
名词 变体/同根词

Microsoft occasionally hires other companies to provide limited services on its behalf, such as handling the processing and delivery of mailings or providing customer support.

Microsoft 有时会雇请其他公司代表自己提供部分服务,如进行邮件的处理和传递或提供客户支持。

Our shop hires out various colorful wedding garments in Chinese and Western styles, which will surely enable the Bride to appear even more charming and Beautiful.


In order to offer guests convenience, our company hires out prams.


For the purposes of this Ordinance, a person publishes an article if he, whether or not for gain distributes, circulates, sells, hires , gives or lends the article to the public or a section of the public;


Minimum hire period: one week. Free delivery/ collection to central London on hires over 2 weeks.


He gets paid to spend money and hire people. The more he spends and the more people he hires , the larger his organization becomes.


He hires out as a house painter in the summer


“He used to tell us over and over again. ”“An intelligent person hires people who are more intelligent than they are.”“ ”


Where a sole proprietor appoints or hires another person to manage the affairs of the sole proprietorship enterprise, he shall conclude with the agent or employee a written contract prescribing the entrusted affairs and the scope of authority granted.


More organizations are requiring security training (30.2 percent, up from 23.2 percent a year ago)and security experience for their new IT staff hires .


It is rumoured that the boss makes love to every girl he hires as a secretary.


The company hires out cars


The club hires a bouncer to keep out undesirables.


||1: The investment will also create 1,600 direct jobs and about 8,000 indirect ones, creating an annual payroll of some $300m. ||2: The first hires come from all over the world, but about 50% are local, and GlobalFoundries expects this proportion to grow. ||3: It is working with local colleges and universities to create a labour pool for the future. ||4: More than half the jobs require at least an associate’s degree (ie, one granted by a technical or community college) in electronics or semiconductor manufacturing. ||5: Along with other high-tech companies, GlobalFoundries is working closely with Hudson Valley Community College, which has a dedicated semiconductor-training campus, called TEC-SMART, nestled in the same forest. ||6: It shares the space with local high-schoolers. ||7: “In a way we’re preparing for jobs that don’t exist yet,” says Joseph Dragone, a district superintendent.

||1:该项目的投入也将直接创造1600个工作机会和间接创造8000个工作机会,每年发放的工资总额约3亿美元。||2:首批雇员来自世界各地,但约有50%的雇员是当地人,全球晶圆公司希望此比例有所增长。||3:该公司与当地的大专院校合作为未来打造人才储备库。||4:有一半以上的工作岗位要求至少有电子或半导体制造专业的大专学位(即由专科学校或社区大学授予)。||5: 全球晶圆公司同其他高科技公司一起,与哈德逊谷社区学院(Hudson Valley Community College)紧密合作,该学院拥有一个名为“TEC-SMART”的专门用于半导体相关培训的园区,也坐落于同一片森林区。 ||6:当地的高中生也能共享此资源。||7: “从某种程度上来说,我们正在为尚未出现的工作机会做准备。” 该地区一位负责人Joseph Dragone说。
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-萨拉托加市的制造业(1) -

||1: Firms with large debts are vulnerable if a big client leaves, a practice area sours or the economy weakens. ||2: Partners may sit tight for one bad year, but after another some will scarper with their clients. ||3: Firms that have nurtured their own talent are likely to have more loyal lawyers; poachers such as Dewey, fewer. ||4: Expensive hires can cause resentment. ||5: “There’s only 100% of the profit to go around,” says Ward Bower of Altman Weil, a consultancy. “To the extent anyone is overpaid, by definition someone else is underpaid.”

||1:失去大客户,某一地区业务状况恶化或者经济疲软——这些都会使负担大量债务的公司变得十分脆弱。||2:遇到一个坏年景时,合伙人可能会静观其变,如果情况未能好转,部分人会带着他们的客户溜走。||3:自己出资培养人才的事务所,其律师的忠诚度更高;而到处挖人的杜威就没有那么多忠诚的律师了。||4:(对部分合伙人的)高薪雇用也会引来他人的怨恨。||5: 自Altman Weil咨询公司的Ward Bower认为“工资总额是一定的,不可能超过利润的100%,如果一些人拿的过多,显然其他人的报酬就过低了”。
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-律师事务所 砰然毁灭,轻轻消亡? -

||1:LAST December Jeff Bewkes, Time Warner’s boss, sneered that Netflix threatened media about as much as the Albanian army threatened world peace.||2:Few were fooled.Netflix, which hires out DVDs through the post as well as streaming films and television through the internet, had already impoverished Hollywood by training people to rent DVDs instead of buying them.||3:It was starting to lure people away from pay-television.||4:But then the army began marching in the wrong direction, and its general shot himself in the foot.

||1:在去年12月,时代华纳的老板Jeff Bewkes曾嘲笑Netflix就像阿尔巴尼亚军队危害了世界和平一样危害了媒体业。||2:Netflix,一个凭借邮递服务租售DVD光碟和通过互联网租售流媒体电影和电视节目的公司,由于使得人们不再购买DVD光碟而只是租借它们,早已让好莱坞的收入大为缩水。||3:它在开始引诱人们离开付费频道,但上当者人数寥寥。||4:然而,这支军队接下来开始朝着错误的方向进军,这次,这位上将是搬起石头砸了自己的脚。
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-家庭娱乐 Netflix这回弄巧成拙了 -

Few were fooled. Netflix, which hires out DVDs through the post as well as streaming films and television through the internet,

属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-这回弄巧成拙了 -

In a decade most new hires will have something embarrassing about them on the web, but so too will the new generation of HR managers.


In 1996 it had begunmandating that at least 30 percent of new hires in all governmentdepartments except the police and military be women.


Nasscom President Som Mittal expects wage increases for new hires will be as high as 12 percent this year.


For example, with SPML it is possible to automate the provisioning workflow that results when an organization hires a new employee.


But the number of hires identified as liberal far outpaced those who were very clearly conservative.


But the vast majority of the 431, 000 non-farm jobs created in May were temporary hires for the ten-yearly census.


When he looked at the HIRES and the combined data sets, the best solution was a star with two planets.


When consumers are constrained, so is hiring, because without customers, employers are hard pressed to retain workers or make new hires .


When a top university hires academics, it enhances the reputations of the professors, too. That is likely to make their blogs more popular.


When a top university hires academics, it enhances the reputations of the professors, too.


Pay also tends to rise when the board hires its own pay consultant.


It was one of the most contentious hires Apple ever made.



1.A person who is hired; an employee.
‘new _hires_ go through six months of training’
‘Employees are also rewarded for drumming up new _hires_ and new business.’
2.The action of hiring someone or something.
‘car _hire_ is recommended’
‘a _hire_ charge’

1.Employ (someone) for wages.
‘management _hired_ and fired labour in line with demand’
‘If the Broncos would fire him tomorrow, there would be a line of teams willing to fire their coaches and _hire_ him.’
2.Employ for a short time to do a particular job.
‘Wilmot _hired_ a private detective to follow him’
‘The Glenns secured a grant from the Bureau of Land Management to _hire_ someone to clean up the garbage.’
3.Grant the temporary use of something for an agreed payment.
‘most train stations _hire_ out cycles’
‘Out of the holiday season, the club can be _hired_ out for events including birthday and reception parties.’
4.Make oneself available for temporary employment.
‘the young husbands had to _hire_ themselves out to distant farmers every summer’
‘They _hire_ themselves out to other farms, working on the land that they love, but bringing home nothing but a paycheck at the end of the week.’
5.Obtain the temporary use of (something) for an agreed payment.
‘we flew to San Diego, _hired_ a car, and headed for Las Vegas’
‘Alf received it despite never having taken his car or _hiring_ a car abroad.’

独上高台望四海 手揽云月傍天飞, 落叶重重已十月 归鸟凄凄啼心扉。