let up 查询结果如下:
释义:to become weaker or to become less intense
例句1. The rain is still heavy, so let’s wait here until it lets up a bit.

Didn’t let up in their efforts.


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The rain let up.


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Why don’t you let up on the poor child?


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The rain does not seem to be letting up.


属类:学习英语 -成语例句

Granted that it is important for PSA to adjust its fees, there must be no let-up on preserving its good service.


属类:社会文化 -新闻报道

We cannot let up for one moment i9f we are to ensure that tigers will still exist in the wild by the next Chinese Year of the Tiger in 2010,


属类:社会文化 -英语文摘

Let up then beware of self-deception.


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“It’s letting up,” I insisted, and we all continued to eat our sandwiches


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I know if she doesn’t let up soon, I’m going to blow up at her


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Its unwise to let up your students just before the examination


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Will the rain ever let up ?


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We mustn’t let up,even though we’re winning.


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The rain’s letting up and the fog’s starting to lift.


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The rain ’s letting up a little.


属类:口语表达 -未分类

We worked the whole night and never let up until all the wheat on the ground was threshed


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There is no sign of a let-up in the hijack crisis.


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Let up a kite with the wind


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Seeing no let-up in either trend, we continue to believe that the industry’s revenues must grow at about 10% annually for it to just hold its own in terms of profitability, even though general inflation may be running at a considerably lower rate.


属类:商务文书 -经济文书 -巴菲特致股东

We mustnt let up now that we have nearly achieved our objective


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We will not stop or let up till tunis has been captured


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The rain is beginning to let up.


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.donlemon: The Attorney General called his 4-page letter a summary of the Mueller report’s principal conclusions, not a summary of the full report. Rather than debate semantics, why not release the entire report and let us decide for ourselves?

@ donlemon:司法部长将他的4页信件称为穆勒报告的主要结论摘要,而不是完整报告的摘要。更不是辩论要点,为什么不发布整个报告,让我们自己决定?

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With @BrookeBCNN, @SenJohnKennedy is as quotable as ever:> On health care: “We tried it alone. We failed. Let’s do it together.”> On the Mueller report: “We ought to let it all hang out.”> On Trump’s rhetoric philosophy: “If you’re going to be a bear, be a grizzly.”


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let loose on

原文可能有误。let’s中的后缀是否笔误,或者有意为之,造成一种歧义。 let us loose:让我们放松对... 的管制

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2 Cleaning the mower Clean the mower after every use. The mower has a washing hole. Attach a garden hose to this opening and let water run to wash the blade and to wash grass of the mower body. Note: Do not wash the mower with the engine running. Do not wash the engine or its parts with water.
3 Changing oil
1) Drain the oil while the engine is warm. Oil from a warm engine can be drained easier and more thorough...

2 割草机清洗
3 换油

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Anomalies, Crisis, and Revolution
Normal science prospers under a paradigm. It is the routine science of the day until it encounters difficulties, which Kuhn calls anomalies. The concept of an anomaly (to a paradigm) is rather vague. In its weakest and vaguest sense, it means some sort of difficulty. However, it is often taken as an empirical phenomenon that shows that the paradgigm theory is incorrect, even though no theories are, strictly speaking, falsifiable according to the Duhen-Qunie...

26.4 异象,危机和革命
在1774年,普里斯特利(1733-1804) 用以下化学反应做过实验:

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4) Slowly pull the starter cord until you feel resistance. Then pull rapidly.
Note:Do not release the starter cord too quickly after pulling it out. Let the cord go slowly as releasing it rapidly damage the starter,.
5) If you use the choke to start the engine, turn the throttle trigger into the “High” position after starting the engine.
6) The engine warms up faster if the throttle trigger is not in the “Choke” position.
Note:The throttle trigger should be in the “High” position while worki...

注意: 使用割草机时油门应打在“High”(高)位置。
2)把火花塞拧下擦干,然后把火花塞拧回原处。装上火花塞时,先用手拧紧火花塞然后用火花塞扳手再拧1/4 圈。
3)把油阀打开(打到“ON”位置), 把油门打到“High”(高)位置,然后尝试根据以上步骤启动引擎。
3)关闭燃料过滤器 [Off(关)]

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a taste/dose of your own medicine
E.g.Let the bully have a taste of his own medicine.

a taste/dose of your own medicine: 自食其果。
Let the bully have a taste of his own medicine:让恶人自食其果。

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joy will response for this project of Leapfrog that in fabric and pakaging
, and Peter Xie will help to focus on the plastic and tooling , pls let them
know if there are any futher step need to follow , thanks.

Joy负责蛙跳(Leapfrog)项目的结构和包装,Peter Xie负责帮助进行塑料和调整工具,如有其他需要遵循的步骤,请通知他们,谢谢!

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BEIJING (Reuters) - An explosion at a fireworks factory in north China killed 11 people and injured eight, the second such disaster in two days, state media said on Thursday.Wednesday’s blast hit the Xingtong Fireworks Co in a suburb of Yangquan in the coal-rich province of Shanxi, Xinhua news agency said.“The cause of the blast and the number of workers at the site when it happened remain unclear,” Xinhua said.Rescue work was under way and no further bodies had been found buried under the debri...


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Don’’t let yesterday use up too much of taday


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But before you throw up your hands and say, “It’s too difficult, I don’t want to learn!”, let us convince you that the Internet is a treasure trove of goodies.


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Knowing that kids love their Gameboys, PSPs, Nintendo DS, Xboxes, etc, chances are you’ll have an easier time to convince them to let you in on their playtime, rather than think that their grandparents are passe.


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Two senior American admirals expressed concern on Tuesday over decisions this month by China to refuse access to the port of Hong Kong for three American warships, including two seeking fuel and sheltered waters ahead of a major storm.The officers, Adm. Gary Roughead, the chief of naval operations, and Adm. Timothy J. Keating, commander of American forces in the Pacific, said neither the Chinese government nor its military had offered explanations.Two minesweepers, the Patriot and the Guardian, ...

美国海军最高将领、海军军令部长罗夫海德(Gary Roughead)和美国太平洋军区总司令基亭(Timothy J. Keating)都说,中国政府和军方对此事件均没有说明。

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There are lots of leisure activities you can engage in either at home or outside that will easily help you past time. Let us suggest a one-day schedule for you that will keep you up and about the whole day!


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Today, it was my great honor to address the @MjrCitiesChiefs Association and @MCSheriffs Conference in Washington, D.C. We will never forget your service, and we will never, ever let you down! We love you, and we thank God for you each and every day.


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WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Chinese Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi told President George W. Bush on Wednesday that Beijing’s refusal to let a U.S. Navy aircraft carrier into Hong Kong was a “misunderstanding,” the White House said.The Defense Department said it had issued a formal complaint to China and that Beijing still had not provided sufficient explanation for blocking the USS Kitty Hawk aircraft carrier, and eight ships travelling with it, entry to Hong Kong for a long-planned Thanksgiving holida...

“布什总统提到了中国最近拒绝小鹰号访问香港的事宜,杨洁篪部长对总统保证,这一事件是一场误会,”白宫发言人Dana Perino说。
中国还于上周拒绝了两艘对即将来临的风暴寻求庇护的美国小型巡洋排雷舰保护者号(USS Guardian)和爱国者号(USS Patriot)。美国海军高级官员表示,这一决定较小鹰号事件更为令人担忧,因其牵涉到需要避难的水手。
五角大楼发言人Geoff Morrell表示,对中国提交的抗议同时提到了这两件事。

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For a start, let this mini glossary of terms relating to what’s hot online get you started. Even if you don’t intend to visit every website, you can still impress others with your knowledge of “netlingo”!


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Foam insert
Wash the foam insert in warm water with dishwashing liquid added. Squeeze water out and let the in insert with any flammable liquid. (such as petrol) risk of fire or excessive contamination.
Clean the air filter cover of all impurities with a damp cloth. Ensure that the impurities do not soil the carburetor.
Put both filter inserts back in their places, ensuring that they are fitted correctly. Fit and screw the air filter cover back on.
6 Throttle trigger
Move the throttle t...

启动发动机,将开关转到“停”(stop), 查看发动机是否会停转。根据需要调整调整油门线。

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pls let helen know whether can we ECN the QTY for ground strap now?


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Please let Chris to know you are able to attend and Hong Kong management please indicate your availabilities too.


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a taste/dose of your own medicine
E.g. Let the bully have a taste of his own medicine.


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But let me tell you about the subtle ways in which Iranians articulate their opposition. This is not a culture where anyone says anything directly - and it can sometimes be infuriating for a foreigner.


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If we can not let go `Why not have a permanent choice?


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Social Media is totally discriminating against Republican/Conservative voices. Speaking loudly and clearly for the Trump Administration, we won’t let that happen. They are closing down the opinions of many people on the RIGHT, while at the same time doing nothing to others.......


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Let someone off the hook

1。让他走吧;2. 放他一马吧; 3. 让他轻松一下吧;4. 别老揪住他不放;5. 让他脱离火海吧;6.让他远离是非之地...

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Naturally clever and loves a challenge. Rats love to work alone but the truly successful ones let others into their schemes. Work with others and you will win gold


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We continually seek to showcase students’ inspiring stories to motivate students and let them know that they are not alone in their journey.


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I need you to provide me the cube of each bundle so I can figure out the best way to make the master carton and to maximize the container space, please let me know before end of today if possible.


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There are events and activities to take part in that promote family bonding or let you learn a new skill.


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let tell you something very clearly:1.you made the decision yourself to visit Nigeria on January.it was not my plan.2.dont send me to ask for hotel prices because i wont.if you wish to see nigeria on tourism,then fine.


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1.to diminish or slow down : slacken
2.cease, stop
3.to become less severe

美国城市词典(Urban Dictionary)是一个解释英语俚语词汇的在线词典,这些词汇定义由志愿者通过注册该网站后编辑提交,网站访问者可以对这些定义做出评定。 城市字典上面有许多正常词典里面查不到的词条,即使是正常词典里面有的在这里也会有新的精辟的解释。但由于是普通年轻人随性编撰,可能用语比较粗俗。

独上高台望四海 手揽云月傍天飞, 落叶重重已十月 归鸟凄凄啼心扉。