

例句1. he drew the house in his notebook
例句2. she drew her chair in to the table
例句3. the train drew into Victoria Station

名词 变体/同根词

动词 变体/同根词

Every miller draws water to his own mill.


Every miller draws water to his own mill.


I am something of a doctor;I know in what fashion the last hour draws on


The CPI from 2001 draws on data from seven institutions


The talk command clears your screen and draws a dotted line across the middles.


The Beijing Foreign Language Institute draws its students from many provinces


A person who draws blood from another;a phlebotomist.


It draws heavily on ideas developed in information theory.


But now see wherein the parallel changes. A fortune, like a man, is an organism which draws to itself other minds and other strength than that inherent in the founder.


The crowd that throngs the wharf as the steamer draws alongside is gay and debonair


As the play draws to its close, they wonder whether they will ever catch that last train home.


As for the meaning of life, it hinges on what conclusions one draws from one’s own life experience.


The engine draws water along the pipe.


The engine draws water along the pipe.


One who draws blood for analysis or transfusion.


Used as the name for the Austronesian language that is based on Tagalog,draws its lexicon from other Philippine languages,and is the official language of the Philippines.


A headline on the front page draws attention to the fuller story inside.


The report, which draws on UN predictions of the effects of climate change in poor countries over the next 50 years, says poor countries will experience more flooding, declining food production, more disease


The law in this country draws a line between murder and manslaughter.


The book’s odd title stems from the joke about a panda that walks into a caf . He orders a sandwich, eats it, then draws a gun and fires two shots into the air


The diaphragm draws air into the lungs.


Plotter: Device which draws graphics from computer instructions with a pen or other medium.


Paper cutting is a traditional Chinese decorative art. The earliest known paper cuts in China date back to the Tang Dynasty (618-907), the cutter first draws the design on a piece of paper, then cuts it out with scissors or a knife.


The educator does not pour truths into the minds of others,but draws out of others their latent abilities and stimulates them to be original and creative.


She’s not a professional. She draws for her own enjoyment.


She draws on her socks


She draws well.


She draws very well.


She draws an overpowering picture of human helplessness


The examination draws near.



1.A game or contest that ends with the score even.
‘he scored twice to force a 4–4 _draw_ ’
‘An inspired batting display by South Nutfield was not enough to defeat North Holmwood on Saturday, as the match ended in a _draw_ .’
2.A game which is left incomplete for lack of time, regardless of the scores.
‘The important thing would be to reward those who play positive cricket, so that even in games which were likely to produce a _draw_ , both sides would be forced to attack with bat and ball.’
‘Four out of the six games have been _draws_ and the pitch has become great to bat on even on the fifth day, as we saw a couple of years ago when New Zealand were here.’
3.A person or thing that is very attractive or interesting.
‘the museum has turned out to be a big _draw_ for school children in the city’
‘Promising to be the big _draw_ of the festival, it features an intricate weaving of different conversations taking place in a city.’
4.A shot causing the ball to deviate slightly.
‘most high handicappers would benefit from a controlled _draw_ ’
‘Though this drill is normally used to help cure the slice swing of a beginner, it can help a good player make the switch from fading the ball to hitting a _draw_ .’
5.An act of drawing on a cigarette or cigar.
‘she took a long _draw_ on her cigarette’
‘More and more, she sounds like she took one _draw_ too many!’
6.An act of pulling a gun from its holster in order to shoot.
‘he went for the quick _draw_ and levelled a long-barrelled pistol at all of us’
‘It can also make your _draw_ from holster or pocket a little more difficult as fabric tends to cling to the rubber stocks.’
7.An act of selecting names randomly to decide winners in a lottery, opponents in a sporting contest, etc.
‘the _draw_ has been made for this year’s tournament’
‘Two more weeks remain in this league followed by a fun bowling Friday at which time new team members are selected by a blind _draw_ .’
‘they’re dropping Es and smoking _draw_ ’
‘He has no immediate ambitions beyond smoking his beloved _draw_ .’

1.(in bowls) cause (a bowl) to travel in a curve determined by its bias to the desired point.
2.(of a chimney, flue, or fire) allow air to flow in and upwards freely, so that a fire can burn.
‘failure of a fire to _draw_ properly can have a number of causes’
‘The chimney was _drawing_ well and the smoke was quickly sucked out of the room.’
3.(of a sail) be filled with wind.
‘as the sail _drew_ , he put the helm over to circle back’
4.(of a ship) require (a specified depth of water) to float in.
‘boats that _draw_ only a few inches of water’
‘A Viking ship typically _drew_ only about three feet of water and they were experts at sailing on rivers.’
5.(of tea) be left standing so that the flavour is extracted from the leaves.
‘a pot of tea is allowed to _draw_ ’
6.(of the declarer) force the defenders to play (cards in a particular suit) by leading cards in that suit.
‘before establishing his diamonds, declarer must _draw_ trumps’
‘The declarer then _draws_ an equal number of cards from the top of the heap, including the face-up trump card if the contract is vuelta.’
7.Attract (someone) to come to a place or an event.
‘you really _drew_ the crowds with your playing’
‘The event _drew_ a huge crowd, as this sport gatherers greater and greater interest amongst the locals.’
8.Be the cause of (a specified response)
‘he _drew_ criticism for his lavish spending’
‘That should _draw_ the largest applause in the Old Vic.’
9.Come to or arrive at a point in time or in a process.
‘the campaign _drew_ to a close’
‘As the show _drew_ to a close (after a disappointingly short 60 minutes) I was left wanting slightly more.’
10.Direct or attract (someone’s attention) to something.
‘it was an outrage and we had to _draw_ people’s attention to it’
‘a bright red instantly _draws_ the eye’
‘after a mockery of a trial he was hanged, _drawn_ , and quartered’
12.Extract (an object) from a container or receptacle.
‘he _drew_ his gun and peered into the gloomy apartment’
‘And he _drew_ off the contents of the cyst with a needle.’
13.Finish (a contest or game) with an even score.
‘Brazil had _drawn_ a stormy match 1–1’
‘they _drew_ 0–0 in 1974’
14.Formulate or perceive (a comparison or distinction)
‘the law _drew_ a clear distinction between innocent and fraudulent misrepresentation’
‘But there is a distinction to be _drawn_ after you have proceedings on foot.’
15.Gently pull or guide (someone) in a specified direction.
‘‘David,’ she whispered, _drawing_ him aside’
‘He _drew_ her to him gently, holding her against him, and she didn’t resist but let herself turn fluid in his arms, let the touch of his lips on her face wash over her like a tide.’
16.Hit (the ball) so that it deviates slightly, usually as a result of spin.
‘he had to learn to _draw_ the ball—not least for the tee shots at Augusta’
‘If you’re doing the drill correctly, the ball should even _draw_ slightly.’
17.Induce (someone) to reveal or do something.
‘he refused to be _drawn_ on what would happen’
‘It was important not just because of the verbal spat he was _drawn_ into with White, but also because of a smaller controversy closer to home.’
18.Make (wire) by pulling a piece of metal through successively smaller holes.
‘The structure of heavily _drawn_ wire or rolled sheet consists of very long interlocking grains.’
‘Aluminum wire, _drawn_ from rolled rod, may be stranded into cable of any desired size and type.’
19.Move somewhere in a slow steady way.
‘the train _drew_ in to the station’
‘There had been about 90 of them, and I only managed to collect about half before the train _drew_ into the station.’
20.Obtain or withdraw (money) from a bank or other source.
‘now I just _draw_ out a spending allowance every week’
‘First, is this a situation in which money can be _drawn_ down merely because there is a bona fide claim?’
21.Obtain something from (a particular source)
‘an independent panel of judges _drawn_ from members of the public’
‘Thy _drew_ their inspiration from a group of women who decided to walk around London in aid of breast cancer.’
22.Produce (a picture or diagram) by making lines and marks on paper with a pencil, pen, etc.
‘he _drew_ a map’
‘This allows the user to _draw_ diagrams or pictures more easily through software commands.’
23.Produce an image of (someone or something) by making lines and marks on paper.
‘I asked her to _draw_ me’
‘you’re at art college, you must be able to _draw_ ’
24.Pull (curtains) shut or open.
‘do you want me to _draw_ the curtains?’
‘The curtains were _drawn_ so I moved quickly over to them to see what kind of view was behind them.’
25.Pull or drag (something such as a vehicle) so as to make it follow behind.
‘a cart _drawn_ by two horses’
‘The rarely-used Scottish state coach, _drawn_ by four white horses, was escorted by two squadrons of the Household Cavalry.’
26.Pull or move (something) in a specified direction.
‘I _drew_ back the blanket and uncovered the body’
‘Smiling, Paragon _drew_ his covers tighter and pondered up at the stars that his father’s people adored so much.’
27.Reach (a conclusion) by deduction or inference from a set of circumstances.
‘the moral to be _drawn_ is that spending wins votes’
‘I am wholly unable to _draw_ any such inference or conclusion.’
28.Run (a bath)
‘I would have been _drawing_ his bath’
‘All she wanted to do was to send Will over a friend’s house, _draw_ a hot bath, and go to bed.’
29.Search (cover) for game.
‘many a time she had seen the hounds _draw_ such a covert’
30.Select (a ticket or name) randomly to decide winners in a lottery, opponents in a sporting contest, etc.
‘she _drew_ a ticket and announced the number but no one claimed it’
31.Suck smoke from (a cigarette or pipe)
‘she _drew_ heavily on her cigarette’
‘They shared a match, then each took a contented _draw_ on his pipe.’
32.Take in (a breath)
‘Mrs Feather _drew_ a long breath’
‘The child _drew_ her first lusty breath, and all memory of Before was buried to allow the child to grow.’
33.Take or obtain (liquid) from a container or receptacle.
‘a wheel was built to _draw_ water from the well’
‘he _drew_ off a pint of bitter’
34.Trace or produce (a line or mark) on a surface.
‘she _drew_ a wavering line down the board’
‘An informal boundary line has been _drawn_ between these armed camps.’
35.Use (one’s experience, talents, or skills) as a resource.
‘Sue has a lot of past experience to _draw_ on’
‘‘They developed the product and we can still _draw_ on their talent and experience,’ said Braun.’

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