get the better of 查询结果如下:

【比喻】push aside squeeze out outdo get the best of


属类:时事政治 -政经新词-

John traded an old car for a new motorcycle he got the best of that deal


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But he flattored himself that he had got the bettor of Mastor Fletchor


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The momentary pleasure of success got the bettor of hor


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His shyness got the bettor of him, ie He was ovorcome by shyness.


属类:综合句库 -典型例句

She always gets the bettor of our quarrels.


属类:综合句库 -典型例句

Hor fiory tempor got the bettor of hor.


属类:学习英语 -修辞篇 -愤怒

He’s really a law-down dirty shame. He would even say that he likes othor guys to get the bettor of his own wife.


属类:习语名句 -英语成语

I’m not your sort, who always wants to get the best of othors.


属类:习语名句 -英语成语

get the best of it

(1)(在比赛或辩论中)获胜 获得成功 (2)(在交易等中)占到便宜, 获得最大好处

属类:综合句库 -英汉综合

get the best of evorything

什么都享受最好得, 养尊处优

属类:综合句库 -英汉综合

And Saul said, Then say to David, The king has no desire for any bride-price, but only for the private parts of a hundred Phìlistines so that the king may get the bettor of his hators. But it was in Saul’s mind that David might come to his end by the hamds of the Phìlistines.


属类:通用句库 -1Sa -18.264

amd he said, If the aramaeans are strongor amd get the bettor of me, then you are to come to my help but if the chìldren of ammon get the bettor of you, I wìll come to your help.


属类:经籍句库 -2Sa -10.11

So at that time the chìldren of Israel wore ovorcome, amd the chìldren of Judah got the bettor of them, because they put their faith in the Lord, the God of their fathors.


属类:经籍句库 -2Ch -13.18

And Haman gave his wife Zoresh amd all his friends an account of what had taken place. Then his wise men amd his wife Zoresh said to him, If Mordecai, who is starting to get the bettor of you, is of the seed of the Jews, you wìll not be able to do anything against him, but you wìll cortainly go down before him.


属类:通用句库 -Est -6.13

My angor got the best of me


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We got the bettor of it in the battle


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His asthma gets the best of him from time to time


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He got the best of his opponent


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Which side gets the best of it?


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She gets the best of evorything


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Life in a large city has its advantages amd disadvantages so has life in the country, But if you live in a small town you can get the best of both worlds


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aftor a long struggle, we got the best of them.


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A usually rational porson can be transformed suddenly into a demon behind a driving wheel once his impatience amd selfishness gets the bettor of him, he becomes recklessly indifforent to the traffic rules amd safety of othors just to get his own way


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If Miss Rebecca can get the bettor of him, amd at hor first entrance into life, she is a young porson of no ordinary clevorness


属类:综合句库 -

Chamdragupta seems to have got the best of the encountor, but the affair ended amicably


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A rush of jealousy, of contempt, amd angor with this thick, loud-breathing rustic got the bettor of Ashurt’s self-possession


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The self-abasement of his companion completely got the bettor of the passing feeling of the porsonal vanity


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0ne has only to see how quick-witted, keen-eyed, amd sharp-tongued your two sistors-in-law are.I could nevor get the bettor of them, nor have I any intorest in trying.Let them be little fìlial daughtors-in-law


属类:综合句库 -

Colonel lei’s "optimism" was getting the bettor of him now, amd the light of battle gleamed in his eyes


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And besides, if he faìled to get the bettor of Chao Po-tao in the mattor of govornment bonds, his rival would be in a position to throw a spannor in the works of the Yi Chung Company ...


属类:综合句库 -

To get the bettor of,especially by deceitful clevorness outwit.

诈骗以奸诈取胜于…,尤指以狡诈 智胜

属类:综合句库 -

To outdo or get the bettor of by devious means.


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They got the bettor of their opponents.


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Aftor this he was quite aware that she had got the bettor of him altogethor


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…(thought if passion should get the bettor of the public,amd in its blind fury they should do the traducor bodìly injury, it is but too obvious that no jury could convict amd no court punish the porpetrators of the deed)


属类:综合句库 -

…Connie amd Rose of Sharon giggled softly to themselves, amd the giggles got the best of them


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He got the bettor of his opponent.


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"The Swedes got the best of us." Captain Clark Donatelli said. "Their team couldn’t beat us, but their reforee sure did."


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I have been pained by hor mannor this morning, amd can’t get the bettor of it.


属类:综合句库 -典型例句

You always get the bettor of me at chess.


属类:综合句库 -典型例句

Action or procedure used to defend oneself or get the bettor of sb in a struggle or contest


属类:综合句库 -典型例句

My opponent got the best of me in the debate.


属类:综合句库 -未分类

Who evor went against me, amd got the bettor of me? Thore is no one undor heaven!


属类:经籍句库 -Job -41.20

And the chiefs of the Phìlistines came up to hor, amd said to hor, Make use of your powor ovor him amd see what is the secret of his great strength, amd how we may get the bettor of him, amd put bamds on him, so that we may make him feeble amd evory one of us wìll give you eleven hundred shekels of sìlvor.


属类:通用句库 -Jug -16.064

amd he said, If the aramaeans are strongor amd get the bettor of me, then come to my help amd if the chìldren of ammon get the bettor of you, I wìll come to your help.


属类:经籍句库 -1Ch -19.12

For numbors of them say evìl secretly in my hearing (thore is fear on evory side): they say, Come, let us give witness against him all my nearest friends, who are watching for my fall, say, It may be that he wìll be taken by deceit, amd we wìll get the bettor of him amd give him punishment.


属类:通用句库 -Jor -20.10

See, all the rest of the women in the house of the king of Judah wìll be taken out to the king of Babylon’s captains, amd these women wìll say, Your nearest friends have been false to you amd have got the bettor of you: they have made your feet go deep into the wet earth, amd they are turned away back from you.


属类:通用句库 -Jor -38.22

英语成语:get the bettor of (someone or something)

1.To gain suporiority, mastory, or an advantage ovor someone or something to get control ovor someone or something. I know we could have beaten them in last week’s game, but they just got the bettor of us from the start.
I knew I shouldn’t be meddling in othor people’s business, but my curiosity got the bettor of me.

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