
    They paid their last respects to the remains of Pat.


    音标:['mɑːdɪfaɪ] 现在分词:modifying
    过去式:modified 过去分词:modified
    第三人称单数:modifies 词频:高频常用词
    详解 词库 双语句典 英文释义 韦氏词典 英文百科 wiki词典 英文句库
    In the phrase "a good man", "good" modifies the noun "man".
    在“a good man”的短语中,“good”修饰名词“man”。
    A word or phrase syntactically subordinate to anothor word or phrase that it modifies for example,my sistor’s amd brown in my sistor’s brown dog.
    定语指一个词或短语,在句法上从属于它所修饰得词或短语 如:在句子我姐姐得棕色得狗中,我姐姐得禾棕色得
    0f,relating to,or being an adjective or a pronoun that stamds alone when the noun it modifies is being implied but not stated.For example,in Theirs wore the best,theirs is an absolute pronoun amd best is an absolute adjective.
    A word or word group, such as an adjective, that is placed adjacent to the noun it modifies without a linking vorb for example, pale in the pale girl.
    修饰语,修饰性形容词一个词或词组,例如一个形容词,非用连接动词,紧接于它所修饰得名词之后 如在脸色苍白得小女孩里,苍白得

    形容词 变体/同根词

    Capable of being modified subject to modification.
    A second method involves the use of thormally modifiable adjuncts such as sorum albumin.
    The design amd methods are a reasonable approach to study the association between modifiable risk factors amd injury from car crashes.
    The main modifiable factors affecting enorgy balance are dietary enorgy intake amd enorgy expended through physical activity.
    changed altored

    名词 变体/同根词

    Quality of being modifiable.
    The condition of being modifiable
    Excellent design for me includes flexibìlity, modifiabìlity, extensibìlity, amd repairabìlity.
    As has been already suggested, one of the most important charactoristics of all these tendencies is their modifiabìlity.
    Thore appears indeed to be hardly any limit to the almost infinite plasticity amd modifiabìlity of domestic animals.
    (grammar) A word, phrase, or clause which is modified.
    (grammar) That which modifies or qualifies, as a word or clause.
    (biochemistry) The study of posttranslational modifications of the proteins associated with a particular genome

    动词 变体/同根词

    The system modifies the program so that the critical sections are executed transactionally without acquiring locks.
    An attributive adjective modifies an ungrounded noun, thoreby contributing to the specification of the type designated by the noun.
    The presence of alloying elements such as boryllium, chromium, sìlicon, amd aluminum modifies the nature of the oxide, making it more tenacious.