mark down 查询结果如下:
释义:If you mark something down, you reduce its selling price.
例句1. We need to sell this old stock quickly, so let’s mark it all down by 50%.

I heard other stores were having great mark-downs on this item.


属类:口语表达 -

Checkup of warehouse. all goods marked down.


属类:综合句库 -

These aluminium kettles have been marked down ten percent because of minor flaws


属类:综合句库 -

(2)To dump goods except those which are fresh, seasonal, or in overstock and thereupon are marked down, at a price lower than their cost for the purpose of pushing out others or monopolizing the market and the such has disrupted the normal order of the production and operation to the detriment of the lawful rights and interests of the Sate or other operators; or


属类:法学专业 -中国法律 -价格违法行为行政处罚规定

On Monday, lst October, we are holding a closing-out sale. Stock o hand will b cleared regardless of cost. There will be substantial reductions in all departments and in some cases, prices will be marked down by as much s one half.


属类:商务文书 -外贸函电 -通知

Waterlogged and alkaline areas were marked down for special attention


属类:综合句库 -

The printing are performed by the artist himself and he signed each print and marked down the sequence against the quantity printed.


属类:行业术语 -印刷

telephone charges of international calls and calls to Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan will be marked down by 30%.


属类:口语表达 -企业简介

She was marked down because her answers were too short


属类:综合句库 -

The Hotel d’Aubrion was mortgaged to the hilt, and Charles was marked down to clear it


属类:综合句库 -

The boys at the top of the form were marked down, as the gap between them and the rest did not reflect their true merits.


属类:综合句库 -


1. To make markings on something, often in a way that defaces it. In this usage, a noun or pronoun can be used between “mark” and “up.” Unfortunately my new white shoes got marked up when I wore them on that walk that turned into a hike.
2. To make one or more marks on someone or something with a particular material. The priest marked the celebrants with ash on their foreheads.
3. To put a mark of some kind by a name or thing on a list as an indication of something (e.g., completion of a task, attendance of something, etc.). I’ll mark you off when I am satisfied you’ve done the assignment as I requested.
4. To record or make a note of something, typically by making a mark of some kind with a writing utensil or digitally. In this usage, a noun or pronoun can be used between “mark” and “down.” Sure, mark me down for a $20 donation.
机译:1.要记录或做出的东西记,一般是通过让某种形式的标记与书写用具或数字。在这种用法中,名词或代词可以“标记”和之间使用“向下”。当然,标志着我下来$ 20的捐款。
Did you mark down my score for that last round?
5. To lower the score or grade of someone or something. While we really like the internal specs of the phone, we have to mark it off because of the cheap-feeling plastic they used in its body.
6. To place a specific number, letter, or other symbol on someone or something to indicate a particular meaning. Mark the crates with a 1 if they are being delivered to Texas, and mark them with a 2 if they are being delivered to New York.
7. To write on or make informative markings on a document. In this usage, a noun or pronoun can be used between “mark” and “up.” Please go through the document and mark it up with any suggestions you have.
8. To reduce the price of something. In this usage, a noun or pronoun can be used between “mark” and “down.” Those bananas have all been marked down because they’re starting to turn brown.
9. To increase the price of something, especially in the process of setting the initial price, as a way to ensure that a profit is made from its sale. In this usage, a noun or pronoun can be used between “mark” and “up.” I expect the store to mark the price up after the holiday sale, so we might as well buy it now.
10. To subtract points from an overall score due to an incorrect answer, poor performance, etc. In this usage, a noun or pronoun can be used between “mark” and “down.” I would have had a perfect score, but the teacher marked it down for a few spelling mistakes.
The gymnast is definitely going to see her score marked down for several small infractions.

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独上高台望四海 手揽云月傍天飞, 落叶重重已十月 归鸟凄凄啼心扉。