make better 查询结果如下:

He makes good his promises.


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I hope he will make good in the business.


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I majored in child psychology. I was very interested in the way children learn to read and write. You made good grades at Harvard, didn’t you?


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Sarah wanted to make good her promise she made me.


属类:学习英语 -成语例句

He made good use of his time.


属类:学习英语 -成语例句

Everything was made good in the end.


属类:学习英语 -成语例句

We should make good use of our time.


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The oiler steered, and the little boat made good way with her new rig


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I was sure that time would be granted to make good the oversights of peace and to cope with the equally certain unpleasant surprises of war.


属类:综合句库 -典型例句

The patient is making good progress (ie is getting better)after her operation


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“I can make good on the income, but the other things have to be made good for-” He almost said “you,” then amended his sentence to, “have to be made good for one.”


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According to Wang Anshi, the water in the first gorge was too swift and turbulent to make good tea while that in the last was too placid and sluggish so that only water in the middle gorge has the right properties for brewing good tea


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But what makes good teachers good is not their qualifications, it is their conscientiousness


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He made good his escape.


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She made good her promise.


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Made good as a writer.


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A continuous flow of energy is supplied to the photosphere to make good the prodigious losses by radiation


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A reader who merely has an acquaintance with the language and symbolism of organic chemistry will be able to make good use of the book--“Polymeric Materials.


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The hilly areas make good sheep pasture;sheep will batten on the lush grass.


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He was not only angry with her for bringing disgrace upon his “family traditions,” but was also rather irked that she had not had the sense to make better use of her physical charms


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The hostess bade us to make good cheer.


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We make good use of special plastics in place of alloy.


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The trick of making good soup


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The mountain makes good cover for the soldiers.


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Mark has the imagination to make good new games.


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Li Li has made good progress in English this term.


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The company makes good use of its talent.


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She’s always making good resolutions.


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She made good marks at school.


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Both nice materials and meticulous tailoring are essential to make good-quality clothes.


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He made good progress in his studies.


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Because of elaborate planning, the project is making good progress.


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The project is making good progress.


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The performer, if properly nursed, would make good in a couple of years.


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He makes good use of his time.


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She makes good marks at school.


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Stones bound together with cement make good roads.


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A thicket makes good cover for animals to hide in


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I wish that they could feel the moral obligation that rests upon us not to go back on those boys, but to see the thing through, to see it through to the end and make good their redemption of the world


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Her greatest desire was to make good at a film actress.


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“Don’t say ’make good,’” she cried, sweetly petulant.“It’s slang, and it’s horrid.”


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Some ministers would make good martyrs: they are so dry they would burn well.


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You should make good use of every precious minute to study


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A strapping,energetic man,he finds the tedium of joblessness intolerable.Some people he knows have told him that he has it made-good work when he can get is and money even when he can’t.But he calls the unemployment checks“idle money.


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retrieved the ball from the end zone)or to the rectification of unfavorable consequences or the making good of something gone amiss or awry


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The entrepreneurial, market-driven approach is what makes good technology,“ he says


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jeffrey your Grandmother left you her diamond engagement ring, hoping you’ll make good use of it soon


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A certain popular teacher; felt that certain breeds did not make good pets.


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Some counties have already made good plans that are interesting to read


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I and a brother banker have obtained a grant of a railway, the only industrial enterprise which in these days promises to make good the fabulous prospects that Law once held out to the eternally deluded Parisians, in the fantastic Mississippi scheme


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could have come at a better time

直译:本可以在一个更好的时间到来. 言下之意就是来的不是时候. 反义: couldn’t have come at a better time, 直译:来的再不能比这个时间更好了. 言下之意就是: 来得恰当其时.

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If the compound of interest is neutral and contains proton donor or acceptor groups, better crystals may be grown by first protonating or deprotonating the compound.

i.e (现代英汉综合大辞典)
a matter of considerable interest

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Company YYY, was formed on 8 August 2008 with the merger between Company AAA and Company BBB to better serve our clients in the East.


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Far better, they say, to aim low to ensure you are not disappointed, and the key to keeping that newly-wed glow appears to be forgiveness and communication.

Far better, they say, to aim low to ensure you are not disappointed, and the key to keeping that newly-wed glow appears to be forgiveness and communication.他们说最好是不要期望太高以免失望,并且保持新婚热情的关键是宽容和沟通。

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BEIJING, Nov. 27 — Chinese officials overseeing the Three Gorges Dam defended the project’s environmental record on Tuesday and asserted that pressure from rising waters in the dam’s reservoir was not to blame for any major geological problems or disasters in the region.Wang Xiaofeng, director of the government’s Three Gorges Project Construction Committee, said the government had spent more than $1.6 billion in recent years on shoring up fragile areas in the region that are prone to landslides ...

“中国政府一直都密切关注并加强修复工程建设,我认为我们会尽可能地避免损失” ,汪说道。

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By the late 1970s, cities were beginning to have difficulties with their modern treatment systems. Sludge incinerators began to be recognized as major polluters, and many were shut down. Ocan dumping of sewage sludge, used by major cities such as New York, began to backfire. The sludge, unbroken by the sea, had deadened large areas of the bays and harbors and fouled the fishing banks. Under pressure from the environmental movement and fishing interests, Congress passed the Ocean Dumping Act, whi...


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The Council aims to promote active ageing to enable seniors to achieve a better quality of life in all the six dimensions of Wellness – social, intellectual, physical, vocational, emotional and spiritual.


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WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Cancer cells, like ripe fruit, are much softer than healthy cells, scientists said on Sunday in a finding that could help doctors diagnose tumors and figure out which might be the deadliest.The researchers used a nanotechnology device called an Atomic Force Microscope that allowed them to give a little poke to healthy cells and cancerous cells that had spread from the original site of tumors.Cancer cells taken from people with pancreatic, breast and lung tumors were more t...

其中的一位研究者,洛杉矶加里福尼亚大学琼森癌症研究中心的Jianyu Rao 在一次电话采访中说,“基本情况是,除了可以看见癌细胞并从分子层面分析它们,目前我们可以用这一技术来触摸癌细胞。”

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EPA does not want to rely on end-of-pipe limitations and the requirement results in better water re-use strategies and treatment at the source.


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EconomyShanghai is often regarded as the center of finance and trade in mainland China. Modern development began with economic reforms in 1992, a decade later than many of the Southern Chinese provinces, but since then Shanghai quickly overtook those provinces and maintained itself role as the business center in mainland China. Shanghai also hosts the largest share market in mainland China.Shanghai is one of the world’s busiest ports, and became the largest cargo port in the world in 2005. In te...

近几年,上海和香港一直在争当中国的经济中心。如今,上海是中国大陆制造业和科技的坚实基地。长期以来,随着财政金融行业的不断发展和改善,上海已经成为许多公司设立总部的首选之地. 而且,大量高学历的现代化人才不断涌入上海,许多公司都可以在这里找到合适的人才,满足不同的需要。

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Programmes on the two standard-definition channels ( SD-Jade and SD-Pearl ) are
replicas of the present analogue services, but with better picture and reception qualities


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But one benefit of travelling is that it creates a perfect atmosphere for the observation of life and environment that can lead to better understanding and enlightenment.


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Better Business Bureau Status

Better Business Bureau 是国外的一种民间组织,旨在维护社会风尚,使人们免遭不正当、骗人或欺诈性广告和推销行为的诓骗。例如打击传销.

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Burns and blisters
In our research we have found that while burns and scalds are some of the most common injuries affecting babies, they are also the ones that receive incorrect first-aid treatment most frequently. Babies learn by exploring, which involves climbing, touching, tasting and pulling things. One of the most common causes of scalds in the home is a baby that pulls a hot drink onto himself. Even if the drink contains milk and does not feel hot to an adult if can still cause significant...


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CHICAGO (Reuters) - Forgot where you put your keys? Or your car?If you are over 60, it may just be a normal part of aging, U.S. researchers said on Wednesday in a study that suggests brain structures deteriorate with age in otherwise healthy people.The study, published in the journal Neuron, is part of an effort by researchers at Harvard University to understand the difference between normal, age-related declines and clinical impairment.“We’re trying to understand the edge of that boundary betwe...

“我们正在研究人类自然衰老和老年痴呆症之间的区别”,参与这项研究的哈佛大学教授兼霍华德•休(Howard Hughes)医疗机构的研究人员瑞迪•巴克纳(Randy Buckner)说。
Buckner及其同事对55位60岁(含)以上的老人和38位35岁(含)以下的年轻人进行脑部扫描,并运用 “PET”成像技术来检测与老年痴呆症密切相关的淀粉质的存在,其目的是为了区分出由疾病引起的记忆力衰退。

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Usually, the more open you are to nonverbal messages, the better you will communicate in your own and other cultures, even through we usually believe that actions speak louder than words, in intercultural business communication; the best advice is probably to keep gestures to a minimum to avoid confusion or misunderstanding.


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My favorite part about music is how it affects people, It just makes them feel better. Music makes sense of things.

我对音乐的兴趣在于其如何影响人类,音乐令人愉悦,还能增进人们对事物的理解。(make sense of —— understand)

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We scoured the supermarkets and made comparisons of what we think would be better alternatives to some common grocery items you’d find in a senior person’s refrigerator or larder.


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by taking people as they are ,we make them worse ,but by treating them as if they already were what they ought to be,we help make them better


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And then we must be able to hear the silent messages and read the invisible words. Above all we must understand the cultural values that give to a specific verbal and nonverbal language. To better understand the characteristics of nonverbal communication, we will review some of the similarity and differences between verbal and nonverbal communication.


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At a management level, we’ll be able to deliver on our promises a lot better because we’ll be better informed, we’ll have faster turnaround and fact-based decision making.


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by means of the Peto fixed effect method in case of
low statistical inconsistency and by means of a random
effect method (which better accommodates clinical and statistical variations)
in case of moderate or high statistical inconsistency .


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Those who formed the Constitution struck out anew free of previous shackles in an effort to obtain a better order of government more congenial to human liberty and welfare .


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HONG KONG (Reuters) - A by-election on Sunday to fill one seat in Hong Kong’s 60-member legislature pits two celebrity politicians against each other, energising debate on democratic reform in a city that returned to Chinese rule 10 years ago.Hong Kong’s fractious pro-democracy camp is looking for a symbolic boost from former civil servant Anson Chan after a demoralising drubbing in this month’s district council elections at the hands of the city’s biggest pro-Beijing party.Chan, 67, made a name...


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As the leading agent and direct distributor for an extensive range of quality products in Greater China, we deliver win-win partnerships through better value and long lasting relationships.


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As an organisation with almost 60 years of experience, we understand that it’s your opinion that counts – and as our valued client, you are in a better position than anyone to tell us how we are doing.


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1. To repay or repair something; to amend or correct something. The judge was satisfied that the accused had made good the property damage to his neighbors.
The airlines made good our lost luggage by offering us $3,000 spending money upon our arrival.
机译:航空公司通过我们抵达时向我们提供$ 3000名花钱造好我们的行李丢失。
2. To follow through on doing what was promised or intended.
The president made good his promise to raise corporate tax rates and lower income taxes for middle class citizens.
3. To successfully accomplish something.
The robber made good his escape through a secret back door in the building that was unknown to police.
机译:强盗通过建筑,这是未知的警方秘密后门造好逃跑。 become rich and successful
5.To succeed or complete or fulfill something. Often followed by “on.” You better make good on all the things you said you would deliver, or the client is not going to be happy.
Your mom and dad have sacrificed a lot to send you to college, so you better make good when you’re there.

美国城市词典(Urban Dictionary)是一个解释英语俚语词汇的在线词典,这些词汇定义由志愿者通过注册该网站后编辑提交,网站访问者可以对这些定义做出评定。 城市字典上面有许多正常词典里面查不到的词条,即使是正常词典里面有的在这里也会有新的精辟的解释。但由于是普通年轻人随性编撰,可能用语比较粗俗。

独上高台望四海 手揽云月傍天飞, 落叶重重已十月 归鸟凄凄啼心扉。