fed up 查询结果如下:

He was fed up, and that to a great degree.


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She was fed up with her do-nothing sons.


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Oh, nothing! I’m just a bit fed up, that’s all.


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I am got feed up do what amount to little more than high school chemistry experiment.


属类:口语表达 -未分类

Really! I am fed up with your carelessness .


属类:口语表达 -未分类

Poor man. He must be terribly fed up about it .


属类:口语表达 -未分类

I’m thoroughly fed up with you.


属类:综合句库 -典型例句

What’s the matter? You look pretty fed up.


属类:综合句库 -典型例句

I’m fed up with waiting for her to telephone.


属类:综合句库 -典型例句

MADAME: Be careful, Kitty.--KITTY: No I won’t be careful. I’m fed up with her. I’ve been wanting to tell her for two years and now I’m going to tell you. And if you don’t like it you can lump it. I’m sick of you and your tyranny.


属类:文学表达 -电影脚本 -魂断蓝桥

There are thousands of children in the slums who need feeding up


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They are really fed up with the whole thing


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I’m fed up with your grumbling


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I am fed up with this wet weather


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People are fed up with all this hot air


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I am fed up with standing in these long lines.


属类:学习英语 -成语例句

What’s the matter? You look pretty fed up.


属类:综合句库 -典型例句

You look very pale;I think you need feeding up a bit.


属类:综合句库 -典型例句

Bored or annoyed by sb/sth;fed up with sb/sth


属类:综合句库 -典型例句

She’s fed up with being her husband’s stooge.


属类:综合句库 -典型例句

fed (up)to the (back)teeth

厌倦到极点; 倒胃口极了

属类:口语表达 -英汉综合 -俚语

I am just a bit fed up.


属类:口语表达 -未分类

I’m getting fed up, I am.


属类:学习英语 -修辞篇 -增强

Guide: A mechanical device on a printing press that causes all sheets fed up to it to be printed with a uniform margin and register.There are front guides sand side guides. Also called Lay.


属类:行业术语 -印刷

Lay: A mechanical device on a sheet fed printing machine that causes all sheets fed up to it to be printed with a uniform margin and in register. There are “front lay ”and “side lay”. Also called Guide.


属类:行业术语 -印刷

They must be so fed up.


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Really, I’m fed up with fried eggs.


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I’m fed up with love stories.


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I’m fed up with it.


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I’m fed up with chocolate.


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I’m fed up with all this argument.


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Oh nothing. I’m just a bit fed up, that’s all.


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He has been fed up with moving with prominent officials and eminent personages.


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I’m fed up with my work!


属类:口语表达 -

I’m fed up with him.


属类:口语表达 -

I am fed up with his laziness and carelessness.


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I’m fed up with your grumbling.


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There are thousands of children in the slum needing feeding up.


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Mike has been fed up with his mother’s interference in his private affairs.


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I’m fed up with his complaints.


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I was fed up with my boss’ constant complaints.


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Indeed, progress has been slow ever since two female runners, fed up with jiggling beneath their T-shirts, created the first jogger’s bra in 1977 by sewing together two jockstraps


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She said once to the king that she was fed up with her life on Lingyan and that she would like to go by boat to Tai Lake and enjoy the lotus flowers there


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So this is Lingyan Hill, with its evocations of history and great scenic charm. Those that feel fed up with the hustle and bustle of urban life will find it an ideal place to relax themselves and enjoy at least a day’s peace and quiet


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I waited for you last night in the Great China Hotel, but you didn’t come and I was feeling fed up, so I went into the ballroom to have a look round, and there she was


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It is apparent that your wife is addicted and needs help to get off cigarettes, but your vehemence suggests that you are seriously fed up with the woman, and you need to find out why


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Students become to be fed up and angry and flies into rage finally


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He got fed up with his job and chucked it in.


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The boy needs feeding up.


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I’m fed up with this kind of life.


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“Three more Central Banks cut rates.” Our problem is not China - We are stronger than ever, money is pouring into the U.S. while China is losing companies by the thousands to other countries, and their currency is under siege - Our problem is a Federal Reserve that is too proud to admit their mistake of acting too fast and tightening too much (and that I was right!). They must Cut Rates bigger and faster, and stop their ridiculous quantitative tightening NOW. Yield curve is at too wide a margin,...

“还有三家中央银行开始降息。”我们的问题不在中国 - 我们比以往任何时候都更强大,资金正在流入美国,而中国正在失去数千家公司,这些公司搬到其他国家去了,而且他们的货币目前四面楚歌 - 我们的问题是美联储太骄傲了,不承认他们犯了动作太快,收紧太多的错误(我是对的!)。他们必须更大幅度更快速度地削减利率,并立即停止他们荒谬的量化紧缩。收益率曲线还有广泛的回旋余地;没有通货膨胀!看着这些无能的表现真的让人捉急,特别是这些事情本可以轻松地搞定。无论如何我们都会赢,但如果美联储能理解(他们现在不理解)我们正在与其他国家竞争(所有这些国家都希望以牺牲我们作为代价来达到他们的利益最大化),获胜将变得更容易!

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“The Fed has got to do something! The Fed is the Central Bank of the United States, not the Central Bank of the World.” Mark Grant @Varneyco Correct! The Federal Reserve acted far too quickly, and now is very, very late. Too bad, so much to gain on the upside!


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Expect an interest rate cut from the Fed in the second half of 2019, Brandywine says


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Neel Kashkari said he wanted the Fed to cut its benchmark rate by a half-percentage point at the latest meeting

Neel Kashkari表示他希望美联储在最近一次会议上将基准利率下调半个百分点

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The White House has asked former U.S. domestic policy adviser Paul Winfree to consider joining the Fed board.


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The White House is considering conservative economist Judy Shelton to fill one of the two vacancies on the Fed board


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Goldman Sachs now expects the Fed to cut interest rates by 25 basis points in both July and September


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There’s no reason for the Fed to remain dovish if the world’s two largest economies reach a trade deal, according to Bank of America’s David Woo

根据美国银行(美银)的David Woo,如果世界上两个最大的经济体达成贸易协议,美联储没有理由保持温和态度

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The Great Charles Payne @cvpayne correctly stated that Fed Chair Jay Powell made TWO enormous mistakes. 1. When he said “mid cycle adjustment.” 2. We’re data dependent. “He did not do the right thing.” I agree (to put it mildly!). @Varneyco

很棒的查尔斯-佩恩@cvpayne正确地指出,美联储主席杰伊鲍威尔犯了两个巨大的错误: 1.当他说“中期调整。” 2。我们依赖于数据。 “他没有做正确的事。”我同意(说得客气一点!)。 @Varneyco

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Global markets are currently headed for a no trade deal, no Fed rate cuts scenario, Citigroup says


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Jerome Powell has left it all but certain that the Fed will reduce rates this month for the first time in a decade – the debate now is how deep they will cut and what will they do afterward

杰罗姆鲍威尔完全放弃了这一点,但他肯定美联储将在本月十年来首次降息 - 现在的争论是他们会降多少,他们以后会怎么做

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The U.S. economy grew at a slight-to-moderate pace in March and early April, though a few districts “reported some strengthening,” a Fed survey shows


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The Federal Reserve has reason to be “patient’’ on monetary policy despite possible new U.S. tariffs on Mexican goods, a Fed official says


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The Fed “raised” way too early and way too much. Their quantitative tightening was another big mistake. While our Country is doing very well, the potential wealth creation that was missed, especially when measured against our debt, is staggering. We are competing with other countries that know how to play the game against the U.S. That’s actually why the E.U. was formed....and for China, until now, the U.S. has been “easy pickens.” The Fed has made all of the wrong moves. A small rate cut is not enough, but we will win anyway!


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It is far more costly for the Federal Reserve to cut deeper if the economy actually does, in the future, turn down! Very inexpensive, in fact productive, to move now. The Fed raised & tightened far too much & too fast. In other words, they missed it (Big!). Don’t miss it again!


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I like New York Fed President John Williams first statement much better than his second. His first statement is 100% correct in that the Fed “raised” far too fast & too early. Also must stop with the crazy quantitative tightening. We are in a World competition, & winning big,...


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It is my pleasure to announce that @StephenMoore, a very respected Economist, will be nominated to serve on the Fed Board. I have known Steve for a long time – and have no doubt he will be an outstanding choice!


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We are winning, big time, against China. Companies & jobs are fleeing. Prices to us have not gone up, and in some cases, have come down. China is not our problem, though Hong Kong is not helping. Our problem is with the Fed. Raised too much & too fast. Now too slow to cut....


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With the Fed set to go silent until July 31, bond traders may want to shift their focus to the U.S. debt ceiling


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Fed funds futures see a rate cut as more likely now that Trump has boosted Chinese tariffs


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Bond traders are looking tothis week’s inflation report to see if Fed Chairman Powell was right when he said factors muting prices are “transitory”


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The Fed is likely to hold interest rates steady on Wednesday while opening the door to a cut


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Experts stated that the Fed should not have tightened, and then waited too long to undo their mistake. James Bullard of St. Louis Fed said they waited too long to correct the mistake that they made last December. “Mistake, Powell cut rate and then he started talking.” @LouDobbs

专家表示,美联储不应该收紧银根,然后等待太长时间才去纠正错误。圣路易斯联邦储备银行的詹姆斯-布拉德说他们等了太久才来纠正他们去年12月犯下的错误。 “错误,鲍威尔削减利率了,然后他才开始说话。”@ Louobbs

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Jerome Powell just suffered his first dissent since becoming Fed chairman, courtesy of reliable policy dove James Bullard


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BREAKING: Trump asked White House lawyers earlier this year to explore his options for removing Jerome Powell as Fed chairman in an unprecedented move, sources say


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In a reversal of policy, Fed chief Jerome Powell opens the door to an interest-rate cut as early as next month

作为政策逆转,美联储主席杰罗姆·鲍威尔(Jerome Powell)最早将于下个月开启降息措施

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1.tired, sated, or disgusted beyond endurance

美国城市词典(Urban Dictionary)是一个解释英语俚语词汇的在线词典,这些词汇定义由志愿者通过注册该网站后编辑提交,网站访问者可以对这些定义做出评定。 城市字典上面有许多正常词典里面查不到的词条,即使是正常词典里面有的在这里也会有新的精辟的解释。但由于是普通年轻人随性编撰,可能用语比较粗俗。

独上高台望四海 手揽云月傍天飞, 落叶重重已十月 归鸟凄凄啼心扉。