
    Banks is a nobody.



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    n. 【纺织】

    词性:plural noun

    例句1. rat droppings


    形容词 变体/同根词

    Resembling or characteristic of a drop of liquid.
    “In their form, their liquid, droplike appearance, they distill the essence of this appalling summer.”
    Capable of being dropped (especially by an aircraft).
    (of furniture) Having a side that drops down, either to open or to save space.
    Without a drop or drops, as of water. || Without dropping something.

    名词 变体/同根词

    A very small drop.
    “The fuel is a coating of an acrylic polymer or a droplet of water that sits on the foil.”
    “Just one droplet to start with, but the sky was leaden grey and there was much more fallout in store.”
    “Indeed, not a crumb, droplet of sauce or carrot julienne was left on our plates.”
    Enough to fill a dropper.
    (幽默用语) A notional medical condition that causes people to drop things frequently.
    The location at which troops or supplies are dropped, usually by parachute.
    (physics) A quasiparticle, in the form of a quantum droplet of electrons and holes within a semiconductor, that shows some behaviour typical of a liquid
    “The dropleton is a quasiparticle, a theoretical construct that helps physicists make sense of the jungle of particles and forces within the materials we use every day.”

    动词 变体/同根词

    Used other than with a figurative or idiomatic meaning: see drop,? out. || (idiomatic) To prematurely and voluntarily leave (school, a race, or the like). || To opt out of conventional society. || (of sound, electronic signal, etc.) To be lost or momentarily interrupted.
    “He was so disillusioned that he chose to drop out of the race.”
    “Ten years ago he was a Dundee University drop out whose career encompassed labouring, recruitment consultancy and a rock band.”
    “By using infrasound to attack the gums of the teeth, the invisible personnel can loosen the victim’s teeth and cause them drop out.”
    (intransitive) To fall in droplets (of a liquid). [from 11th c.] || (transitive) To drip (a liquid). [form 14th c.] || (intransitive) Generally, to fall (straight down). [from 14th c.] || (transitive, ergative) To let fall; to allow to fall (either by releasing hold of, or losing one’s grip on). [from 14th c.] || (intransitive, obsolete) To let drops fall; to discharge itself in drops. || (intransitive) To sink quickly to the ground. [from 15th c.] || (intransitive) To fall dead, or to fall in death. || (intransitive) To come to an end (by not being kept up); to stop. [from 17th c.] || (transitive) To mention casually or incidentally, usually in conversation. [from 17th c.] || (transitive, slang) To part with or spend (money). [from 17th c.] || (transitive) To cease concerning oneself over; to have nothing more to do with (a subject, discussion etc.). [from 17th c.] || (intransitive) To lessen, decrease, or diminish in value, condition, degree, etc. [from 18th c.] || (transitive) To let (a letter etc.) fall into a postbox; to send (a letter or message). [from 18th c.] || (transitive) To make (someone or something) fall to the ground from a blow, gunshot etc.; to bring down, to shoot down. [from 18th c.] || (语言学) To fail to write, or (especially) to pronounce (a syllable, letter etc.). [from 19th c.] || (cricket, of a fielder) To fail to make a catch from a batted ball that would have lead to the batsman being out. || (transitive, slang) To swallow (a drug), particularly LSD. [from 20th c.] || (transitive) To dispose (of); get rid of; to remove; to lose. || (transitive) To eject; to dismiss; to cease to include, as if on a list. || (Rugby football) To score [a goal] by means of a drop-kick. || (transitive, slang) To impart. || (music) To release to the public. || (music) To play a portion of music in the manner of a disc jockey. || (music) To enter public distribution. || (music) To tune (a guitar string, etc.) to a lower note. || (transitive) To cancel or end a scheduled event, project or course. || (transitive, fast food) To cook, especially by deep-frying or grilling. || (intransitive, of a voice) To lower in timbre, often relating to puberty. || (intransitive, of a sound or song) To lower in pitch, tempo, key, or other quality. || (intransitive, of people) To visit informally; used with in or by. || To give birth to. || To cover with drops; to variegate; to bedrop. || (testicle) To hang lower and begin producing sperm due to puberty.
    “Four cowboys heard a whirring noise overhead and looked up to see a cylindrical object drop from the sky and crash into the ground.”
    “I embrace her as tears of joy drop from her eyes.”
    “If something comes up that has to be dealt with, I drop everything else, so that it can be done.”