make white 查询结果如下:

To make white or colorless.


属类:综合句库 -未分类

Complementary colour; colour of light which when combined with a given colour makes white light(eg blue with yellow)


属类:综合句库 -典型例句

call [make] white black

颠倒黑白 [是非]

属类:综合句库 -英汉综合

The flowers made white patches against the grass.


属类:综合句库 -

By him my vine is made waste and my fig-tree broken: he has taken all its fruit and sent it down to the earth; its branches are made white.


属类:经籍句库 -Joe -1.70

And that distance is what makes white dwarves so attractive. To astronomers, anyhow.



The invention offers a method for making white microcrystalline wax of high quality through hydrogenation.



President Richard Nixon says he is releasing edited transcripts of some secretly made White House tapes related to the Watergate Scandal.



Bowing to the wishes of Hillary Clinton, who blocked him from his preferred field of foreign policy, Craig was made White House Counsel.



The Unable - to - be - made - white Black Soul--On the Cultural Conflicts and Orientation in Toni Morrison’s Early Works



SpaceX’s Crew Dragon makes historic landing in Atlantic OceanAfter docking at the International Space Station, the unmanned capsule executed a fiery and carefully choreographed return to Earth.Crew Dragon has successfully completed its six-day mission designed to test whether the capsule is fit to transport humans to the ISS.SpaceX and NASA collaborated on the mission, which signals an end of U.S. reliance on Russian spacecraft to transport astronauts to the space station.Boeing also is working ...

SpaceX 的“载人龙飞船”(Crew Dragon) 在大西洋完成历史性降落在与国际空间站对接后,无人太空舱“载人龙飞船”(Crew Dragon) 经过精心设计的流程成功返回地球,这个过程炽热无比。“载人龙飞船”已经成功完成了为期六天的任务,此行旨在测试太空舱是否适合运送人类到国际空间站。SpaceX 和美国宇航局 (NASA) 合作完成了此次任务,这标志着美国不再依赖俄罗斯航天器也能将宇航员运送到空间站。波音公司还与美国宇航局合作,执行前往空间站的任务,并计划在未来几个月进行类似的测试。SpaceX 的商业太空舱“载人龙飞船”在过去一周与国际空间站对接后,于周五上午成功降落在大西洋。这是 SpaceX 的历史性成就,SpaceX 希望有一天能用“载人龙飞船”将人类送上太空,对于希望与 SpaceX 合作完成这项任务的美国宇航局来说,这一成就同样具有历史性的意义。这一任务的成功也标志...

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Quebec City, CanadaOne of the few Canadian cities that can guarantee an almost 100% chance of a white Christmas, Quebec boasts an average annual snowfall of 316 centimeters (124.4 in). Sometimes, the city stays under the snow cover for almost half of the year. One of the city´s iconic landmarks, the Château Frontenac hotel looks astonishing when blanketed with snow.

加拿大魁北克市加拿大为数不多的几乎百分之百能保证白色圣诞节的加拿大城市之一,魁北克省平均每年降雪量为316厘米(124.4英寸)。 有时候,这个城市几乎有一半时间都处于积雪之下。 ChâteauFrontenac酒店是该市标志性建筑之一,在大雪覆盖的时节,景致令人惊叹。

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Bangor, MaineIn the home town of Stephen King, your chances of having white Christmas are about 80% which is one of the highest rates among all US cities. The third largest city in Maine, Bangor gets approximately 66 inches (170 cm) of snowfalls every year.

缅因州班戈在斯蒂芬-金的家乡,你遇见白雪皑皑圣诞节的机会大约是80%,这是美国所有城市中最高的。 班戈是缅因州第三大城市,每年降雪量约为66英寸(170厘米)。

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Touted as being less guilt-laden than you regular junk-food hamburger, “S Burger”’s signature is a steamed mantou-style white bun sandwiched with meat patties like beef and chicken.


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There were the stitched corsets,the uchesse ,the cuirass and ,above all, the white silk corsets,dove-tailed with colours

There were the stitched corsets,the uchesse ,the cuirass and ,above all, the white silk corsets,dove-tailed with colours

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When a windshield is colored in the areas defined in section 2, two windshields shall be tested for identifiability of the following colors: white, blue, amber.
This method permits testing of materials and components of the inner device individually or in combination up to a thickness of 13 mm


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ClutureThe Han Chinese of Hainan speaks a variant of the Min Nan Chinese language, known as Hainanese. In addition, the national standard Putonghua is understood and spoken by most people, and Standard Cantonese is understood by many local Hainanese. English is understood by some of the younger generation, but Hainan still largely remains a non-English speaking environment. The Li people have their own language, as do the Miao and Zhuang. The latter three groups would usually speak Standard Mand...


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WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President George W. Bush on Wednesday reiterated his pledge the United States would defend Israel if it was attacked by Iran, a country whose president has urged that the Jewish state be “wiped off the map.”“I have made it clear that ... we will support our ally Israel if attacked by Iran,” Bush said in an interview with CNN that comes on the heels of a Middle East summit aimed at rekindling peace talks between Israel and Palestinians.“I hope it doesn’t happen,” he said.St...

伊朗最高权威,最高精神领袖,阿亚图拉赛义德•阿里•哈梅内伊却谴责中东和平会谈,说会谈“注定要失败”。 伊并未获邀参加会谈,而其他一些阿拉伯邻国却出席了此为期三天的会议。

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WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Chinese Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi told President George W. Bush on Wednesday that Beijing’s refusal to let a U.S. Navy aircraft carrier into Hong Kong was a “misunderstanding,” the White House said.The Defense Department said it had issued a formal complaint to China and that Beijing still had not provided sufficient explanation for blocking the USS Kitty Hawk aircraft carrier, and eight ships travelling with it, entry to Hong Kong for a long-planned Thanksgiving holida...

“布什总统提到了中国最近拒绝小鹰号访问香港的事宜,杨洁篪部长对总统保证,这一事件是一场误会,”白宫发言人Dana Perino说。
中国还于上周拒绝了两艘对即将来临的风暴寻求庇护的美国小型巡洋排雷舰保护者号(USS Guardian)和爱国者号(USS Patriot)。美国海军高级官员表示,这一决定较小鹰号事件更为令人担忧,因其牵涉到需要避难的水手。
五角大楼发言人Geoff Morrell表示,对中国提交的抗议同时提到了这两件事。

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Ethnic groupThe largest ethnic group of Henan is Han, while the main minority group is hui TourismHenan is located in the Yellow River valley and in a place where people of ancient times grew and developed. Earlier in the New Stone Age, the light of civilization had appeared and the delicate potteries in the Peiligang Culture and Yangshao Culture, and the character signs and musical instruments 8,000 years ago have filled the present world and the ancient times with wonders. Three of the Seven A...


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Please check with Dong Lin to change the table legs of 5098~5100 to POLY from current PU RESIN and using different color box(maybe white) for separating wiht old one, in the meantime, also pay more attentions to color consisitency. Thanks.


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The failing @nytimes wrote a Fake piece today implying that because White House Councel Don McGahn was giving hours of testimony to the Special Councel, he must be a John Dean type “RAT.” But I allowed him and all others to testify - I didn’t have to. I have nothing to hide......


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The Failing New York Times wrote a story that made it seem like the White House Councel had TURNED on the President, when in fact it is just the opposite - & the two Fake reporters knew this. This is why the Fake News Media has become the Enemy of the People. So bad for America!


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CHICAGO (Reuters) - Forgot where you put your keys? Or your car?If you are over 60, it may just be a normal part of aging, U.S. researchers said on Wednesday in a study that suggests brain structures deteriorate with age in otherwise healthy people.The study, published in the journal Neuron, is part of an effort by researchers at Harvard University to understand the difference between normal, age-related declines and clinical impairment.“We’re trying to understand the edge of that boundary betwe...

“我们正在研究人类自然衰老和老年痴呆症之间的区别”,参与这项研究的哈佛大学教授兼霍华德•休(Howard Hughes)医疗机构的研究人员瑞迪•巴克纳(Randy Buckner)说。
Buckner及其同事对55位60岁(含)以上的老人和38位35岁(含)以下的年轻人进行脑部扫描,并运用 “PET”成像技术来检测与老年痴呆症密切相关的淀粉质的存在,其目的是为了区分出由疾病引起的记忆力衰退。

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Deep down the chlorine smells like you...
while i slip and slide away...
behind my wristwatch the skin is white...
behind my wristwatch where winter hides!


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He cut a striking figure in his white dinner jacket.


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He could see the white town of Salinas far out in the flat and the flash of its windows


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CultureDialects of Mandarin are spoken over most of the province, and most Mandarin dialects in Hebei are in turn classified as part of the Ji Lu Mandarin subdivision. Regions along the western border with Shanxi, however, have dialects that are distinct enough for linguists to consider them as part of Jin, another subdivision of Chinese, rather than Mandarin. In general, the dialects of Hebei are quite similar to and readily intelligible with the Beijing dialect, which forms the basis for Stand...


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I would preferably want black but would except the white.


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The Chapel’s contemporary decor features a crisp white colour scheme with elegant silk covered seating atop gleaming creamy floor tiles, and the airy, light interior evokes an atmosphere of reverence.


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Executive Summary
This white paper describes the role of cloud computing standards and architectures in framing a good E-
Governance strategy to realize e-Government.

行动纲领. 这一白皮书介绍了云计算标准的作用和为实现电子政务而建立一个良好的电子政务的框架结构。

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The child lay on the bed in her little summer frock, her face very white now after the shock, Nurse had come carrying the youngest child: and little Annabel stood holding her skirt.


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美国城市词典(Urban Dictionary)是一个解释英语俚语词汇的在线词典,这些词汇定义由志愿者通过注册该网站后编辑提交,网站访问者可以对这些定义做出评定。 城市字典上面有许多正常词典里面查不到的词条,即使是正常词典里面有的在这里也会有新的精辟的解释。但由于是普通年轻人随性编撰,可能用语比较粗俗。

独上高台望四海 手揽云月傍天飞, 落叶重重已十月 归鸟凄凄啼心扉。