例句1. they deserve a decent burial
例句2. he was a devoted husband and a very decent chap
1.Appropriate; fitting.
‘they would meet again after a _decent_ interval’
‘After a _decent_ interval he and Madeleine left Carew to his liqueurs and cynicism and headed back across the square to the Hotel Adernis.’
2.Conforming with generally accepted standards of respectable or moral behaviour.
‘a _decent_ clean-living individual’
‘Both these people have talent but far more than that they come across as nice, _decent_ , genuine young people.’
‘there’s a few _decent_ players in the team’
‘Somehow, the York players transformed themselves into what we all know they have the potential to be - _decent_ rugby players.’
4.Kind, obliging, or generous.
‘that’s awfully _decent_ of you’
‘So let no-one say British people aren’t _decent_ , aren’t generous.’
5.Not likely to shock or embarrass others.
‘a _decent_ high-necked dress’
‘By the time she was dressed and looking somewhat _decent_ , she had only three minutes until Aidan was due to arrive.’
6.Of an acceptable standard; satisfactory.
‘people need _decent_ homes’
‘Anthony Fedorov has a _decent_ voice, but he’s more likely to make it through on sympathy votes.’
7.Sufficiently clothed to see visitors.
‘‘Hello, miss? Are you _decent_ ?’’
‘‘Lyn are you there?’ Andrea said knocking. ‘Are you _decent_ ?’’
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