例句1. the desecration of the church’
||1: Even the gentle art of tapestry itself was transmuted into violence. ||2: In her works the spiralling spindle represented the beginning of chaos. ||3: The needle threatened the desecration of the stone, the penetration to the core. ||4: The twisting of the wet tapestries, lugged from the tannin-filled river, made Ms Bourgeois dream of twisting the neck of the plump English girl who had been her father’s mistress. ||5: Her childhood task in the workshop was to draw cartoons of the missing feet of figures;her mother, with delicate scissors, would snip out the genitals from tapestries destined for the puritan American market. ||6: Hence the liking for scattered body parts in latex, wax, bronze or marble, and the odd assemblages, such as “Nature Study” of 1984, where figures lacked heads but had multiple breasts, and phalluses, and claws.
DIA SOBIN: “It’s really like a desecration to find spam in that comment section in that blog, which basically has become almost like a virtual burial plot.”
DIA SOBIN:“在这个基本已经成为虚拟墓地的博客的评论区发现垃圾邮件信息真是亵渎神灵。”
1.The action of desecrating something.
‘the _desecration_ of a grave’
‘the _desecration_ of swathes of Scotland’s landscape’
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