

例句1. strong bleach can be diluted with water

动词 变体/同根词

In case of accident, the acid should be quickly flushed away with a large quantity of water, which dilutes while washing away the acid.


||1:This complicates the way native corporations spread their wealth around. Many Eskimos who were born after the initial distribution of shares own none.||2:About half of the 13 regional corporations have opened their rolls to “born-afters”, but doing this requires a vote from other shareholders that, in effect, dilutes their dividends.||3:The migration of villagers also means that many shareholders no longer live in the places that the corporations were set up to benefit.

属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-阿拉斯加乡下 冰原濯濯 -

The difference between his approach and a homeopath’s was that what homeopathy dilutes almost to nothing are chemicals, and thus cannot breed. A virus can, given a suitable host.

属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-海洋生物 跳蚤市场 -

However, the investors will say that the deal dilutes their holdings because it does not give them a chance to buy new shares.


the produced non-flammable gas dilutes the concentration of flammable gas during combustion and the concentration of the oxygen;


The higher water content in conventional foods dilutes its nutrient contents.


The support comes at a cost: the deal dilutes existing shareholders’ capital by half and the dividend will shrivel.


But forcing yourself to participate in his random hobbies dilutes your interactions.


Many legislators regard any move that dilutes Japanese pacifism as breaking the spirit of Japan’s post-war constitution.


Putting Russian gas in Nabucco dilutes its importance as a counterweight to Russia’s monopoly on east-west gas supplies.


Like a game of telephone, this methodology requires a great deal of interpretation, which inevitably dilutes the idea and its potency.


By issuing common stock, the firm dilutes the control of current owners but does not have to repay the funds obtained from the stock sale


Researchers say the water dilutes the blood, making it less likely to clot.


This dilutes the relevance of a link that the search engine produces for your site.



1.(of a liquid) made thinner or weaker by having had water or another solvent added to it.
‘By feeding one of the ants a small amount of _dilute_ sugar water, we were able to distinguish workers from the two subcolonies during the trials by differences in abdomen size.’
‘Some get good results from _dilute_ vinegar soaks, painting the nail with tea tree oil or squirting the oil from Vitamin E capsules around the nail.’
2.(of a solution) having a relatively low concentration of solute.
‘a _dilute_ solution of potassium permanganate’
‘The new test uses a _dilute_ solution of potassium permanganate.’
3.(of colour or light) weak or low in concentration.
‘ _dilute_ sun’
‘Even the nebulae, those ‘extended masses of _dilute_ light’, are thought by some to be condensing into planetary systems.’

1.Make (a liquid) thinner or weaker by adding water or another solvent to it.
‘bleach can be _diluted_ with cold water’
‘A team of chemists in Korea found that when certain substances are _diluted_ in water, the molecules clump together instead of getting further apart, as common sense would suggest.’
2.Make (something) weaker in force, content, or value by modification or the addition of other elements.
‘the reforms have been _diluted_ ’
‘Corrupt practices _dilute_ the gamut of restrictions and the fear of punishment.’
3.Reduce the value of (a shareholding) by issuing more shares in a company without increasing the values of its assets.
‘If you choose to do nothing, your shareholding will be _diluted_ thanks to the extra shares issued.’
‘For the thousands of shareholders, whose stake in the company, like mine, have been _diluted_ to near-zero, there is however a lesson to be learnt.’

独上高台望四海 手揽云月傍天飞, 落叶重重已十月 归鸟凄凄啼心扉。