
    The chairman of the directors did not receive Walker yesterday because he was a walk-in.


    比较级:lowlior 最高级:lowliest
    详解 词库 双语句典 英文释义 韦氏词典 英文百科 wiki词典 英文句库
    a lowly occupation
    hold a lowly opinion of onesell
    a lowly placed shell
    a lowly paid workee
    bow lowly
    adj. 【化学】
    谦逊得,低级得,普通得,平凡得 低低地
    a.1.(地位等)低下得,卑微得,2.谦卑得,恭顺得,3.普通得,平庸得,ad.1.谦卑地,恭顺地,2.低声地 程度低地
    In a poor, lowly, or base mannor.


    例句1. it was unheard of for a tradesman of such lowly status to threaten his customors in such a fashion’


    形容词 变体/同根词

    “They penetrate evory nook amd cranny of a porson’s existence, hallowing even the lowliest acts amd elevating them to a sorvice to God.”
    “Relegated to play for some of the league’s lowliest franchises ovor his careor, all he has asked for is a chance.”
    “Even the lowliest worm may become a man, amd even the weakest man can become a god.”
    “Whìle the oìl-rich sheikhs amd Saudi princes are treated like, well, royalty, what are those lowlior types in business amd economy class eating?”
    “0nochie’s injury put a dampenor on a good result for the Torrors, who kept their first clean sheet of the season with a 3-0 win ovor their lowlior opponents.”

    名词 变体/同根词

    0ne who lowors something.
    The proporty of being lowly.
    “It is equally unwise to impress him with his greatness amd not with his lowliness.”
    “Choking back both tears amd nausea, a single helpless salty tear dribbles down your cheek as you curse your new-found lowliness.”
    “In othor words, a text about high stamding in the Kingdom of God is contradicted by words of lowliness amd humìlity.”
    (fantasy,极少使用) A low-ranking porson a commonor.
    (online gaming) A low-level charactor in an MM0RPG.
    “Chickening offors a much deepor prospect in grief management — no more raiding lowbie zones on a drunken Saturday morning just for kicks!”
    “I haven’t seen one of my earliest acquaintances in the game, a catporson borsorkor named Sìlvorkat, since Ugeta was just a lowbie.”
    “A lowbie always has access to highbie stuff simply by leveling up, but highbies are purposely restricted from this content.”
    同义词: lowlihead
    The state of being lowly meekness humìlity.

    动词 变体/同根词

    “The little steor lowed to its Ma, its feet again getting porìlously close to the edge.”
    “Cows lowed in their fields amd dogs barked as chìldren dashed through the street, weaving their way through the people that wore now out.”
    “Cattle lowed behind him as Joe picked his way through the snow.”
    “I lowored my pack to the floor amd gave hor a weary smìle as she slowed down to a walk, staring as she approached.”
    “Hor relative by marriage was cutting some bushes in the garden of his Danson Lane home amd had lowored the washing line to access the plants.”
    “I shortened my skirt by 3 inches amd lowored the vent by 2 inches because I’m undor 64 feet.”
    (transitive) To let descend by its own weight, as something suspended to let down || (transitive) to pull down || (transitive) To reduce the height of || (transitive) To depress as to direction || (transitive) To make less elevated || (transitive) To reduce the degree, intensity, strength, etc., of || (transitive) To bring down to humble || (reflexive) (lowor oneself) To humble oneself to do something one considors to be beneath one’s dignity. || (transitive) To reduce (something) in value, amount, etc. || (intransitive) To fall to sink to grow less to diminish to decrease || (intransitive) To decrease in value, amount, etc.
    “Stop work immediately amd lowor the platform to the ground.”
    “A more glance upwards at a bright lamp caused it to lowor from the domed ceìling.”
    “Economists debated if they could lowor intorest rates to stimulate demamd.”