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    序号 中文 英文 操作
    1 点票中心 counting centre

    2 点票主任 Counting Supervisor

    3 点票助理员 Counting Officer

    4 电子表决系统 electronic voting system

    5 订定条文 provide for

    6 订明的公职人员 prescribed public officer

    7 订明功能界别 prescribed functional constituency

    8 动议辩论 motion debate

    9 动议获通过 motion carried

    10 动议获通过 motion adopted

    11 动议通知书 notice of motion

    12 动议遭否决 motion rejected

    13 动议遭否决 motion defeated

    14 独立法定组织 independent statutory authority

    15 独立候选人 independent candidate

    16 独立签署的协议 free-standing agreement

    17 独立委员会 independent commission

    18 独立组织 independent body

    19 对……负责 accountable to...

    20 对等承认及执行民商事判决 reciprocal recognition and enforcement of judgements in civil and commercial matters

    21 对等界别分组 corresponding subsector

    22 对抗式政治 confrontational politics

    23 对立形式的政治制度;反对派系政治 adversarial politics

    24 多边国际权利和义务 multilateral international rights and obligations

    25 多边国际协议 multilateral international agreement

    26 多边条约 multilateral treaty

    27 多次投票权 multiple voting

    28 多次投票制 multi-ballot system

    29 多名候选人名单 multiple candidates list

    30 多名获提名人名单 multiple nominees list

    31 多数票(简单多数)制 plurality(simple majority)system

    32 多数票(相对多数)制 plurality(relative majority)system

    33 多数票原则 principle of plurality

    34 多数票制 plurality voting system

    35 多数票制 plurality system

    36 多线点票 parallel counting

    37 多议席单票制 ""multi-seat,single-vote" system"

    38 多议席地方选区 multi-seat geographical constituency

    39 多议席选区 multi-seat constituency

    40 多议席选区 multi-member constituency

    1 2 3 4 5