make worse 查询结果如下:

To make worse or more troublesome.


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The plaintiffs’ theory was that the situation would only be made worse by an across-the-board rate increase


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To make ill-tempered or sullen.


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But, think that for six years now I have been hopelessly afflicted, made worse by senseless physicians


属类:文学表达 -文学 -散文

The impasse was made worse by Jobert’s passionate nature, which masqueraded as cynical nonchalance


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But there is a universality of limits that even New York is not immune to, and maybe makes worse.



This blockage has been made worse by tighter capital regulations that are encouraging banks to cut lending (instead of raising capital).



The strains have been made worse by collapsing housing markets and the general economic slowdown.



The stockmarket’s first reaction was gloomy, made worse by plummeting markets around the world, and businessmen found little to cheer about.



U. N. Humanitarian Chief John Holmes says that the long-standing crisis in the Horn of Africa has been made worse by the global food crisis.



Miller had made ill-fated bets on ailing mortgage company Freddie Mac where he was the biggest shareholder.



made worse by tight footwear, tight hosiery and tight socks



More than 1, 200 infants are thought to have been made ill by infant formula that has been linked to kidney stone problems.



It’s a scary thought, but it’s made worse by the fact that many anti-vaccination groups use poor science as their evidence.



The economy is not a zero-sum game in which some people can enjoy higher incomes only if others are made worse off.



Malaria: On an expedition into the Amazon rainforest in 1913, Roosevelt contracted malaria, made worse by an infected leg wound.



Summer youth employment has fallen from about 45% of teens in 2000, a downward trend made worse this year by the faltering economy.



Yes, it’s uncomfortable, with the economic growing pains made worse as we recall the excesses of the last debt-fueled business cycle.



“Conditioned hypereating” is a chronic problem that is made worse by dieting and needs to be managed rather than cured, he said.



For farmers, a hand-to-mouth existence is made worse by routine land seizures and orders to work without pay for the military.



Namely, tyranny; tyranny made worse for being efficient and institutionalized.



Bad Cuban-American relations were made worse by the 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis.



A shakeout is unavoidable, and it is being made worse by the worldwide credit crunch.



Finally, there are all the personal sources of stress that are made worse by law school.



The situation is made worse by the government’s refusal to accept the problem, said Toleman.



What he means is that offering islands might lure all sorts of buyers who could end up making badly needed investments in Greece.



Chinese authorities said six children died and around 290, 000 were made ill by the tainted milk formula.



The coming stalemate will only be made worse by the lack of a reason to act on the deficit.



People may make ill-informed choices, simplified transparency or not.



The composer himself was in poor health, made worse by stress and constant overwork.



Some countries find this problem is made worse by a loss of market share to China in third-country markets.



The problem is made worse by manufacturers’ deteriorating cash flow that puts their survival at risk.



This situation is made worse if, as in Europe at present, the central bank does not act to offset the adverse impact of austerity on demand.



Its post-bubble predicament is made worse by the soaring energy prices that result from the strong growth of the world economy.



It is one of the myths of post-bubble economies that conditions are made worse by banks’ unwillingness to lend.



....and have demanded transparency so that this Rigged and Disgusting Witch Hunt can come to a close. So many lives have been ruined over nothing - McCarthyism at its WORST! Yet Mueller & his gang of Dems refuse to look at the real crimes on the other side - Media is even worse!


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“California is trying to meddle with a ballot in order to oppose President Trump, and it’s clearly something California is not allowed to do. It violates the right of the Republican Party, or any party, to choose its leaders under the Free Speech clause, and under the 14th Amendment.” John Yoo. @IngrahamAngle Former Governor Jerry Brown vetoed the same bill in that it was ridiculous and totally unconstitutional. Just more of the record setting Presidential Harassment. Don’t feel badly, New York State is far worse!

“加利福尼亚试图干涉选票以反对特朗普总统,显而易见加利福尼亚不允许这样做。它侵犯了共和党或任何党派根据言论自由条款和第14修正案选择其领导人的权利。“John Yoo。 @IngrahamAngle。 前州长杰里·布朗否决过同样的法案,因为这是荒谬的,完全违宪。又多了一条总统骚扰的记录。没必要感觉太糟,纽约州的情况要更糟!

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North Korea fired off some small weapons, which disturbed some of my people, and others, but not me. I have confidence that Chairman Kim will keep his promise to me, & also smiled when he called Swampman Joe Bidan a low IQ individual, & worse. Perhaps that’s sending me a signal?

朝鲜发射了一些小型武器,这些武器扰乱了我这里的一些人,还有其他人,但不是我。我相信金主席会信守给我的承,当他把沼泽人(Swampman) 乔拜登(Joe Biden)称为低智商人,甚至更糟,他笑了。也许那是给我发信号的?

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North Korea fired off some small weapons, which disturbed some of my people, and others, but not me. I have confidence that Chairman Kim will keep his promise to me, & also smiled when he called Swampman Joe Biden a low IQ individual, & worse. Perhaps that’s sending me a signal?

朝鲜发射了一些小型武器,这些武器扰乱了我这里的一些人,还有其他人,但不是我。我相信金主席会信守给我的承诺,并且当他称沼泽人(Swampman) Joe Biden 低智商人,或者更糟,我也会笑一笑。也许那是给我发信号的?

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Spreading the fake and totally discredited Dossier “is unfortunately a very dark stain against John McCain.” Ken Starr, Former Independent Counsel. He had far worse “stains” than this, including thumbs down on repeal and replace after years of campaigning to repeal and replace!

传播完全不可信的虚假档案“是约翰·麦凯恩(John McCain)的一大污点,对此感到遗憾。”前独立检察官肯•斯塔尔(Ken Starr)表示。他有比这更严重的“污点”,包括在多年的废除和替换活动后,反对废除和替换!

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The record oil-price surge couldn’t come at a worse time for a world economy already in the grip of a deepening downturn


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Watching @FoxNews weekend anchors is worse than watching low ratings Fake News @CNN, or Lyin’ Brian Williams (remember when he totally fabricated a War Story trying to make himself into a hero, & got fired. A very dishonest journalist!) and the crew of degenerate.. .Comcast (NBC/MSNBC) Trump haters, who do whatever Brian & Steve tell them to do. Like CNN, NBC is also way down in the ratings. But @FoxNews, who failed in getting the very BORING Dem debates, is now loading up with Democrats & even ...

观看@FoxNews周末主播比观看低收视率的假新闻@CNN,或Lyin’布莱恩威廉姆斯(记得就是他完全捏造一个战争故事试图使自己成为一个英雄,并被解雇。一个非常不诚实的记者!)和堕落的康卡斯特(NBC / MSNBC)更糟,他们是特朗普的仇恨者,无论布莱恩和史蒂夫告诉他们什么就做什么。与美国有线电视新闻网CNN一样,美国全国广播公司NBC的收视率也在下降,但是@FoxNews,由于未能获得极烦人的民主党 辩论,现在正在加入民主党,甚至使用虚假的没有消息源头的纽约时报@nytimes信息“源”(向纽约时报询问他们为波士顿环球报付了多少钱,以及他们卖掉了什么(损失了15亿美元),以及他们的旧总部建设灾难,以及他们被断掉资金的责任?@FoxNews正在快速改变,但他们忘记了那些促使他们改变的人! .....

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The trade war and electric shock therapy have a lot in common. The anticipation of pain is worse than the pain itself.


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ALL THE NEWS THAT’S NOT FIT TO PRINT! “The New York Times is no longer the paper we grew up with. It is no longer a news organization. It is now an agenda driven organization out to change the Country (for the worse!).” Michael Goodwin, Highly Respected New York Post Columnist.

所有这些新闻都不适合付印! “纽约时报不再是那个伴我们一起长大的报纸。它不再是新闻机构。它现在是一个议程驱动的组织,促使改变这个国家(朝着更糟糕的方向!)。“迈克尔-古德温,德高望重的纽约邮报专栏作家。

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President Trump’s 2020 budget takes a machete to Medicare and Medicaid, which would make our health-care system worse and more costly


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LATEST on coronavirus from President Trump:- Extension of federal guidelines to encourage social distancing- 1,000+ patients in NYC are getting treatment using hydroxychloroquine- “Nothing would be worse than declaring victory before the victory is won”

特朗普总统关于冠状病毒的最新意见: - 推广联邦指导方针,鼓励社交隔离, - 逾1,000个病人在纽约使用羟氯喹得到治疗, - “没有什么比这个更糟糕:在赢得胜利之前宣告取胜”,

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I think that China felt they were being beaten so badly in the recent negotiation that they may as well wait around for the next election, 2020, to see if they could get lucky & have a Democrat win - in which case they would continue to rip-off the USA for $500 Billion a year The only problem is that they know I am going to win (best economy & employment numbers in U.S. history, & much more), and the deal will become far worse for them if it has to be negotiated in my second term. Would be wise for them to act now, but love collecting BIG TARIFFS!

我认为中国觉得他们在最近的谈判中遭到如此严重的打击,以至于他们可能会等待2020年的下届选举,看看他们是否足够幸运获得民主党人的胜利 - 在那种情况下,他们可以继续从美国每年偷走5000亿美元..,唯一的问题是,他们知道我会赢(美国历史上最好的经济和就业人数,还有更多其他优势),如果必须在我的第二任期谈判,这份协议将变得对他们更不利。对他们来说现在采取行动是明智的,我就是喜欢收大量的税!...

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A poll should be done on which is the more dishonest and deceitful newspaper, the Failing New York Times or the Amazon (lobbyist) Washington Post! They are both a disgrace to our Country, the Enemy of the People, but I just can’t seem to figure out which is worse? The good. .news is that at the end of 6 years, after America has been made GREAT again and I leave the beautiful White House (do you think the people would demand that I stay longer? KEEP AMERICA GREAT), both of these horrible papers will quickly go out of business & be forever gone!


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Before I arrived in France, the Fake and Disgusting News was saying that relations with the 6 others countries in the G-7 are very tense, and that the two days of meetings will be a disaster. Just like they are trying to force a Recession, they are trying to “will” America into bad Economic times, the worse the better, anything to make my Election more difficult to win. Well, we are having very good meetings, the Leaders are getting along very well, and our Country, economically, is doing great - the talk of the world!


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There can be few things worse in a civilized, law abiding nation, than a United States Senator openly, and for all to see and hear, threatening the Supreme Court or its Justices. This is what Chuck Schumer just did. He must pay a severe price for this!


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As most people know, and for those who would like to know, I am strongly Pro-Life, with the three exceptions - Rape, Incest and protecting the Life of the mother - the same position taken by Ronald Reagan. We have come very far in the last two years with 105 wonderful new. Federal Judges (many more to come), two great new Supreme Court Justices, the Mexico City Policy, and a whole new & positive attitude about the Right to Life. The Radical Left, with late term abortion (and worse), is imploding on this issue. We must stick together and Win....


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Rep, Elijah Cummings has been a brutal bully, shouting and screaming at the great men & women of Border Patrol about conditions at the Southern Border, when actually his Baltimore district is FAR WORSE and more dangerous. His district is considered the Worst in the USA. As proven last week during a Congressional tour, the Border is clean, efficient & well run, just very crowded. Cumming District is a disgusting, rat and rodent infested mess. If he spent more time in Baltimore, maybe he could help clean up this very dangerous & filthy place


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Don’t tell them that they are “lucky it wasn’t worse” - traumatized people are not consoled by such statements


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It is important to verify if headache is associated
with a worse academic performance given that it
has a high prevalence in this population and is a condition
that can undergo abortive and prophylactic


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by taking people as they are ,we make them worse ,but by treating them as if they already were what they ought to be,we help make them better


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Some members of the media are very Angry at the Fake Story in the New York Times. They actually called to complain and apologize - a big step forward. From the day I announced, the Times has been Fake News, and with their disgusting new Board Member, it will only get worse!


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any composition in any key could be played and no one chord would sound better or worse than that same chord in another key.


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Chongqing, with an area of 31,700 sq mi (82,000 sq km), is the largest of the People’s Republic of China’s four provincial-level municipalities, and the only one in the less densely populated western half of China. The municipal abbreviation Yu was approved by the State Council on 18 April 1997. Its abbreviated name is derived from the old name of a part of the Jialing River that runs through Chongqing and feeds the Yangtze River (Changjiang River).Geography and climate Located on the edge of th...

重庆市,面积31700平方英里( 82000平方公里),辖区面积居中国四大直辖市之首,是地多人稀的中国西部唯一的直辖市。
重庆市属于亚热带气候,并伴随典型的南亚两季季风变化。夏季炎热,最高温度可达43摄氏度(109华氏度),因此,重庆与武汉、南京并称中国“三大火炉”。 冬季温暖湿润,少有雨雪,雾天较多。
重庆市的工业生产和发电都要消耗大量的煤炭,可是这些工厂又没有污染处理设备。这就使得重庆如同中国大多数城市一样,也常常遭受严重的空气污染。再加上重庆市被群山环绕, 缺少空气流通使污染问题更加严重。

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美国城市词典(Urban Dictionary)是一个解释英语俚语词汇的在线词典,这些词汇定义由志愿者通过注册该网站后编辑提交,网站访问者可以对这些定义做出评定。 城市字典上面有许多正常词典里面查不到的词条,即使是正常词典里面有的在这里也会有新的精辟的解释。但由于是普通年轻人随性编撰,可能用语比较粗俗。

独上高台望四海 手揽云月傍天飞, 落叶重重已十月 归鸟凄凄啼心扉。