1 | 探求哪些人的自由受到了目标行为的影响。 | Determine whose liberties are affected by the action. | |
2 | 为争取宗教与公民自由,一个胡格诺派政党于1573年成立。 | A Huguenot political party was formed in 1573 to fight for religious and civil liberties . | |
3 | 我觉得你们并不完全意识到限制人民自由的危险性。 | I feel you don’t fully comprehend the danger of abridging the liberties of the people | |
4 | 宪法的前十条修正案被称为权利法案,列举特定为防止政府侵犯人权而应加以保护的个人权利; | The first ten amendments to the U.S. Constitution, known as the Bill of Rights, enumerate certain individual liberties that must be protected against government infringement. | |
5 | 宪法上所保障之公民自由即包涵一个维持公共秩序之有组织之社会存在。如无此组织,自由本身即将在恣肆过度滥用丧失 | Civil liberties , as guaranteed by the Constitution, imply the existence of an organized society maintaining public order without which liberty would be lost in the excess of unrestrained abuse | |
6 | 想吊膀子揩油--” | You think you can sweet-talk your way in and take liberties -" | |
7 | 一个意欲摧毁大共同体的自由的阴谋 | Schemes to subvert the liberties of a great community | |
8 | 一个意欲摧毁大共同体的自由的阴谋(b亚历山大·汉密尔顿) | schemes to subvert the liberties of a great community(bAlexander Hamilton) | |
9 | 一个意欲摧毁大共同体的自由的阴谋(亚历山大·汉密尔顿) | schemes to subvert the liberties of a great community(Alexander Hamilton) | |
10 | 在滑雪坡道上作愚蠢地冒险 | Took foolish liberties on the ski slopes. | |
11 | 猪悟能在瑶池会上调戏嫦娥仙子被贬下凡,错投猪胎 | Zhu Wuneng is punished to descend to the world of man because he had taken liberties with the Goddess of the Moon in Yaochi palace and he was reincarnated a pig wrongly. | |
12 | ||1:1984年-2004年,在基斯·科尔克霍恩为《经济学人》工作的这20多年里,他从不提高声音说话。他不需要这样。||2:他轻柔、谦恭、略带微笑的讲话风格使人们愿意聆听,就像听一个可爱的叔叔讲话一样。但是话语背后透着坚决。||3:他会说,“我把你的稿子做了一两处处理”,意思是,稿子已经改成最简洁、最准确、标点最少的科尔克霍恩风格。||4:当他宣布当周的逝者人选时,他会轻轻说,“我想做某某人”,通常是一个完全不为人知的名字;无论是野马,还是大明星的去世,都不能改变他的主意。 | ||1: In the 20-odd years he worked for The Economist, from 1981 to 2004, Keith Colquhoun never raised his voice. He did not need to. ||2: His soft, courteous, slightly smiling delivery encouraged people to listen, as to a favourite uncle. But steel lay behind it. ||3: “I’ve just taken one or two liberties with your copy,” he would say, meaning that it had been completely rewritten into the best simple, accurate, sparely punctuated Colquhoun prose. ||4: “I would like to do X,” he would say gently, announcing the week’s Obituary candidate, who was often a complete unknown; and neither wild horses, nor the deaths of great celebrities, could persuade him to change his mind. | |
13 | ||1:目前有争议的是,这份听似无伤大雅法案是否真的为教师在讲授科学课程时向学生灌输创世说和智慧设计论开了后门。||2:很多人认为确实如此。||3:这份法案遭到了田纳西州及全国各地的科学家和教师的反对。||4:美国国家科学院中几位来自田纳西州的成员担心法案会降低美国科学教育的质量。||5:田纳西州约有3200个人签署了一份请愿书,力劝比尔-哈斯拉姆否决该法案。||6:美国公民自由联盟则认为,该法案“破坏了田纳西州公立学校的科学教育”。 | ||1: At issue is whether this innocuous-sounding measure is actually a back door that would allow teachers to introduce creationism and intelligent design into science classrooms. ||2: Many are sure it is. ||3: The measure drew opposition from scientists and teachers both nationally and in Tennessee. ||4: Several Tennessee-based members of the National Academy of Sciences worry that the bill would weaken science education in the state. ||5: Around 3,200 Tennesseans signed a petition urging Mr Haslam to veto the bill. ||6: And the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) believes the measure “undermines science education in Tennessee public schools”. | |
14 | ||1:许下承诺,无法实现;面对阻力,被迫让步;在去年三月,总统自食其言,重新允许在关塔那摩的特别军事法庭对在押战俘进行新一轮审判,并拟定相关条例无限期扣押某些战俘。||2:民权解放组织称总统此举为承认失败。||3:一家由政界人士创建,旨在评价政令履行程度的团队PolitiFact则宣称奥巴马先生在竞选期间做出的承诺已“随风逝去”。 | ||1: Succumbing to the obstacles placed in his path, in March last year the president lifted his moratorium on new military-commission trials at Guantánamo and instituted a system for holding some detainees indefinitely. ||2: Civil-liberties groups called it an admission of defeat. ||3: PolitiFact, an outfit that assesses the accuracy of statements made by politicians, declared Mr Obama’s campaign promise “broken”. | |
15 | ||1:亚利桑那州这一法案于2010年通过,旨在让州法律和联邦法律把非法移民认定为犯罪行为,并引导州政府密切搜寻非法移民者,以此来打击非法移民活动。||2:公民自由组织担忧这将给那些古铜色肤色的人带来困扰,尽管法案中明令禁止"按肤色下定论"。||3:反对者称,官方鉴定个人的移民身份从来就不是一件容易的事,所以许多美国公民被迫接受未经批准的检。 | ||1: Arizona’s bill, passed in 2010, seeks to discourage illegal immigration by making it a crime under state as well as federal law and by instructing state authorities to be on the lookout for illegal immigrants. ||2: Civil-liberties groups worry that this will lead to harassment of anyone with brown skin, even though the law expressly prohibits such “profiling”. ||3: There is no easy way for the authorities to judge an individual’s immigration status, argue opponents, so many citizens will be subjected to unwarranted checks. | |
16 | 技术与公民自由 | Technology and civil liberties | |
17 | “从通信业内人士到儿童权益保护和在线公民自由组织都认为这个主意有很大的缺陷。”一个以网络为基础的政治激进组织“起来!” | Everyone from the communications industry to child protection rights and online civil liberties groups think this idea is deeply flawed. | |
18 | “到17世纪末为止,英国人享受到了哪些他们起初未得的自由?” | ’What liberties did English people enjoy by the end of the 17th century that they hadn’t had at the start? | |
19 | “美国公民自由权联盟”查到布什政府滥用权力。 | The American Civil Liberties Union detects "abuse of power" by the Bush administration. | |
20 | 1920年,在凯勒的协助下,美国民权同盟(ACLU)成立。 | In 1920, she helped to found the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU). | |
21 | 奥巴马继而又让那些认为在国家安全和公民自由之间并非此消彼长的拥护者们有所失望。 | Mr Obama continues to disappoint those among his supporters who see no trade-off between national security and civil liberties . | |
22 | 澳洲国会议员还将此项收购与新加坡媒体受到控制及公民自由有限联系了起来。 | Australian parliamentarians are also linking the bid to Singapore’s controlled media and limited civil liberties . | |
23 | 把公民们的政治自由描绘成资产阶级的奢侈,从而剥夺这些自由,这真是方便极了。 | It is mightily convenient, if you deprive your citizens of political liberties , to portray these as a bourgeois luxury. | |
24 | 本•罗伦斯还说,通过让泽纳维操纵他们的援助,某些国家已经密谋破坏该国的公民自由和民主。 | Foreign governments, he says, have colluded in eroding civil liberties and democracy by letting their aid be manipulated by Mr Zenawi. | |
25 | 彼得森在他的尝试中使用很大的自由,来有效地协调原有的思想和圣经的语气。 | Peterson takes great liberties with words in his attempt to effectively communicate both the original thoughts and tone of the Scripture. | |
26 | 编译器实际上对在线程中使用程序顺序是可以有一些自由的——只要保留了as-if-serial语义。 | The compiler is actually free to take some liberties with the program order within a thread as long as as-if-serial semantics are preserved. | |
27 | 不仅是担忧于恐怖主义,美国人对于违法犯罪的忧虑也正蚕食着美国的自由主义精神 | Fear of crime, not just fear of terrorism, has nibbled away at America’s liberties | |
28 | 布什总统说,这一法案为美国追踪境外恐怖分子,同时在国内尊重自由权方面提供了一项迫切需要的工具。 | The president says it will give the United States a much-needed tool to track terrorists abroad while respecting liberties at home. | |
29 | 城市部长法德拉·艾玛拉就将其称之为“杀死基本自由的棺材”。 | Fadela Amara, the cities minister, has called it "a coffin that kills fundamental liberties " . | |
30 | 此次修改内容包括禁止性别歧视,支持公民自由权和保护个人隐私的方案。 | The package includes measures to bar gender discrimination, bolster civil liberties and protect personal privacy. |