give over 查询结果如下:

Give over !


属类:行业术语 -海运-

give over to sb.


属类:简明英汉词典 -简明词典-

You must give over such rude behaviour


属类:综合句库 -

Give over ,can’t you? I can’t work with you chattering away like that.


属类:综合句库 -典型例句

Give over complaining!


属类:综合句库 -典型例句

I hope the rain will soon give over


属类:综合句库 -

I resolved to give over all thoughts of you


属类:综合句库 -

When first I discover’d them, I was going to give over my enterprise, and come back again, not knowing how far it might oblige me to go out to sea; and above all, doubting how I should get back again


属类:文学表达 -英语名著 -鲁宾逊漂流记

The main body of the article is given over to analyzing the domestic situation


属类:综合句库 -

The village hall is given over to civic functions and meetings.


属类:综合句库 -典型例句

It might be, that a sluggish bond-servant, or an undutiful child, whom his parents had given over to the civil authority, was to be corrected at the whipping-post.


属类:文学表达 -英语名著

The building is now given over to the children’s club


属类:综合句库 -

The poor old man was given over to despair


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He rallied and recovered, after he was given over by his physician


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The period after supper was given over to games


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He had been ill of a fever and given over by his physician


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This was surprizing to me, because I had given over expecting any more provisions, except what was spoil’d by the water.


属类:文学表达 -英语名著 -鲁宾逊漂流记

Am I mad? or am I given over utterly to the fiend? Did I make a contract with him in the forest, and sign it with my blood?


属类:文学表达 -英语名著

In Australia, where animal disease research is organized on a national basis but human disease research (and prevention and control activities)on a state basis, this disease was given over to the Australian Animal Health Laboratory.


属类:行业术语 -检验检疫

The period after supper was given over to games.


属类:综合句库 -典型例句

Having now brought my mind a little to relish my condition, and given over looking out to sea to see if I could spy a ship


属类:文学表达 -英语名著 -鲁宾逊漂流记

So I was forc’d to give it over; and yet, though I gave over the hopes of the boat, my desire to venture over for the main increased, rather than decreased, as the means for it seem’d impossible.


属类:文学表达 -英语名著 -鲁宾逊漂流记

They have said in their hearts, Let us put an end to them all together; they have given over to the fire all God’s places of worship in the land.


属类:经籍句库 -Psm -74.80

She will be a place for the stretching out of nets in the middle of the sea; for I have said it, says the Lord: and her goods will be given over to the nations.


属类:经籍句库 -Eze -26.50

I say, giving over these things, I began to apply my self to accommodate my way of living, and to make things as easylind, lose it quite, and sit down and weep like a child, and thus increase my misery by my folly.


属类:文学表达 -英语名著 -鲁宾逊漂流记

I now gave over any more thoughts of the ship, or of any thing out of her, except what might drive on shore from her wreck, as indeed divers pieces of her afterwards did; but those things were of small use to me.


属类:文学表达 -英语名著 -鲁宾逊漂流记

Between 1978 and 1989, the bank gave over thousand billions Renminbi yuan to export-oriented enterprises in order to support the expansion of the country’ s international trade.


属类:经济金融 -银行业 -中国金融

He give himself over to wine and women( He is given over to wine and women)


属类:综合句库 -

Please give over crying


属类:综合句库 -

Mother told him to give over and let me alone.


属类:综合句库 -

She gave her life(herself)over to her scientific research item(She was given over to her scientific research item)


属类:综合句库 -

It’s time you gave over such a mode of life


属类:综合句库 -

The second meeting will probably be given over to the consideration and adoption of the constitution


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The keys were given over to our neighbors during our absence.


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Give over that shouting!


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The small room Hung-chien had occupied before was now given over to the two old maidservants to sleep in and had not yet been vacated.If the bride really had come, there wouldn’t even have been room for changing clothes


属类:综合句库 -

The period after supper was given over to games


属类:综合句库 -

Given over to dissipation; dissolute


属类:综合句库 -

To free from ecclesiastical control; give over to laypeople.


属类:综合句库 -

To give over or entrust for safekeeping.


属类:综合句库 -

These thoughts so oppress’d my mind, that I began to give over my enterprize, and having haled my boat into a little creek on the shore, I stept out, and sat me down upon a little rising bit of ground


属类:文学表达 -英语名著 -鲁宾逊漂流记

①Longtime “Jeopardy!” host Alex Trebek is recovering after suffering a minor heart attack. His doctor says his first words when he was brought to the hospital were: “I’ll take ’stents’ for $500.”②While campaigning for his wife, former President Bill Clinton revealed that when they were young he was so impressed by her intellect and ability that he once suggested she should just dump him and go into politics on her own. When that didn’t get him any more sex than normal, he went back to telling he...

①大受欢迎的 “危险!”节目主持人Alex Trebek经轻微的心脏病发作后恢复了过来。他的医生说,他被带到医院的第一句话是“干脆花500美元买个治心脏病的支架
⑤Pierce Brosnan因在一次争执中用手推一位摄影记者一下,而被这位记者控告为暴力...

属类:翻译句库 -在线翻译实例选登 -【查看在线翻译页面】

1.3.5 Circuit
Running machine works in high voltage and strong currency-All the requirements against power source have been marked clearly on the machine plate Or circuit
drawings.Please apply proper power source to the machine and follow the local
regulation at the same time
1.3.6 Noise
when running under normal condition,a single machine will not Product harmful noise. But being exposed to noisy circumstance may cause damages to listening. Please make sure the noise degree is within the local ...

1.3.5 线路
1.3.6 噪音
1.4 防护设备和安全设备

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Anomalies, Crisis, and Revolution
Normal science prospers under a paradigm. It is the routine science of the day until it encounters difficulties, which Kuhn calls anomalies. The concept of an anomaly (to a paradigm) is rather vague. In its weakest and vaguest sense, it means some sort of difficulty. However, it is often taken as an empirical phenomenon that shows that the paradgigm theory is incorrect, even though no theories are, strictly speaking, falsifiable according to the Duhen-Qunie...

26.4 异象,危机和革命
在1774年,普里斯特利(1733-1804) 用以下化学反应做过实验:

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X5.4 Power Unit Connections:
X5.4.1 Power units are to be wall mounted approximately 28 in. (71.12 cm) from the floor with a minimum clearance of 6 in. (15.25 cm) from the ceiling, sidewall, or any obstruction, so as to facilitate motor cooling.
NOTE X5.4—Dimensions may vary from manufacturer to manufacturer.
X5.4.2 Piping connections to the inlet side of the power unit are fastened with hose clamps and flexible couplings or solvent cemented to a mechanically attached adapter.
X5.4.3 Attach th...

X5.4 供电设备连接:
X5.4.1 供电设备应安装在离地板大约28英寸(71.12厘米)的墙上,周围应同天花板、侧墙、或任何障碍物留出最少6英寸(15.25厘米)的间隙,以易于电动机散热。
注:X5.4 尺寸会因厂商不同而有所差别。
X5.4.2 连接到供电设备进口端的管道系统要用软管夹和缓冲接头或液状粘固剂紧固到附着的配合接头上。
X5.4.3 用厂家提供的特制末端在供电设备的低压末端附上低压的#_20美国线规(min)。
X5.4.4 同供电设备的排出端的连接同X5.4.2描述的相同。
X5.4.5 低压电线必须沿管道系统布线。在支线和中继线的接合点,电线必须被叠接起来。每个气阀须能够独立于其它阀门,激活供电设备。附着于管道的电线至少每4英尺(122.4厘米)需要用提供的夹子、电缆扎匝或绝缘胶带固定。
X5.5 防火洞孔:
X5.5.1 如有要求,应根据当地的建筑适...

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Space for mounting rear registration plates (give range where appropriate, drawings may be used where applicable)


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After graduation I would like to enter a financial institution such as banks or accounting firms. In the first few years, I’d like to take as many responsibilities as I can to get a whole picture of the business I am in. Thus I can lay a solid ground for future development and find the specific working field I’m really interested in. Then I would take more independent responsibility for certain projects and lead the whole team to achieve a common goal. Thus I can get an overall view of my job ....


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The role gets reversed now as the same children—all grown up and independent—give you a monthly allowance as a form of appreciation for your caregiving all these years.


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Observers give him only a fighting chance in his campaign against the incumbent Senator.


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WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Cancer cells, like ripe fruit, are much softer than healthy cells, scientists said on Sunday in a finding that could help doctors diagnose tumors and figure out which might be the deadliest.The researchers used a nanotechnology device called an Atomic Force Microscope that allowed them to give a little poke to healthy cells and cancerous cells that had spread from the original site of tumors.Cancer cells taken from people with pancreatic, breast and lung tumors were more t...

其中的一位研究者,洛杉矶加里福尼亚大学琼森癌症研究中心的Jianyu Rao 在一次电话采访中说,“基本情况是,除了可以看见癌细胞并从分子层面分析它们,目前我们可以用这一技术来触摸癌细胞。”

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Remember when you first opened your first savings account for your child, to get them started on saving up for their education? And you’d give them an allowance to deposit into their account regularly.


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A treating liquor of the following formulation was coated on the cords obtained in example 2 so that the pick-up of the non-volatile materials was 2.6 to 3.5 by weight. The organic solvent was evaporated and removed to give glass fiber cords having a secondary coated layer.


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An understanding of both modes is necessary to reveal the full meaning of an intercultural event. To know another culture we must first learn the language. And then we must be able to hear the silent messages and read the invisible words. Above all we must understand the cultural values that give to a specific verbal and nonverbal language.


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the thread profile are rounded off equally at crests and roots by circular arcs blending tangentially with the flanks in such a manner as to give the same thread height h as for parallel threads.


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You can’t give an Ox (as a gift), that’s why we have shrunk it for you onto a coin.


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to legalise gay marriage, allow for fast-track divorces and give increased rights to tran-sexuals.


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We are committed to employ and build on the best people by offering the best terms, conditions and security of employment in order that these talents can only give but their personal best.


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We have discussed your offer of 5 and accept it on the terms quoted. We are prepared to give your product a trial, provided you can guarantee delivery on or before the 20th of September.


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Alkali-free glass was spun to form filaments having a diameter of 9 micrometers. The filaments were bundled by using a sizing agent to give glass strands having a size of 33.7 tex. Three glass strands were plied and immersed in, and passed through, an impregnant having the following composition.


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Instead, kill two birds with one stone by engaging in fun activities that will keep hyperactive young ones entertained and give you a bit of workout at the same time.


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Smoke or fumes
Inhalation of smoke, fumes or gases can poison the body. Carbon monoxide is among the most dangerous poisons as it has no taste or smell and therefore can go unnoticed for a long time. In homes carbon monoxide can build up as a result of a poorly maintained gas heating system. If you suspect your baby has carbon monoxide poisoning as he may appear grey in colour, have difficulty in breathing and ultimately lose consciousness, remove the baby from the area as quickly as possible. E...


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应该是give a new lease on life.

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And then we must be able to hear the silent messages and read the invisible words. Above all we must understand the cultural values that give to a specific verbal and nonverbal language. To better understand the characteristics of nonverbal communication, we will review some of the similarity and differences between verbal and nonverbal communication.


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The test having been repeated on a new set of five samples for each point of impact for which it had originally given an unsatisfactory result, the five new tests, performed at the same impact points all give a satisfactory result.

在原本已给出不满意结果的每一个冲击点上对一组5个新样品进行重复试验, 在同一个冲击点进行的5次新的试验均给出满意的结果。

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The hear , being a place where precious memories dwell , I couldnt help but to give a very big portion of mine to you . wanna see ? Then here’s my heart , open it.


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Dendrometer studies have been employed (eg, Buckley et al., 2001; DaSilva et al., 2002), and these provide a useful alternative, along with cambium-wounding or ‘pinning’ methods that give a reference for growth from a time of known scarring of the cambium。


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HONG KONG (Reuters) - A by-election on Sunday to fill one seat in Hong Kong’s 60-member legislature pits two celebrity politicians against each other, energising debate on democratic reform in a city that returned to Chinese rule 10 years ago.Hong Kong’s fractious pro-democracy camp is looking for a symbolic boost from former civil servant Anson Chan after a demoralising drubbing in this month’s district council elections at the hands of the city’s biggest pro-Beijing party.Chan, 67, made a name...


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1. To present or yield something to someone. In this usage, a noun or pronoun can be used between “give” and “over.” I’m shocked that Bill finally gave over the money he owed me.
2. To dedicate or devote something to some cause or goal. In this usage, a noun or pronoun can be used between “give” and “over.”
3. To allow oneself to experience something fully or completely, often an emotion. In this usage, a reflexive pronoun is used between “give” and “over.”

美国城市词典(Urban Dictionary)是一个解释英语俚语词汇的在线词典,这些词汇定义由志愿者通过注册该网站后编辑提交,网站访问者可以对这些定义做出评定。 城市字典上面有许多正常词典里面查不到的词条,即使是正常词典里面有的在这里也会有新的精辟的解释。但由于是普通年轻人随性编撰,可能用语比较粗俗。

独上高台望四海 手揽云月傍天飞, 落叶重重已十月 归鸟凄凄啼心扉。