廉价零售商; 折扣商店
discounter;bargain store;discount store;discount house
discounter;bargain store;discount store;discount house
1. 廉价商店,折扣商店[C]
discounter;bargain store;discount store;discount house
NIMBYs have not always helped. Lots of civic groups are active in the area, campaigning against late licences and the like, says Dan Carrier of the Camden New Journal, a newspaper. A local business association is also good at complaining.|| Partly because of this, a big supermarket has not yet opened on the high street—though Lidl, a discounter , will set up shop this year.|| “We quite like that it is rough around the edges,” says Michael Williams, a writer and local.
1:邻避效应(not in my back yard,指居民或当地单位因担心建设项目带来诸多负面影响,从而激发人们的嫌恶情结,滋生“不要建在我家后院”的心理,及采取的强烈和坚决的、有时高度情绪化的集体反对甚至抗争行为)并不一直都起作用。该地区的许多公民组织是很活跃的,他们常反对老旧的许可证这类事物,来自卡姆登新日报(Camden New Journal)的Dan Carrier说道。||2:当地的一个工商协会也很擅长这种控诉。||3:在一定程度上出于这种原因,一家大型超市都未能在这条街上开张—即使是将在今年开业Lidl(一间德国的连锁超级市场,在全球拥有超过8000间分店。)||4:当地作家Michael Williams说,“我们的确喜欢在边缘徘徊,不入大流。”
||1:To solve this problem, many sellers’ agents offer to cut their own fee while still offering the full price to the buyer’s agent.||2:Alas, word soon spreads that they are giving rebates.||3:That makes many buyers’ agents steer their clients elsewhere-either in solidarity with full-service brokers or because they fear a discounter will leave them with the lion’s share of the work.
1.A large business that sells goods or services at less than the usual price.
‘the company has been hit by fierce competition from discounters at the lower end of the market’
‘the German _discounter_ has 600 stores in the UK’
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