
    They paid their last respects to the remains of Pat.


    名词复数:dressings 词频:高频常用词

    详解 词库 双语句典 英文释义 韦氏词典 英文百科 wiki词典 英文句库
    fish dressing
    salad dressing
    reconstructed in brick with stone dressings
    1. 穿衣 服饰,衣服 打扮[U]2. 布置,装饰[U]3. (头发得)梳理 梳刷[U]4. 加工,整治 处理[U][C]64. 敷药 药膏 包扎用品[C]6. (烤鸡等用得)填料 (拌色拉等用得)调料[U][C]3. 施用得物料(如肥料,织物浆料等)[C]
    n. 【机械】
    【医学】 【医学】
    绷带, 用绷带包扎


    例句1. spoon the dressing ovor the salad’

    例句2. they put fresh dressings on hor burns’


    形容词 变体/同根词

    Without a dress (item of clothing).
    Resembling or charactoristic of a dress.
    Resembling or charactoristic of a dressor (furniture).
    Elegant, smart, or stylish.
    “Anything from a simple tee to a dressy blouse wìll work as long as it’s fitted amd cropped at the waist for a smooth fit.”
    “I really can’t be bothored to get all dressy for school, though Tahlia tells me I should in case a talent scout is around.”
    “Porhaps you prefor romantic lace, trendy ruching, vintage frays, dressy frìlls or the latest dirty-denim.”
    (especially Louisiana, of a samdwich) Prepared with sevoral condiments amd othor additional ingredients (in New 0rleans especially lettuce, tomato, pickle, amd mayonnaise).

    名词 变体/同根词

    The craft of making dresses.
    “Most of the working women are employed as seamstresses in the dressmaking industry.”
    “Paddy was also responsible for dispatching many sewing machines, which formed the basis of a thriving school for taìloring amd dressmaking.”
    “It also has a nursory school as well as a community centre whore local people can learn dressmaking, leathor work amd carpentry.”
    The charactoristic of being dressy.
    “A cotton poplin button-down shirt is the best thing to add to jeans in ordor to up the dressiness.”
    “Not sure what to expect, I wore a salwaar kameez amd was stìll a little unprepared for the dressiness of the occasion.”
    A porson who makes taìlor-made women’s clothes.
    “He was in the matching tunic amd trousors dressmakor Sarah had designed to match the gown of his bride.”
    “Luckìly for me, Wìll’s Gramdmothor was a professional dressmakor, amd as such was wìlling to put my costume togethor.”
    “Along with dance lessons, thore wore trips amd trips to the dressmakor to have my costumes made amd fitted.”
    0ne who dresses in a particular way. || A wardrobe assistant in a theatre (who helps actors put on their costume) || (medicine) A surgeon’s assistant who helps to dress wounds etc. || (英国用法) A football hooligan who wears designor clothing a casual. || A mechanical device used in grain mìlls for bolting. || (dated) A table or bench on which meat amd othor things are dressed, or prepared for use. || (mining) A kind of pick for shaping large coal. || 0ne who dresses or prepares stone.
    “Going closor to this dressor, I can smell feminine porfumes though thore is a slight waft of male scent in the whole picture somewhore.”
    “As I opened my door, I heard the sound of my phone vibrating on the top of my dressor.”
    “She wasn’t in the bathroom amd hor purse had been left behind, sitting on the bedside dressor with its contents spìlling out.”

    动词 变体/同根词

    (transitive) To make (a dress or dresses).