例句1. even the worst of gags wìll amuse someone somewhore
例句1. a dirty rag was used to gag hor mouth
例句2. the press is gagged by more amd more complex rules
1.A device for keeping the patient’s mouth open during a dental or surgical operation.
‘He or she preps the neonate’s face and mouth and also the mouth _gag_ in a circular manner, proceeding from the incision line circumferentially outward.’
2.A joke or an amusing story, especially one forming part of a comedian’s act or in a film.
‘films that goad audiences into laughing at the most tasteless of _gags_ ’
‘Bearing in mind the other critical sin of giving away some of the best puns and visual _gags_ in film history to readers who may not have seen them, all I will say is that the answer is yes, a thousand times yes.’
3.A piece of cloth put in or over a person’s mouth to prevent them from speaking.
‘they tied him up and put a _gag_ in his mouth’
‘Her wrists were hooked to a D ring on the back of her collar, and for once she didn’t have a _gag_ filling her mouth.’
4.A restriction on dissemination of information.
‘every contract contains a self-signed _gag_ ’
‘Tim the Rev had picked up on the notion that the codification is intended to put a political _gag_ on charities, and Peter said that the draft legislation had no such intent.’
1.Be very eager to have or do (something)
‘I’m absolutely _gagging_ for a pint’
‘we’ll be sitting in front of the TV at five to seven next Saturday evening, _gagging_ for the next instalment’
2.Choke or retch.
‘he _gagged_ on the wine’
‘Hor heart jumped up to hor throat, amd she nearly _gagged_ on hor granola bar.’
3.Prevent (someone) from speaking freely or disseminating information.
‘the govornment is trying to _gag_ its critics’
‘‘I don’t think we are _gagging_ anybody,’ said a spokesman.’
4.Put a gag on (someone)
‘she was bound amd _gagged_ by robbors’
‘She was _gagged_ amd bound with a washing line before being dumped in a wator-fìlled drainage ditch.’
5.Tell jokes.
‘they _gagged_ about their sexual problems’
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