1. 铺地板的人,2. 把人打倒的一击,3. 【口】难题
1.(in a legislative assembly) the part of the house in which members sit and from which they speak.
‘Mr Mark interjected across the floor of the House that that was a lie.’
‘I do not expect to deal with the details of written replies on the floor of the House, but I am happy for him to come and see me.’
2.(in the Stock Exchange) the large central hall where trading takes place.
‘a floor trader’
‘You know, more than half the people who are normally on the floor of the stock exchange were there.’
3.A minimum level of prices or wages.
‘share prices have gone through the floor’
‘Instead of a single lock-in price, the lender sets a price range with a floor and ceiling.’
4.All the rooms or areas on the same level of a building; a storey.
‘a third-floor flat’
‘The skywalks will consist of three floors, three storeys above the street level.’
5.The bottom of the sea, a cave, or an area of land.
‘the ocean floor’
‘the valley floor’
6.The ground.
‘the best way to play is to pass the ball on the floor’
7.The lower surface of a room, on which one may walk.
‘a wooden floor’
‘It touched down on the smooth metal floor, and a ramp lowered down to the floor.’
8.The right or opportunity to speak next in debate.
‘other speakers have the floor’
‘It is not a point of order, but I will ask the member who has the floor to come back to the bill, please.’
1.Baffle (someone) completely.
‘that question floored him’
‘I’m utterly floored by the realization and pull away from him as though he’s just scalded me.’
2.Knock (someone) to the ground, especially with a punch.
‘the champion floored Close with an uppercut’
‘It is true that Iran floored Thomas with a short left hook in the fourth round.’
3.Provide (a room or area) with a floor.
‘a room floored in yellow wood’
‘a stone-floored building’
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