

    音标:['diːvieɪt] 现在分词:deviating
    过去式:deviated 过去分词:deviated
    名词复数:deviates 第三人称单数:deviates
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    脱离, 出轨
    n. 【化学】
    Tending to deviate, as from a normal or recognized type; aberrant.
    越轨,; 使脱轨

    形容词 变体/同根词

    of, pertaining to, involving or inclining toward some form of deviation
    “The values of the deviational variables for this plan can be calculated by substituting these values in the objectives.”
    “For a detailed explanation of standard deviational ellipses see the excellent book by David Ebdon.”
    “In case of GP each breakpoint is determined as a goal so the number of constraints and the deviational variables are drastically increased.”
    Characterized by deviation from an expectation or a social standard.
    “In a recent editorial in the New England Journal of Medicine, this author decried the need for government and pharmaceutical industry support for research in the treatment of sexually deviant behavior.”
    Tending to deviate.
    (mathematics) Of or pertaining to a deviator

    名词 变体/同根词

    The process of deviantizing.
    That which deviates, or causes deviation
    “My previous panicking mode was distorted into a mischievous deviator that knew exactly what he was going to do.”
    “The deviator block was dimensioned at 1200 mm but scaled 1500 mm.”
    “Therefore, the deviator is left with all the high risks and only a few, if any, low risks.”
    the state of being deviant, abnormal or anomalous
    “Any deviancy is not the result of accident but indicates an unusual motive of the writer.”
    “The main aim was to reduce one aspect of deviancy in a group of adolescent girls, namely at-risk behaviour, by using the method of detached work.”
    “Reading the psychology, there is no cure for sexual deviancy and paedophilia anyway, so what alternative is there?”
    Deviation from accepted beliefs or policies, especially from a prescribed form of communism.
    “Follow the revolutionary line of the Third Internationale in the heroic struggle against left deviationism!”
    “I intend to hold the Commissar for Justice to the CPGB’s election promise when they come to lock me up for rightist deviationism.”
    One who deviates from accepted beliefs or policies, especially from a prescribed form of Communism.
    “Presumably the first Marxist deviationist was Marx himself, who made substantial changes in his ideas during his lifetime.”
    “Throughout Soviet history, every new leader claimed to be going back to pure Leninist principles, while labeling his predecessor a deviationist.”
    “You’d probably have to put me down as a revisionist Kautskyite Menshevik, or maybe a rightist deviationist with extreme petty bourgeois tendencies.”