

    名词复数:morales 词频:高频常用词
    详解 词库 双语句典 英文释义 韦氏词典 英文百科 wiki词典 英文句库
    stiffen (bring up, keep up, shake) the morale of
    boost the morale of
    The student morale there is perfect.
    The morale of the enemy troops is sinking lower every day.
    【医学】 【中医】
    Played down the defect to protect the troops’ morale.
    [U]1. 士气,斗志,2. 道德;品行
    Played down the defect to protect the troops’ morale.


    例句1. morale in the team was higher than it had been for a long time’


    形容词 变体/同根词

    Characteristic of or relating to a narrow-minded concern of the morals of others; self-righteous
    “The text offered a curious blend of scientific background and moralistic anthropomorphism.”
    “I realized that this self-abasement or internalized moralistic rebuke was what I had been writing about from the very beginning.”
    “For goodness sake, give it a rest and come down off your moralistic and judgmental perch.”
    Of or relating to principles of right and wrong in behaviour, especially for teaching right behaviour. || Conforming to a standard of right behaviour; sanctioned by or operative on one’s conscience or ethical judgment. || Capable of right and wrong action. || Probable but not proved. || Positively affecting the mind, confidence, or will.
    “Many people believe they live a moral life by following rules handed down through tradition and religion.”
    “You have a moral obligation to fix the damage you have caused.”
    “Charles showed moral courage in defending his controversial ideas.”
    “I found the ad’s moralizing tone to be a turn-off.”
    Without morals; immoral, corrupt.

    名词 变体/同根词

    Quality of being moral.
    One who moralizes.
    “She is more obviously, more consciously a preacher and moralizer than any of her great contemporaries.”
    “If the moralizer knew just when to stop moralizing, how much longer the flavor of his philosophy would endure.”
    “A moralizer might find abundant themes for his speculative and impracticable wisdom in a garret.”
    “Pratchett’s tone is not that of a moraliser, but rather that of someone with an acute sense of observation.”
    “After all, I do have my reputation as a stern-faced moraliser to uphold.”
    (offensive) A person who expresses moral disapproval or moral opinions, especially in a generally amoral setting like the /b/ board on the 4chan community.
    “More people were criticizing him on AnonOps and Twitter as a namefag, moralfag, and leaderfag.”
    The act of moralizing. || Moral reform.
    “He’s able to distil the truth about teenage angst without the usual moralization.”
    “The entire revealing process can be looked upon as one long story of the moralization of the idea of God.”
    “The moralization of the world has, as a matter of historic fact, kept pace with the secularizing of life.”

    动词 变体/同根词

    (transitive) To apply to a moral purpose; to explain in a moral sense; to draw a moral from. || (transitive) To supply with moral lessons, teachings, or examples; to lend a moral to. || (transitive) To render moral; to correct the morals of. || (transitive) To give a moral quality to; to affect the moral quality of, either for better or worse. || (intransitive) To make moral reflections; to regard acts and events as involving a moral.
    “We moralize the issue of weight and so the really virtuous person is the one who struggles to maintain a lower weight through sacrifice.”
    “Instead, Comte sought to moralize one and all, a cure for humanity not for one class at the expense of another.”
    “At Nuremberg, Rundstedt interpreted his military role as being to execute orders to the best of his ability, but never to moralize to his superior.”