
    make smaller 查询结果如下:


    基本解释 双语句典 英文词典 英文句典 英文百科

    (in surgery)make small cuts in(skin,etc); cut off skin from(a part of the body)


    属类:综合句库 -典型例句

    Somewhere in the world there is defeat for everyone. Some are destroyed by defeat,and some made small and mean by victory. Greatness lives in one who triumphs equally over defeat and victory.


    属类:习语名句 -名人名言

    If all of us make small changes, we could make a big difference


    属类:学习英语 -教材英语 -高二上

    Chinese folk artists used simple and cheap materials to make small and delicate handicrafts, which won great favor among folk people.


    属类:社会文化 -工艺 -泥人

    Secondly, with the removal of the filling supply package from the filling carrier, the filling carrier could be made smaller so the yarn movement in shedding could be reduced.


    属类:行业术语 -纺织服装

    Once the unattended substation became a reality, the substation could be made smaller, located nearer the load, and long feeders were no longer necessary.


    属类:工程技术 -电力英语

    Improve sth by making small changes


    属类:综合句库 -典型例句

    Improve(sth)by correcting,making small changes or adding new material


    属类:综合句库 -典型例句

    Note that with all except pare the direct object can be eitherthe main body that is made smaller,smoother,etc or the part that is cut off.


    属类:综合句库 -典型例句

    He represented himself as a hard-working, self-made small businessman victimized by mindless, bullying bureaucracy


    属类:综合句库 -

    His lips even made small preliminary movements before a mouthful, like an old person’s


    属类:综合句库 -

    Tensiometers can be made small enough


    属类:综合句库 -

    Making small models requires manual skill.


    属类:综合句库 -

    To make small adjustments to the placement of a control, you might find it easier to press the appropriate arrow keys.


    属类:IT行业 -微软网站 -软件使用

    If you want to make small adjustments to the size of a control in a form or report, you might find it easier to press SHIFT plus the appropriate arrow keys.

    要对窗体或报表中控件的大小进行微调,您会发现按 Shift 加相应的箭头键更方便。

    属类:IT行业 -微软网站 -软件使用

    He sat there silent, making small voiceless movements with his lips.


    属类:英汉句库 -

    and it will be in that day that the glory of Jacob will be made small, and the strength of his body will become feeble.


    属类:经籍句库 -Isa -17.40

    We stood around the fire, making small talk.


    属类:综合句库 -

    Buy and sell at low prices, make small profits but quick turnover.


    属类:综合句库 -

    Top executives at Delta and United told employees they won’t impose furloughs or pay cuts before Sept. 30, but signaled the airlines may end up as much smaller companies in the future


    属类:翻译句库 -在线翻译实例选登 -【查看在线翻译页面

    Eyewear giant EssilorLuxottica is considering a takeover of smaller Dutch retailer GrandVision that would vastly expand its global store network


    属类:翻译句库 -在线翻译实例选登 -【查看在线翻译页面

    Geography and climate Shandong is mostly flat in terrain. The northwestern, western, and southwestern parts of the province are all part of the vast North China Plain. The center of the province is more mountainous, with the Taishan Mountains, Lushan Mountains, and Mengshan Mountains being the most prominent. The east of the province is the hilly Shandong Peninsula extending into the sea; it separates Bohai Sea in the northwest from the Yellow Sea to the east and south. The highest peak of Shand...

    山东省气候温和,夏季多雨,冬季干冷。1月份平均温度为-5 —1°C(23— 34℉),7月份平均温度为24 — 28°C (75—82℉)。年均降雨量为550- 950 毫米。

    属类:翻译句库 -在线翻译实例选登 -【查看在线翻译页面

    Geography and climateHunan borders Hubei in the north, Jiangxi to the east, Guangdong to the south, Guangxi to the southwest, Guizhou to the west, and Chongqing to the northwest.Hunan is situated between 109°-114° east longitude and 20°-30° north latitude. The east, south and west sides of the province are surrounded by mountains and hills, such as the Wuling Mountains to the northwest, the Xuefeng Mountains to the west, the Nanling Mountains to the south, and the Luoxiao Mountains to the east. ...

    湖南省位于东经109°~110°北纬20°~30°之间。东、南、西三面环山,西北有武陵山,西面是雪峰山,南面有南岭,东面是罗霄山。 山川与丘陵占全省总面积的80%,平原不到20%。
    湘江、资江、沅江、澧水四大水系汇聚洞庭湖,流入长江。 湖南省中北部地形偏低,形成向北开口的U型盆地,洞庭湖就处在中心位置。 湖南省的大部分地区处在长江的四大支流流经之处。
    湖南属于亚热带气候,严冬期短,降水充足。 一月份平均气温在3-8℃之间(37-46华氏度),7月份平均气温在27-30℃之间(81-86华氏度)。 年平均降水量为1200-1700毫米。

    属类:翻译句库 -在线翻译实例选登 -【查看在线翻译页面

    Results from the Spatial Econometric Models
    The estimates of the coefficients produced by the spatial econometric models confirm that a positive spatial correlation exists in the data (Table 5). The spatial autoregressive coefficient G is positive (0.523) and is highly significant (z = 6.41) for the spatial error model (Table 5 row 25-26 column 2). In the mean time, the spatial autoregressive coefficient P is positive (0.425) and highly significant (z = 5.59) for the spatial lag model (Table 5...

    空间自回归系数G是正值 (0.523),z = 6.41此值在空间误差模型中相当高。(表5第25-26行第2列)
    同时,空间自回归系数P是正值0.425,z值= 5.59在空间滞后模型中相当大(表5第25-26行第3列)这些结果显示,在分析中考虑空间误差和(或)空间滞后误差是必要的。

    属类:翻译句库 -在线翻译实例选登 -【查看在线翻译页面

    WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Chinese Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi told President George W. Bush on Wednesday that Beijing’s refusal to let a U.S. Navy aircraft carrier into Hong Kong was a “misunderstanding,” the White House said.The Defense Department said it had issued a formal complaint to China and that Beijing still had not provided sufficient explanation for blocking the USS Kitty Hawk aircraft carrier, and eight ships travelling with it, entry to Hong Kong for a long-planned Thanksgiving holida...




    “布什总统提到了中国最近拒绝小鹰号访问香港的事宜,杨洁篪部长对总统保证,这一事件是一场误会,”白宫发言人Dana Perino说。

    中国还于上周拒绝了两艘对即将来临的风暴寻求庇护的美国小型巡洋排雷舰保护者号(USS Guardian)和爱国者号(USS Patriot)。美国海军高级官员表示,这一决定较小鹰号事件更为令人担忧,因其牵涉到需要避难的水手。

    五角大楼发言人Geoff Morrell表示,对中国提交的抗议同时提到了这两件事。


    属类:翻译句库 -在线翻译实例选登 -【查看在线翻译页面

    Ethnic groupThe majority of the province’s population is Han Chinese. There is a small Yao population in the north. Other smaller minority groups include Miao, Li, and Zhuang.Guangdong is also the ancestral home of large numbers of overseas Chinese. Most of the railroad labourers in Canada, Western United States and Panama in the 19th century came from Guangdong. Emigration in recent years has slowed with economic prosperity, but this province is still a major source of immigrants to North Ameri...



    广东人什么都敢吃,“天上飞的、地上爬的、水中游的”, 都可以成为他们的食料。由于这种奇特的饮食习惯,SARS病毒就被认为是发源于广东省.

    属类:翻译句库 -在线翻译实例选登 -【查看在线翻译页面

    The result of his revolutionary design is that the engine is much smaller, works more smoothly, and has fewer moving parts.


    属类:翻译句库 -在线翻译实例选登 -【查看在线翻译页面

    Installation of external power supply components
    The max.three power supply components for the Sola can also be installed in an external surface-mounted terminal box instead of on the suspension tube.
    ●Install surface-mounted terminal box at the intended place. Fixtures are not included in the scope of supply and must be provided at the place of installation in accordance with the wall concerned.
    ●Route power leads between power supply components and lights(at place of installation).
    The cross-...




    照明直流电源必须依照EN 60601 - 1 ( DIN VDE 750),满足安全特低压( SELV)的技术要求。
    在德国,这些要求均明列于VDE 0107规范之中。依照这个标...

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