRAN language system |
33 | 编译时可执行语句 | statement to be executed at compile-time;statement to be executed at compiletime |
34 | 不祥之兆(凶兆) | the finger on the wall;the handwriting on the wall;the writing on the wall |
35 | 薄膜发光显示 | thin-film electroluminescence display;thinfilm electroluminescence display |
36 | 变迁分析反应器工程计算机码 | transient analysis reactor engineering computer code |
37 | 版图的二维压缩 | two-dimensional compaction of layout;twodimensional compaction of layout |
38 | 波长分割多路复用发送技术 | wavelength division multiplex transmission technology |
39 | 波长分割多路系统 | wavelength division multiplexing system;wavelengthdivisionmultiplexing system |
40 | 波长分割多路复用接收模块 | wavelength division multiplexing transceiver module |
1 | applications of language theory to compiler designs | 编译设计语言理论的应用 | |
2 | clbalt-inpregnated iron oxide;clbaltinpregnated iron oxide;cobalt-impregnated iron oxide;cobalt-substituted iron oxide;cobaltimpregnated iron oxide;cobaltsubstituted iron oxide | 掺钴铁磁性氧化物 | |
3 | closed-in automatic route restorable system;closedin automatic route restorable system | 闭合自动路由恢复系统 | |
4 | Communication Instructions for Reporting Enemy Sightings | 报告敌观测器的通讯仪器 | |
5 | contact insertion and withdraw force;contact engaging and separating force | 插拔力 | |
6 | duplicator with semiautomatic master change;duplicator with semiautomatic master change | 半自动更换原件复印机 | |
7 | get the boot;get the hook;get the push;got the boot;got the hook;got the push;gotten the boot;gotten the hook;gotten the push | 被解雇(被开除) | |
8 | get the key of the street;got the key of the street;have the key of the street | 被关在屋中(在街上过夜) | |
9 | glass semicomductor readonly memory;glass semiconductor readonly memory | 玻璃半导体只读存储器 | |
10 | had no acquaintance with;has no acquaintance with;have no acquaintance with | 不熟悉(不认识) | |
11 | half height micrlwinchester disk drive;half height microwinchester disk drive | 半高度微型温彻斯特磁盘机 | |
12 | heated experimental carbon thermal oscillator reactor | 保温碳热振荡反应堆试验 | |
13 | hiearchical indexed direct access method;hierarchical indexed direct access method | 层次索引直接存取法 | |
14 | keep herself to;keep myself to;keep ourselves to;keep themselves to;keep yourself to;kept herself to;kept himself to;kept myself to;kept ourselves to;kept themselves to;kept yourself to | 不交际(不与人来往) | |
15 | keep to herself;keep to himself;keep to ourselves;keep to them selves;keep to yourselves;kept to herself;kept to himself;kept to myself;kept to them selves;kept to yourself;kept to yourselves | 保守秘密(不交际) | |
16 | leave well alone;leave well enough alone;left well alone;left well enough alone | 不要去管它(听其自然) | |
17 | made a nuisance of herself;made a nuisance of himself;made a nuisance of myself;made a nuisance of ourselves;made a nuisance of themselves;made a nuisance of yourself;made a nuisance of yourselves | 被人讨厌(冒着不受欢迎的危险) | |
18 | made no exception;made no exceptions;make no exception;make no exceptions | 不容许有例外(一律办理) | |
19 | made on a long face;make on a long face;pull a long face;put on a long face;wear a long face | 板起面孔(悉眉苦脸) | |
20 | marginperforated card;edgeperforated card;vergeperforated card;edgepunched card;tape card | 边缘穿孔卡片 | |
21 | operational sequence diagram;operational sequence diaguam;function sequence diagram | 操作顺序图 | |
22 | paid off an old score;paid old scores;pay off an old score;pay old scores | 报宿怨(雪旧仇) | |
23 | parallel data driven processor;parallel data-driven processor;parallel datadriven processor | 并行数据驱动处理机 | |
24 | parallel structured computer;parallelstrctured computer;parallelstructrued computer | 并行结构计算机 | |
25 | parameter setting instruction;parameter stetting order;parameter setting order | 参数置放指令 | |
26 | peer-distributed processing;peerdistrbuted processing;peerdistributed processing | 层次式分布处理 | |
27 | programming languages for parallel processing descriptions | 并行处理描述用程序设计语言 | |
28 | relation of argument and parameter;relationship of arguments and parameters | 变元和参数的关系 | |
29 | satisfy herself;satisfy himself;satisfy myself;satisfy ourselves;satisfy themselves;satisfy yourself;satisfy yourselves | 饱餐一顿(确实弄明白) | |
30 | semiconductor on thermoplastic on dielectric process | 半导体非塑电介质过程 | |
31 | set not much store by;set not no store by;set not little store by;set not great store by | 不甚重视 | |
32 | standard conversational graphic FORTRAN language system | 标准对话图形FORTRAN语言系统 | |
33 | statement to be executed at compile-time;statement to be executed at compiletime | 编译时可执行语句 | |
34 | the finger on the wall;the handwriting on the wall;the writing on the wall | 不祥之兆(凶兆) | |
35 | thin-film electroluminescence display;thinfilm electroluminescence display | 薄膜发光显示 | |
36 | transient analysis reactor engineering computer code | 变迁分析反应器工程计算机码 | |
37 | two-dimensional compaction of layout;twodimensional compaction of layout | 版图的二维压缩 | |
38 | wavelength division multiplex transmission technology | 波长分割多路复用发送技术 | |
39 | wavelength division multiplexing system;wavelengthdivisionmultiplexing system | 波长分割多路系统 | |
40 | wavelength division multiplexing transceiver module | 波长分割多路复用接收模块 |