
例句1. my parents are dead
例句2. there are patches of dead ground on both sides of the plain

形容词 变体/同根词

名词 变体/同根词

Deader and Antibiosis Finishing of polyester/Cotton Woven Stock


Early next morning the news spread like wildfire. Mrs. Thompson, Old Man Fellows’ housekeeper, had found him deader than a doomail. When she went up stairs to see what had kept him so long before breakfast.



1.(of a colour) not glossy or bright.
‘higher up, the marble becomes of a dull, _dead_ colour’
‘Students tinted the surface ground with a _dead_ color, like brownish-green.’
2.(of a cricket pitch or other surface) lacking springiness or bounce.
‘the pitch was so utterly _dead_ that Pollock could hardly get the ball bail-high’
‘He demonstrated that even on _dead_ pitches a degree of aggression can bring dividends.’
3.(of a glass or bottle) empty or no longer being used.
‘they got all the _dead_ glasses and put them on the table’
‘After being served our desert we had to call a waiter to clear all the _dead_ glasses away.’
4.(of a part of the body) having lost sensation; numb.
‘I severed nerves in my leg so part of my foot is _dead_ ’
‘Have you ever woken up with a _dead_ arm?’
5.(of a piece of equipment) no longer functioning.
‘the phone had gone _dead_ ’
‘Before Kat could respond, the line went _dead_ and the faint beeping of the phone began to bother her.’
6.(of a place or time) characterized by a lack of activity or excitement.
‘Brussels isn’t _dead_ after dark, if you know where to look’
‘Got sent home early since the place was _dead_ , a nice change to actually get the last bus.’
7.(of an electric circuit or conductor) carrying or transmitting no current.
‘the batteries are _dead_ ’
‘I came back last week from a spell in Istanbul to discover that the power in my flat was _dead_ .’
8.(of money) not financially productive.
‘far from being _dead_ money, it is available to be spent or invested’
‘Start a pension scheme and try to get on the property ladder as quickly as possible, as rent is _dead_ money.’
9.(of sound) without resonance; dull.
‘the earth hit the coffin with a peculiarly _dead_ sound’
‘I let the bag drop with a _dead_ thud to the floor.’
10.(of the ball in a game) out of play.
‘the ball had gone _dead_ ’
‘If an umpire is struck by a batted ball in that position, the ball is _dead_ .’
11.Complete; absolute.
‘we sat in _dead_ silence’
‘That comment caused _dead_ silence, because he hit the nail on the head.’
12.Devoid of living things.
‘a _dead_ planet’
‘It was pointed out at the meeting that any area devoid of people is _dead_ .’
13.Lacking emotion, sympathy, or sensitivity.
‘a cold, _dead_ voice’
‘All the emotion had left her voice, and it was empty, _dead_ , and lifeless, a mirror of her soul.’
14.No longer alight.
‘the fire had been _dead_ for some days’
‘Jim stepped away from the cold embers of the _dead_ fire and walked into the jungle.’
15.No longer alive.
‘a _dead_ body’
‘he was shot _dead_ by a sniper’
16.No longer current, relevant, or important.
‘pollution had become a _dead_ issue’
‘Our voters confirmed that Europe was far from being a _dead_ and done issue for any party.’

1.Absolutely; completely.
‘you’re _dead_ right’
‘he was _dead_ against the idea’
‘they arrived _dead_ on time’
‘Then I was gearing up to leave _dead_ on 5.30 pm when the boss points out a problem.’
3.Straight; directly.
‘red flares were seen _dead_ ahead’
‘One lay _dead_ ahead in a section all by itself, and she guessed that it probably belonged to Cal.’
‘omelettes are _dead_ easy to prepare’
‘So I have been feeling _dead_ miserable, and just grateful that bubby has decided to stay put and not subject me to labour quite yet.’

独上高台望四海 手揽云月傍天飞, 落叶重重已十月 归鸟凄凄啼心扉。