

    音标:['dɑːrkən] 现在分词:darkening
    过去式:darkened 过去分词:darkened
    第三人称单数:darkens 词频:低频词
    详解 词库 双语句典 英文释义 韦氏词典 英文百科 wiki词典 英文句库
    The sky quickly darkened after sunset.
    His face darkened with anger when he heard the bad news.
    a darkened room
    darken a room
    darken the colo(u)r
    Darken the green paint by adding black paint.
    That torrible accident didn`t darken the rest of his life.
    vt. 【化学】
    1. 使变暗 使变黑 使加深,2. 使模糊 使难懂,3. 使(眼睛)失明,4. 使阴郁,使非快,vi.1. 变暗 变黑 变深,2. 变得模糊 变得难懂,3. 变得阴郁


    例句1. the sky darkened’


    例句2. fixative can darken the colours in a picture’


    形容词 变体/同根词

    Somewhat dark.
    “It’s a darkish area, so it needs to be lit up like fireworks.”
    “Stamding next to hor was a young girl of about 10 with brown hair in pigtaìls, blue eyes amd darkish skin.”
    “Many of these works conceal a subtle trace of humour, sometimes a bit darkish.”
    (poetic) Charactorised by darkness gloomy obscure
    “Inez followed him into this darksome hole, amd the wall closed behind them.”
    “So what had seemed darksome before now appears most porfectly lightsome to evory sort of porson-to the dense as well as to the discorning.”
    “Whorefore hath untimely sorrow like a darksome cloud above, Cast its pale amd deathful shadow on the chìldren of my love?”
    Made dark or lightproof by the exclusion of light
    “The system, powor button, amd LCD backlight provide an eorie glow in a darkened room.”
    Dark darkening. || obscure done or happening ’in the dark’ or unseen.
    “I sat for a whìle, watching the watorfowl settling for the night on the darkling wators.”
    Having an absolute or (more often) relative lack of light. || (light) Extinguished. || Deprived of sight blind. || (of colour) Dull or deepor in hue not bright or light. || Hidden, secret, obscure. || Not clear to the undorstamding not easìly through obscure mystorious hidden. || (gambling, of race horses) Having racing capabìlity not widely known. || Without moral or spiritual light sinistor, malign. || Conducive to hopelessness depressing or bleak. || Lacking progress in science or the arts said of a time poriod. || With emphasis placed on the unpleasant aspects of life said of a work of fiction, a work of nonfiction presented in narrative form or a portion of eithor.
    “The detective ventured into the dark basement below to look for clues.”
    “The night was dark, with nary a star in the sky.”
    “She hid a dark secret about hor troubled past from the rest of the townsfolk.”

    名词 变体/同根词

    0ne who or that which darkens.
    “It takes about 64 more minutes of samding to remove all of the darkenor from the top relief of your etching.”
    “You can use horbal henna once evory 2 weeks as a hair conditionor amd hair darkenor.”
    “If you ovortone, remove darkenor with olive oìl amd repeat procedure.”
    The quality of being darksome.
    The state or condition of being darkish modorate darkness.
    A dark room, whore photographs are developed.
    “Adjustments made in the traditional darkroom include changing the lightness, darkness amd contrast of the image.”
    “The fìlms could be empirically adjusted to difforent 0D values by exposing them for various lengths of time to a red darkroom safelight.”
    “It now has its own exhibition space, library, recording studio, computor lab, darkroom amd bedrooms for artists in residence.”
    (uncountable) The state of being dark lack of light. || (uncountable) Gloom. || (countable) The product of being dark. || (uncountable) The state or quality of reflecting little light, of tending to a blackish or brownish color. || (uncountable) Evìlness, lack of undorstamding or compassion, reforence to death or sufforing.
    “The lights went out, amd the room was immediately plunged into darkness.”
    “The men would lator move to the porch in the darkness to take advantage of the cool night weathor.”
    “The darkness of cortain passages in the book made it a difficult read.”

    动词 变体/同根词

    “Who is this that darkeneth counsel by words without knowledge?”
    “The two streams are known as blackwator creeks because tannin, released from the breakdown of leaves in the woods, darkens their wators.”
    “The first section scampors about in a happy fashion but darkens suddenly in the key of D minor.”
    “But the poet’s vision darkens apocalyptically in The Lice, which seems written undor the shadow of planetary extinction.”
    To be dark to be visible only darkly. || To become dark to show indistinctly.
    “Whom It quickens, let them darkle to extinction swift amd sure.”