

例句1. drugs which mitigated the worst symptoms of the disease’

形容词 变体/同根词

动词 变体/同根词

(Failure to Mitigate Damages)is barred from any recovery in this action, because failed to take any steps whatsoever to mitigate any of ′s purported damages,


(5)Weather modification refers to efforts aimed at rain or snow enhancement, hail suppression, rain suppression, fog dispersal, frost prevention by exerting, under appropriate conditions, artificial influence on local atmospheric physical and chemical processes through scientific and technological means, in order to avert or mitigate meteorological disasters and rationally exploit climatic resources.


The insurer shall bear the expenses necessarily and reasonably incurred by the insured in taking measures to prevent or mitigate further loss or damage of the subject matter of the insurance after the occurrence of the insured event; the amount of such expenses borne by an insurer shall be calculated separately from the indemnity for the loss of the subject matter of the insurance and it shall not exceed the sum insured.


Insured shall be obliged to use reasonable efforts to mitigate the effects of an emergency.


Respondent has in good faith recommended a potential tenant to Applicant, in an attempt to mitigate Applicant′s damages to the utmost extent.


Tow Party’s Duty to Mitigate Damage


However, this decrease in pH is much less than it would be without the buffering action of HCO3-. The buffer system can mitigate the fall in pH only up to a point.


If a party is unable to perform a contract due to force majeure, it shall timely notify the other party so as to mitigate the loss that may be caused to the other party, and shall provide proof of force majeure within a reasonable time.


The party which fails to perform wholly or in part its contractual obligations owing to force majeure shall promptly inform the other party so as to mitigate possible losses inflicted on the other party, and shall also provide a certificate issued by the relevant agency within a reasonable period of time.


Counteract:To oppose and mitigate the effects of by contrary action; check.


Article 89 Where any production and business operation entity enters into any agreement with any of the employees to exempt or mitigate the liabilities that it has to undertake due to casualties of employees in production safety accidents, such agreements shall be invalid, and the major person-in-charge of the production and business operation entity or the investor of the individually run business shall be fined not less than 20,000 yuan but not more than 200,000 yuan.

第八十九条 生产经营单位与从业人员订立协议,免除或者减轻其对从业人员因生产安全事故伤亡依法应承担的责任的,该协议无效;对生产经营单位的主要负责人、个人经营的投资人处二万元以上十万元以下的罚款。

Article 29 Local people’s governments at or above the county level shall, in light of the need for preventing meteorological disasters, work out plans for the purpose and, on the basis of the meteorological information provided by the competent meteorological departments, make arrangements for carrying out such plans, in order to avert or mitigate meteorological disasters.

第二十九条 县级以上地方人民政府应当根据防御气象灾害的需要,制定气象灾害防御方案,并根据气象主管机构提供的气象信息,组织实施气象灾害防御方案,避免或者减轻气象灾害。

Article 39 Where locomotives when traversing urban residential, cultural and education districts produce environmental noise pollution, the local municipal people’s governments shall get the railway departments and other relevant departments together to work out plans for mitigating such pollution. The railway departments and other relevant departments shall act in accordance with such plans and take effective measures to mitigate environmental noise pollution.

第三十九条 穿越城市居民区、文教区的铁路,因铁路机车运行造成环境噪声污染的,当地城市人民政府应当组织铁路部门和其他有关部门,制定减轻环境噪声污染的规划。铁路部门和其他有关部门应当按照规划的要求,采取有效措施,减轻环境噪声污染。

Article 37 To build noise-sensitive structures on both sides of existing urban traffic trunk lines, the construction unit shall, in accordance with the regulations of the State, keep such structures a certain distance away from the lines and take measures to mitigate or avoid the impact of traffic noise.

第三十七条 在已有的城市交通干线的两侧建设噪声敏感建筑物的,建设单位应当按照国家规定间隔一定距离,并采取减轻、避免交通噪声影响的措施。

Article 3 In the effort to protect against and mitigate earthquake disasters the principle of combining protective measures with rescue efforts while putting stress on the former shall be applied.

第三条 防震减灾工作,实行预防为主、防御与救助相结合的方针。

Article 47 Whoever makes indoor decoration and refitting in a residential building that is already completed and delivered for use shall do so in restricted hours and take other effective measures to mitigate or avoid producing environmental noise pollution to the neighbours.

第四十七条 在已竣工交付使用的住宅楼进行室内装修活动,应当限制作业时间,并采取其他有效措施,以减轻、避免对周围居民造成环境噪声污染。

Article 41 Following the occurrence of an insured event, the insured is obligated to take all necessary measures to prevent or mitigate loss or damage.

第四十一条 保险事故发生时,被保险人有责任尽力采取必要的措施,防止或者减少损失。

Article 1 This Law is enacted in order to protect against and mitigate earthquake disasters, ensure the safety of the people’s lives and property and the smooth progress of the socialist drive.

第一条 为了防御与减轻地震灾害,保护人民生命和财产安全,保障社会主义建设顺利进行,制定本法。

Moderate or soften the effects of sth;mitigate sth


for handling and investigating nonconformance, taking action to mitigate any impacts caused and for initiating and completing corrective and preventive action.


Either or both could mitigate the narcotic effect that the entertainment industry and the breathtaking pace of globalization have had on Congress.


The judge said that nothing could mitigate the cruelty with which the stepmother had treated the girl.


The judge said that nothing could mitigate the cruelty with which the mother had treated her child.


mitigate the flood


Under-Secretary-General and Personal Representative of the Secretary-General for the Coordination of International Cooperation to Mitigate the Environmental Consequences on Kuwait and Other Countries in the Region resulting from the Situati


Article 119 of the Contract Law provides that when one party breach, the other party is obligated to adopt appropriate measures to mitigate damages.


When the buffer begins to fail and the pH begins to fall due to nonvolatile acid production, the body recruits the pulmonary component to help mitigate the decrease in PH by increasing ventilation


Management also has the responsibility to ensure that steps are taken to identify and mitigate potential risk to the users of the products and processes of the organization.


Management should plan to mitigate the effects of loss to the organization in order to maintain the performance of processes and products.


Coordinator for International Assistance Efforts to Mitigate the Consequences of the Chernobyl Accident


Tow Party’s Duty to Mitigate Damage


属类:行业术语 -海运-


1.Lessen the gravity of (an offence or mistake)
‘there had been a provocation that _mitigated_ the offence to a degree’
‘These are _mitigating_ circumstances for commuting the death sentence.’
2.Make (something bad) less severe, serious, or painful.
‘drainage schemes have helped to _mitigate_ this problem’
‘But the issue won’t be _mitigated_ until conservatives make a serious effort to get into academics and make their arguments heard.’

独上高台望四海 手揽云月傍天飞, 落叶重重已十月 归鸟凄凄啼心扉。