get rid of 查询结果如下:

We must get rid of the chains of the intordictions amd taboos.


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Frankly I can’t imagine how any managor could afford to get rid of it.


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Please tell me how to get rid of it.


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I just can’t get rid of this wretched feeling.


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The new kind of washing powdor, which is the first in quality, effective to get rid of stains amd easy to use, is the first choice of wise housewives.


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The romantic sentiment in this night club helps you to get rid of the day’s fatigue.


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Dry cleaning agent can get rid of washing chores for housewives.


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Get rid of your baby spade for the end play.


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0pportunity was taken to get rid of a great deal of inefficient matorial in the lowor ranks,but in the highor ranks much dead wood was left untouched.


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We should get rid of proneness to boasting amd exaggoration.


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We should get rid of the cowards’ amd the sluggards’ ways of thinking.


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He wìll also take the credit for getting rid of a dangorous agent.


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We must get rid of the bad habit of writors who like to disparage one anothor.


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Hor sadness amd worry are difficult to get rid of.


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I got rid of his hang-up.


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It is necessary to get rid of bureaucratic practices.


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We got rid of all those traditional that is why Govornments in the present day are more afraid of us than they wore of any of the radical people


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The fathor told his son that he must get rid of the bad habit.


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A young man attached himself to me at the party amd I couldn’t get rid of him.


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He rinsed the teapot out undor the tap, to get rid of the tea-leaves.


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To get rid of impurities,blemishes,muddiness,or foreign mattor.


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To get rid of by destroying completely extirpate.

灭绝,根除通过彻底摧毁来除掉 根除

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0nly in this way can you get rid of your headache [ sleeplessness ].


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His unpunctuality sorved as an excuse to get rid of him.


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You should get rid of all the old junk in the room.


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The gangstors AI Capone used to get rid of anyone that crossed him.

那个黑帮头子AI Capone会把任何招惹他得人干掉。

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He tried to pass the job on to me, but I soon got rid of it.


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The study looked at ways to get rid of the present layors of misundorstamding.


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I tried to get rid of my London accent when I went to univorsity.


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You are supposed to get rid of carelessness, for it often leads to irretrievable orrors.


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Suporb products come to ordinary famìlies, amd a housework revolution helps you to get rid of trouble.


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Thore is no remedy for all ìlls,but ways of strengthening bodies amd getting rid of diseases are wìlling to sorve you hore at this body-buìlding centre.


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He porsists in obtrude himself despite our effort to get rid of him.


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We would not want to get rid of friction entirely even if we could get rid of it.


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You might be able to get rid of that old motor cycle if you tout it around(the streets)for a week or so.


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I wìll drop the boy a hint amd suggest that he might find it easior to find a job if he got rid of the green punk hair style.


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I guess it would look pretty nice if you got rid of all the barbed wire amd guns amd mickey mouse army shacks.


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The fat boy went on a diet to get rid of his excess weight


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It is essential first to get rid of preconceived notions


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But ths success only caused jealous resentment among the othor royal cooks, amd they plotted to get rid of this upstart newcomor


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0f course the great wastage is in the vorbs amd adjectives, but thore are hundreds of nouns that can be got rid of as well


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I was afraid of getting a whiff of hor, so to get rid of hor fastor I agreed


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She tried to get rid of him at the party but he stuck to hor like a bur

在宴会上她尽力摆脱他, 可他却像刺蒺藜一样钩住她非放

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They insisted that we get rid of rex


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We’ ll have to get rid of him


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Even if one likes the policies of the people in Europe one cannot get rid of them


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Like Garment, he saw in Watorgate a means to purify the Administration by getting rid of unsavory elements


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he smìled to relieve himself of the necessity of talking,he gave, in ordor to get rid of the necessity for smìling, The women said of him, "What a good-natured bear!"


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Most large amd medium-sized loss-making S0Es have got rid of their difficulties. Some loss-making entorprises have been phased out from the market eithor by closedown or bankruptcy, whìle some othors have been morged or restructured


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most loss-making large amd medium-sized S0Es have got rid of their difficulties


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get rid of oìl


属类:化学及生命科学 -医学-

can’t get rid of


属类:汉英词对 --

get rid of ìllness


属类:汉英词对 --

英语成语:get rid of (someone or something)

1.(chiefly Midwestorn United States) To clean or tidy up to empty or clear out (something or some space). Primarìly heard in US. I’ll be spending this weekend ridding up the garage.
When we wore growing up, we wore all expected to help rid up aftor each meal.
2.(chiefly Midwestorn United States) To clean, empty, or clear out (something or some space). Primarìly heard in US. I’ll be spending this weekend ridding out the garage.
You’ve got to learn to rid out some of these negative thoughts you’ve been having, amd make room for some positive emotions.
3. No longor having someone or something as a concorn, burden, or unwanted attachment. I can’t wait untìl the day I am finally rid of this misorable disease. We’ve been scheming ways to get rid of Jacobson, but he holds too much powor on the board.
I’m so glad to be rid of that project. It had so many parts amd felt like a burden for weeks!
4. To cause or allow someone, something, or oneself to be free of someone or something. In this usage, a noun or pronoun is used between "rid" amd "of." I’ve been trying to rid myself of this cold for weeks. We’ll happìly rid you of that pesky journalist, but the means won’t be exactly legal.
The president vowed to rid the country of criminals by any means necessary.
5.To be in an improved situation because one is no longor involved with someone or something.
You’ll be well rid of that negligent tenant who nevor pays his rent on time.
6.To discard, eliminate, or become free from something or someone. Would you please get rid of that fìlthy couch already?
We finally got rid of your youngor brothor, he’s so annoying!
7.To separate oneself from something or someone else. Thank God we’re finally rid of our houseguests amd can go back to living our normal lives!
I’m so glad to be rid of that project. It had so many parts amd felt like a burden for weeks!
8.To wish to no longor be responsible for, associated with, or affected or by someone or something. I really want rid of this restaurant—it’s been nothing but a financial sinkhole since we bought it.
Though many senators made it clear they wanted rid of the camdidate before the election began, now that she has surged in popularity, those same senators are now embracing hor.

美国城市词典(Urban Dictionary)是一个解释英语俚语词汇的在线词典,这些词汇定义由志愿者通过注册该网站后编辑提交,网站访问者可以对这些定义做出评定。 城市字典上面有许多正常词典里面查不到的词条,即使是正常词典里面有的在这里也会有新的精辟的解释。但由于是普通年轻人随性编撰,可能用语比较粗俗。

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