

例句1. the plane is based on a wooden frame’
例句2. his clothes clung to his tall, slender frame’

动词 变体/同根词

frame for mounting loudspeakers,unusable for any other purpose


A knapsack,often mounted on a lightweight frame ,that is worn on a person’s back,as to carry camping supplies.


non-washing plate and frame filter press


Don’t tell me you can’t see where you’ve painted over the frame and onto the window,it’s as plain as a pikestaff.


A rib in a ship’s frame .


The aftermost transverse structural member in a steel ship,including the floor,frame ,and beam assembly at the sternpost.


The window jarred in the frame .


The window jarred in the frame .


frame with non-locking clasps,of base metal for handbags,purses,attaché cases,travel goods


frame incorporating locks,of base metal. for trunks and the like


He was holding on to a window frame for dear ] fie when the fireman reached him.


A protective rooflike covering,often of canvas,mounted on a frame over a walkway or door.


A large table centerpiece consisting of a frame with extended arms or branches supporting holders,as for flowers,fruit,or sweetmeats.


A bicycle with a steel frame .


steel beams;the steel industry;a bicycle with a steel frame .


Side a frame house with aluminum.


a worker’s sturdy frame .


Having a lean,gaunt frame with prominent bones.


handbag frame of precious metal,whether or not gem-set


In some tropical regions small boats used to be made of skins stretched over a wooden frame .


The artist stretched the canvas tightly over the frame .


frame [a block of bits transmitted as a single unit]

画面; 资讯段;框; 结构

frame (and parts thereof)for railway or tramway locomotives or rolling-stock


pressing frame for cider preses or winepresses


Technical code for safety of frame scaffoldings with steel tubules in construction


Her frame of mind is confusing.


mirror frame of base metal,not fitted with glass mirrors


An examiner must frame his question clearly.


An examiner must frame his question clearly.


A small,rounded boat made of waterproof material stretched over a wicker or wooden frame .


braced frame;braced farming


属类:工程技术 -航海工程-


2.(in semantics) an underlying conceptual structure into which the meanings of a number of related words fit.
‘the _frame_ of verbs of perception’
‘There are two basic differences, however, between the case _frame_ of verbs of motion and that of verbs of transfer.’
3.A basic structure that underlies or supports a system, concept, or text.
‘the establishment of conditions provides a _frame_ for interpretation’
‘In turn, adults’ choice of code varied by the language _frame_ provided by the classroom teacher or school representative.’
4.A boxlike structure of glass or plastic in which seeds or young plants are grown.
‘I give the young seedlings some winter protection in a _frame_ and leave them in the seed pot until spring when they can be potted on.’
‘Once you have the _frame_ constructed remove any weeds or grass inside the _frame_ so this vegetation does not grow up through your propagation bed.’
5.A feature which marks a transition from one section of discourse to another.
‘ _frames_ are realized by linguistic items such as ‘well’, ‘right’, and ‘OK’’
‘Use _frames_ such as ‘What if…’ and ‘Wouldn’t it be nice if…’ amongst others, and as you play with those thoughts they’ll become more familiar and more believable.’
6.A graphic panel in a display window, especially in a web browser, which encloses a self-contained section of data and permits multiple independent document viewing.
‘Users especially like the idea that the result list is constantly available within the left _frame_ .’
‘If, like most people, you’re using a graphical browser, after login you see two _frames_ .’
7.A metal or plastic structure holding the lenses of a pair of glasses.
‘All the gold _frame_ spectacles are separated, then lenses removed and _frames_ sent away.’
‘Anyone needing glasses is fitted with _frames_ and lenses before they leave.’
8.A person’s body with reference to its size or build.
‘a shiver shook her slim _frame_ ’
‘Despite his small _frame_ , his body was strong and stout due to a healthy regimen of exercises he had maintained since his school days.’
9.A rigid structure that surrounds something such as a picture, door, or windowpane.
‘The wooden window _frames_ were finished in dark green, a standard mid-19 th-century colour.’
‘A second address in Birmingham was also raided, the entire door wrenched from its _frame_ as police arrested three men inside.’
10.A section of a discourse separated by a frame.
‘pragmatically asides step back from the ongoing interpretative _frame_ ’
‘Conversely, interactional difficulties may lead to an unexpected shift in _frame_ and discourse type.’
11.A single complete picture in a series forming a cinema, television, or video film.
‘video footage slowed down to 20 _frames_ a second’
‘Apparently, the filmmakers realized how incredibly fake their ghouls looked, so they decided to never show them onscreen for more than five _frames_ of film.’
12.A single game of snooker.
‘Jones won the first four _frames_ ’
‘Hunter then extended his lead to four _frames_ by winning the last of the session with two breaks of 35.’
13.A single picture in a comic strip.
‘But Roy would take a single _frame_ from a cartoon or comic strip and turn it into an entire painting.’
‘‘They still can be heroes, even without superpowers,’ the Man of Steel tells a crowd of adults and children in the last _frame_ of the comic book’
14.A social context determining the interpretation of an utterance.
‘an utterance may mean the opposite of what it says if used within a _frame_ of teasing’
‘In a somewhat joking _frame_ , Mr. Morris quipped, ‘He is skilled at aggravating us and producing tension in the household.’’
15.A structural environment within which a class of words or other linguistic units can be correctly used. For example I — him is a frame for a large class of transitive verbs.
‘Nor does the effect appear to be limited to the RSVP of repeated words in sentence _frames_ .’
‘Of course specific words and phrases evoke (aspects of) specific _frames_ .’
16.An apparatus with a surrounding structure, especially one used in weaving, knitting, or embroidery.
‘Students will use a small weaving _frame_ to learn how to weave and work with wool.’
‘Later, as fitted her new-found piety, she received such petitions at an embroidery _frame_ .’
17.The rigid supporting structure of an object such as a vehicle, building, or piece of furniture.
‘the wooden _frame_ of the huge bed’
‘an old bicycle _frame_ ’
18.The structure, constitution, or nature of someone or something.
‘we have in our inward _frame_ various affections’
‘The werewolf could be a benign individual, trapped within a bestial _frame_ .’
19.The triangular structure for positioning the red balls in snooker.
‘This trophy, made of Waterford Crystal and in the shape of a snooker _frame_ triangle, is a new one because the previous cup was sponsored by a tobacco company and their link with sport ended two seasons ago.’
‘They began going through the motions of playing snooker, putting the balls in the _frame_ , going off, potting the colours, snookering each other and marking the scores.’
20.The universe, or part of it, regarded as an embracing structure.
‘this goodly _frame_ the Earth’
‘For Newton there had once been a true uncorrupted monotheistic religion, in which the _frame_ of the world had been studied, as he believed it should, as the true temple of a living God.’

1.Form or articulate (words)
‘he walked out before she could _frame_ a reply’
‘Arguments _framed_ in terms of fear may easily be represented as irrational and therefore illegitimate in terms of political debate.’
2.Formulate (a concept, plan, or system)
‘staff have proved invaluable in _framing_ the proposals’
‘Your input has helped us _frame_ a policy that will enable us to better serve our diverse community of users around the world.’
3.Make or construct (something) by fitting parts together or in accordance with a plan.
‘what immortal hand or eye could _frame_ thy fearful symmetry?’
‘A great number of men join in building a house or ship, in rearing a city, in _framing_ a commonwealth: Why may not several Deities combine in contriving and _framing_ a world?’
4.Place (a picture or photograph) in a frame.
‘he had had the photo _framed_ ’
‘That is their main purpose, but saving just one of them to be _framed_ or placed in a memory album/scrapbook will create a lasting souvenir of the occasion.’
5.Produce false evidence against (an innocent person) so that they appear guilty.
‘he claims he was _framed_ ’
‘I cannot believe I’ve been _framed_ for a crime I didn’t commit.’
6.Surround so as to create a striking or attractive image.
‘a short style cut to _frame_ the face’
‘The narrow painted borders create a portal or threshold that _frames_ the interior to give the illusion of deep space, a familiar painting convention.’

独上高台望四海 手揽云月傍天飞, 落叶重重已十月 归鸟凄凄啼心扉。