||1:In the end, the public was ahead of many in the elite.||2:Even before Pearl Harbour, polls showed Americans preferring entry into the war to a German victory over Britain.||3:Japan had hoped its bombs would demoralise Americans.Instead, America was united by the attack.||4:Two years of savage debate had already aired every argument for and against war, Ms Olson notes.||5:Democracy was America’s strength, as an anxious Britain had hoped it would be.||6:It was a point despotic enemies could never have understood.
1.Cause (someone) to lose confidence or hope.
‘the General Strike had demoralized the trade unions’
‘Groups used violence for political or ideological ends, as a means of demoralising their opponents, winning concessions or taking over territory.’
2.Corrupt the morals of (someone)
‘she hastened her daughter’s steps, lest she be demoralized by beholding the free manners of these ‘mad English’’
‘It is you and the like of you that deprave and demoralize youth and prepare criminals for the gallows.’
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