

    名词复数:liberties 词频:高频常用词
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    Schemes to subvert the liberties of a great community
    We must defend our civil liberties at all costs.
    The Bill of Rights,palladium of American civil liberties.
    schemes to subvert the liberties of a great community(Alexander Hamilton)


    例句1. individuals should enjoy the liberty to pursue their own interests and preferences


    例句2. parliamentary government is the essence of British liberty


    形容词 变体/同根词

    Without liberty.
    […] the suppression of private enterprise and the gradual drift towards a libertyless industrial feudalism.
    (politics) Somewhat liberal
    He camouflaged his fundamentally conservative policies in liberalish rhetoric.
    Serving to liberate.
    Perhaps the liberatory moment comes because you’re not in thrall to the art object as such, but rather to the force of creativity tout court.
    Like all religious pilgrimages, the Goddess pilgrimage is made for the purpose of devotion, but it is also at some level a feminist liberatory project and protest.
    In each religion we discover the interweaving of the sublime and the ridiculous, the liberatory and the oppressive, the radical and the conventional.
    (informal) Somewhat libertarian.
    Of or pertaining to liberalism
    The main plank in the program is to abolish the liberalistic concept of the individual.
    Such economic goals tend to go hand in hand with liberalistic social goals.
    This is a conception that also can be found in liberalistic theories.

    名词 变体/同根词

    His life he contemned in comparison of the libertie of speech.
    Also our ij men which were in preson were now sett at libertie.

    动词 变体/同根词

    (transitive) to make liberal, free. || (intransitive) to become liberal, free.
    He introduced many new reforms which attempted to modernize and liberalize the system rather than destroy it.
    Johnston predicts that Japan will be compelled to liberalize its strict immigration policies.
    Even before the war, the movement to liberalize world trade further had stalled.
    (transitive) To set free, to make or allow to be free, particularly || To release from slavery: to manumit. || To release from servitude or unjust rule. || To release from restraint or inhibition. || (chemistry) To release from chemical bonds or solutions. || (transitive, military, euphemistic) To acquire from an enemy during wartime, used especially of cities, regions, and other population centers. || (transitive, euphemistic) To acquire from another by theft or force: to steal, to rob.
    She was liberated in 1945 and trekked back to Poland, still cold and starving but with a one-way ticket to Warsaw.
    That process would briefly liberate the quarks and gluons that make up protons and neutrons.
    This journey made him the exporter of revolution to liberate Latin America’s poor.